Network Traffic Management: By: Kareena Patel

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Network Traffic


By: Kareena patel

Sr. No. Content

1 Introduction
2 Why It’s Important to Monitor Network Traffic
3 Types Of Network Traffic
4 Requirements for managing Network Traffic
5 Approaches for Traffic Measurement.
6 Types of Measurement tools.
7 Traffic Analysis
8 Traffic Management
9 Advantages Of Network Traffic Management
10 Disadvantage Of Network Traffic
What is Computer Network

A computer network is a data

communications system which
interconnects computer system at
various different sites.

Ever since the internet has become

popular , both the transmission speed
and the response time remain a
crucial problem.
What Is Network Traffic
Network Traffic is the amount of data
moving across a computer network at
any given time.

Network traffic also called data traffic,

is broken down into data packets and
sent over a network before being
reassembled by the receiving device or
Why It’s Important to Monitor
Network Traffic
 Network traffic monitoring is important because
it can have a big impact on the performance of a
computer network. If there is too much traffic, it
can cause the network to become congested and
slow down. In extreme cases it can even cause
the network to crash.

 That’s why it’s important to monitor network

traffic and be aware of what is causing high
traffic levels. By doing this, you can avoid or fix
problems that can lead to poor network
Types of Network Traffic

Unicast Traffic:

Unicasttraffic is sent from one

computer to another specific computer.

This is the most common type of traffic

on the Internet and includes things like
web browsing, email, and file transfers.
Multicast Traffic:

MulticastTraffic is sent from one

computer to a group of computers.

 This is often used for streaming

media, such as audio or video, and
can be inefficient if there are a lot of
members in the group who are not
interested in the data being sent.
Requirements for managing
Network Traffic
Service monitoring – making sure
things keep working.

Cost recovery – session times and traffic

volumes can provide billing data.

Research - an improved understanding

of what’s happening should allow us to
improve network performance
Approaches for Traffic

 Server logs:

 Web server configured to record

information about all client requests.

 Each line of the access log contains

information on a single request for a
 Passive Measurement:
 Choose an appropriate site passively
capture every IP packet through it.

 Ideal site would be one through which

many connection pass.

 User can build complicated boolean

expression to decide which data
packets to catch.
Active Measurement:

1. Injection of probes into network

by user and providers

2. Ping and Trace route

 Path connectivity
 Round trip delay
Types of Measurement Tools

 Local Systems:

 Remote End Systems:


 Routers:
Measurement Tools
Traffic Analysis

 LAN Traffic.
 Traffic on a LAN has shown to be self similar in
nature. Those means if I measure the traffic over a
period of one hour and plot it, it will be similar to the
graph for the traffic plotted over a period of one day.

 In the same manner the day graph will be similar to

the traffic graph plotted over a week and the week
graph for that of a month. The patter of the variation
of the traffic repeats itself over regular intervals.
LAN Traffic
LAN Traffic
WAN traffic
Random Traffic
 These traffic here seems to follow no
fixed pattern
Bursty Traffic
 Thismodel states that, the average traffic over
the network stays roughly constant, except for
the sudden bursts (long and short)
Traffic Management
A look at the figure below will make the
comprehension of network traffic before
and after it is managed more clear.

The figure is a depiction of the

transmission media whilst it is carrying
the unmanaged traffic. As we can see
normal applications such as maybe video,
audio downloads etc are taking up the
major portion of the available band width.
Traffic Management
Advantages Of Network Traffic

 Troubleshoot quickly and efficiently:

• Makes problem-solving easier by identifying

bandwidth bottlenecks and other network
issues in real time, including irregular
change in traffic behavior and configuration
Manage network changes:
 Helps you adapt to growth and changes in your
network, monitor them to detect abnormal
fluctuations or threats, forecast traffic behavior,
and plan requirements to ensure your network's
requirements are matched.

Prevent outages:

 Gives you visibility into your network

performance data in real time, and helps you
detect and prevent potential issues and outages.
Disadvantage Of Network Traffic

 When network traffic is occurs , it can cause

inconvenient network problems that can affect
performance, such as high levels of jitter, packet
loss, and latency, as well as a decrease in
throughput. A congested network can be a sign
of a larger issue in your network.

 Becauseof this, it’s important to have network

performance monitoring tools in place that can
proactively detect network congestion in your
own network, and outside of it.

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