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Configuration and
Computer systems and
network’s hardware
Storage devices

Alternatively referred to as digital devices, storage,
storage media, or storage medium, a storage device is
any hardware capable of holding information either
temporarily or permanently.

Computer hardware includes physical,
tangible pats or components of a computer,
such as the storage devices, central processing
unit, input devices, output devices.
The 5 types of

• Storage Devices
• Central Processing Unit
• Input Devices
• Output Devices
Types of storage

1. Diskette
2. Universal Serial Bus (USB) 
3. Compact disc (CD)

A diskette is a random access, removable
data storage medium that can be used with personal
computers. The term usually refers to the magnetic
medium housed in a rigid plastic cartridge measuring
3.5 inches square and about 2millimeters thick.
Bus (USB) 

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard
that establishes specifications for cables and
connectors and protocols for connection,
communication and power supply between
computers, peripheral devices and other computers.
disc (CD)

A Compact Disc, also called a CD are small
plastic discs which store and retrieve computer
data or music using light. Compact Discs replaced
floppy disks because they were faster and could
hold more information.
Central processing
unit (CPU)

 A central processing unit (CPU), also called a central
processor or main processor, is the electronic
circuitry within a computer that carries out the
instructions of a computer program by performing
the basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and
input/output (I/O) operations specified by the
Types of CPU

1. Arithmetic Logic Unit
2. Registers Control Section
3. Internal Bus
Unit (ALU)

An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit used to
perform arithmetic and logic operations. It represents the
fundamental building block of the central
processing unit (CPU) of a computer. Modern CPUs contain
very powerful and complex ALUs. In addition to ALUs,
modern CPUs contain a control unit (CU).
Section (RCS)

The registers control section (RCS) is a component of a
computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs the
operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory,
arithmetic and logic unit and input and output devices how
to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the

An internal data bus (also called internal bus) is a bus that
operates only within the internal circuitry of the CPU,
communicating among the internal caches of memory that
are part of the CPU chip's design. This bus is typically rather
quick and is independent of the rest of
the computer's operations.
Input Devices

 an input device is a piece of computer hardware
equipment used to provide data and control signals
to an information processing system such as a
computer or information appliance.
Examples of Input

1. keyboard
2. Mouse
3. joystick

A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a
person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols (these
are called characters in a keyboard) into a computer. It is
one of the most used input devices for computers. Using a
keyboard to enter lots of data is called typing.

A computer mouse is a handheld hardware input device that
controls a cursor in a GUI (graphical user interface) and can
move and select text, icons, files, and folders on
your computer. For desktop computers, the mouse is placed
on a flat surface such as a mouse pad or a desk in front of
your computer.

In computers, a joystick is a cursor control device used in
computer games and assistive technology . The joystick,
which got its name from the control stick used by a pilot to
control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane, is a hand-
held lever that pivots on one end and
transmits its coordinates to a computer.
Output devices

 An output device is any piece of computer hardware
equipment which converts information into human-
readable form. It can be text, graphics, tactile, audio,
and video. Some of the output devices are Visual
Display Units (VDU) i.e. a Monitor, Printer, Graphic
Output devices, Plotters, Speakers etc.
Examples of output

1. Printers
2. Monitors
3. Speakers
4. Scanners

A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output
from a computer and transfers the information to paper,
usually to standard size sheets of paper. Printers vary in
size, speed, sophistication, and cost. In general, more
expensive printers are used for higher-resolution
color printing.

A computer monitor is an output device that
displays information in pictorial form.
A monitor usually comprises the display
device, circuitry, casing, and power supply.

Computer speakers range widely in quality and in price.
Computer speakers sometimes packaged with computer
systems are small, plastic, and have mediocre sound
quality. Some computer speakers have equalization
features such as bass and treble controls.

A scanner is a device that captures images from photographic
prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer
editing and display. Scanners come in hand-held, feed-in, and
flatbed types and for scanning black-and-white only, or color.

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