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The Ghost of Green


1. Give one example of external conflicts
and one of internal conflicts presented in
the play. (4)

Man VS Wives/Sister
Man VS their fear
2. Which characters portray the
following traits? Identify the character
and support your answer.

Traits Evidence (4)

brave Armstrong’s  

romantic  Jimmy  
3. When is the climax of the story? (2)

When they found the bird cage and
Prof. Armstrong realizes that it’s his
4. What is the theme of the story? (2) Explain
briefly (1) and support your idea. (2)

 Theme
 Explain
 Support
5. Discuss situational irony presented in the play. (4)

 What is expected to happen?
No one know their secret. They can play
the cards at the mansion.
 What is really happen in the story?
Prof. Armstrong’s sister knows and later
the wives will know.
6. In your opinion, is The Ghost of Green
Mansion a tragedy or a comedy? Give
reasons to support your answer. (2)

Tragedy or Comedy

7. Mark “X” in the diagram below
where the clothes-tree is in Scene 2. (2)


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