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Divine Mercy College Found,. Inc. 129 University

Avenue, Caloocan City

Language Registers
5 types of the Language Registers



Education analysis

01 02 03 04
Informal / Casual
Frozen register Formal register
Consultative Register: Register: This register
describes speech that describes speech that
This register is formal is used among friends
is so formalized that it is elevated, precise,
and acceptable and peers, and
is often produced via and often
speech often used in includes informal
recitation rather than professional, official,
professional settings. language including
spontaneous speech or impersonal in
slang and
production. nature.
Intimate register
describes speech that is
about personal topics
used between close
acquaintances, such as
family members, close
friends, or romantic
partners, and can
employ standard or
grammatical forms.
Definition analysis
The language register (also called Any type of spoken or written
linguistic register and speech communication uses a language
register) definition describes the register because register is a type of
way a person speaks in relation to 01 linguistic variation. Linguistic
their audience. A speaker modifies 02 variation describes the complex
their language register to signal ways speakers modify their language
levels of formality according to their use according to social cues,
relationship to their audience and communication context, and
intended purpose of speech. In personal expression. Language
English, for example, a speaker 04 register, therefore, can be defined as
might modify their speech to fit a
formal language register by using
03 the type of linguistic variation that
indicates level of formality and
more complex vocabulary and clear speaker-audience relationship.
articulation, and by omitting any
slang or informal speech.
Definition analysis
Conveyance of language register Language register is a sociolinguistic
involves complex, nuanced linguistic construct. Sociolinguistics is the
variation that differs from language to 01 branch of linguistics that examines
language and within dialects of the 02 language as a social tool. Because
same language. A higher register language register is deeply enmeshed
sounds more official, formal, and in social norms, it is a component of
standard; a lower register sounds sociolinguistic communication. This
informal, casual, and often uses lesson only discusses English
regional or dialectal phrasing that is (primarily Standard American English),
not standard. Language register can be
gauged on a scale from the most
04 so the examples used here do not

formal (or highest register) to the least 03 necessarily apply to other languages.

formal (or lowest register).


Comprehension Skills
Education policy
English language learners (ELLs)
often have problems mastering
Reading comprehension is the
science, math, or social studies
ability read and understand
concepts because they cannot
the meaning of the text and
comprehend the textbooks for
these subjects.

Reading comprehension is the

ELLs at all levels of English
ability to process what is proficiency, and literacy, will
being read, understand the benefit from explicit instruction
meaning the author is trying to
of comprehension skills along
convey — both textually and
with other skills.
subtextually — and make
inferences based on prior
Examples of comprehension skills that
can be taught and applied to all reading
situations include:

to express the most important facts

or ideas about something or Summarizing
someone in a short and clear form:
I'll just summarize the main points
of the argument in a few words.
In genetics and biochemistry,
Sequencing sequencing means to determine the
primary structure (sometimes
incorrectly called the primary
the act or process of inferring sequence) of an unbranched
specifically : the act of passing
from one proposition, statement, or
Inferencing biopolymer.

judgment considered as true to

another whose truth is believed to Comparing involves identifying similarities and/or
follow logically from that of the Comparing and differences (e.g., apples and oranges are both fruit)
former. whereas contrasting involves comparing two or more
contrasting objects or events in order to show their differences
(e.g., an apple has a thin skin that we can eat; an
orange has a thick skin that we cannot eat).
Examples of comprehension skills that can
be taught and applied to all reading
situations include:

In drawing conclusions (making inferences),

you are really getting at the ultimate meaning
of things – what is important, why it is
important, how one event influences another,
how one happening leads to another.
Self- examination of one's own
actions and motives.
the act of defining a problem; determining the
cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing,
and selecting alternatives for a solution; and
implementing a solution.

a reader's understanding of the specific

Relating background concepts, situations and problems
knowledge associated with the words encountered in the
Examples of comprehension skills that
can be taught and applied to all reading
situations include:

A fact is something that is known to be

true and can be proved e.g. there are seven
Distinguishing days in a week. An opinion is what
Details, major and minor, support the main between fact and someone believes and has no proof e.g.
idea by telling how, what, when, where, opinion Scotland is the best place to live in the
why, how much, or how many. Locating the world.
topic, main idea, and supporting details Finding the main idea,
helps you understand the point(s) the important facts, and
writer is attempting to express. Identifying supporting details
the relationship between these will
increase your comprehension.
Education reflection

These skills are particularly important

for comprehending what is generally
known as information reading or
expository reading.


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