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Lecture No 02

Electrical Machines
Text Book: Chapter 01 (Stephen J. Chapman 4th Ed)


• Production of a Magnetic Field (Page-8)
• Magnetic Circuits (Page-11)

Instructor: Dr. Farid Gul

Class: BEE-20AB

Electrical Engineering Department

The fundamental mechanism by which energy is converted from one form to
another in motors, generators, and transformers

The four basic principles

1. A current-carrying wire produces a magnetic field in the area around it.

2. A time-changing magnetic field induces a voltage in a coil of wire if it passes through

that coil. (the basis of transformer action.)

3. A current-carrying wire in the presence of a magnetic field has a force induced on it.
(the basis of motor action.)

4. A moving wire in the presence of a magnetic field has a voltage induced in it. (the
basis of generator action.)

Production of Magnetic Field
 Ampere’s Law: is the basic law governing the production of
a magnetic field by a current.

 H.dl  I net

• H is the magnetic field intensity produced

by the current Inet

• Inet is the net current passing within the

path of integration

 The magnitude of magnetic field intensity H applied over the entire

length l is equal to the net current applied.

Production of Magnetic Field
 Since the coil of wire cuts the path of integration N times while carrying
current i, the Ampere's law can be written as:

Hlc  Ni    

The magnetic field intensity H is a measure of the "effort" that a

current is putting into the establishment of a magnetic field

 For a rectangular core the path of integration

in the Ampere’s law is the mean path length
of core.

 H.dl  I net

Production of Magnetic Field
• The magnetic flux produced in the core depends on the material of the
core in addition to the magnetic field intensity.
• The relationship between the magnetic field intensity H and the resulting
magnetic flux density B produced within a material is given by

B  H

H : magnetic field intensity {ampere-turns per meter}

µ : magnetic permeability of material {henrys per meter}
B : magnetic flux density {webers per m2, or teslas (T)}
µ : is the relative ease of establishing magnetic flux in a given
H : is the effort exerted by the current to establish a magnetic field

The permeability of free space is:

 o  4   10 -7 H/m
Production of Magnetic Field
 Relative permeability: It is the permeability of any other
material compared to free space.

r 
• Relative permeability helps to compare material’s
• For steel r varies from 2000 to 6000. The magnetic flux
produced in steel will be 2 to 6 thousand times more than the
flux produced in air for the same magnetic field intensity.
• High permeability of steel implies flux will tend to flow through
the iron and will not go out.

Production of Magnetic Field
For the given core the flux density is given
B  H

Total flux due to this flux density can

be written as:

   B.dA

If flux density vector B is perpendicular to a plane of

area A, and the flux density is uniform, then

Magnetic Circuits

 The +ve end of the mmf source is the end from which the
flux exits, and the -ve end of the mmf source is the end
at which the flux reenters.
Magnetic Circuits
Magnetic analog of conductance is permeance P

Reluctance of the core

Right hand Rule: If the fingers of the right

hand curl in the direction of the current flow in
a coil of wire then the thumb will point in the
direction of the flux i.e., +ve mmf.

Magnetic Circuits
Reluctance follows the same series and parallel combination rules as resistance in
an electric circuit

Series connection

Parallel connection

Magnetic Circuit Calculation
Accurate within about 95% of real answer.
1. Due to LEAKAGE FLUX: The permeability of ferromagnetic material
may be 2,000 to 6,000 times the air, but still some flux will tend to
2. We assume certain mean path length and cross-sectional area of the
core. These assumptions are not really very good.

3. Permeability varies with the amount of flux already in the material. Since
reluctance depends upon the permeability of the material, it contributes
error to magnetic circuit analysis.

Magnetic Circuit Calculation
4. If there is an air gap in the flux path, the effective cross-sectional area of
the air gap will be larger than that of the iron core on either side. The
increase in effective area is caused by the "fringing effect" of the magnetic

Example 1-2
Figure 1-8a shows a ferromagnetic core whose mean path length is 40 cm. There is a gap of 0.05
cm in the structure of the core. The cross-sectional area of the core is 12 cm2, the relative
permeability of the core is 4000, and the coil of wire on the core has 400 turns.
Assume that fringing in the air gap increases the effective cross-sectional area of the air gap by 5
percent. Given this information, find:
(a) the total reluctance of the flux path (iron plus air gap)
(b) the current required to produce a flux density of 0.5 T in the air gap

Solution (a) The reluctance of the core is

lc lc
c  
 Ac r 0 Ac
0.4 m

(4000)(4 107 )(0.0012 m 2 )

Figure 1-8a  66300 A  turns / Wb

Example 1-2
The effective area of the air gap is
1.05 x 12 cm2 = 12.6 cm2
The reluctance of the air gap is

The total reluctance of the flux path is

Example 1-2
b) the current required to produce a flux density of 0.5 T in the air gap


Solve example 1-1 , 1-3


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