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Fluid Mechanics : - Branch of science
that deals with behaviour of fluid at
rest as well as in motion.

Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Statics Fluid Kinematics
(Study of fluids in
(Study of fluids at (Study of fluids in motion with
rest) motion without consideration of
considering the the forces causing
forces causing the the motion)
Fluid mechanics
Fluid mechanics is that branch of science which deals
with the behaviour of the fluids (liquids or gases) at rest
as well as in motion. Thus this branch of science deals
with the static, kinematics and dynamic aspect of fluids.
The study of fluids at rest is called fluid static. The study
of fluids in motion, where force are not considered, is
called fluid kinematics and if the pressure forces are
considered for the fluids in motion , that branch of
science is called fluid dynamics.

•“ Fluid is a substance which is capable of Flowing”

•Fluid Characteristics :-
1. It has no definite shape.
2. It occupies the shape of the vessel in which it is filled.
3. A small amount of shear force exerted on a liquid will
cause deformation which continuous as long as the
force continues to be applied.
Properties of Fluids
• Density.
• Viscosity.
• Temperature.
• Pressure.
• Specific Volume.
• Specific Weight.
• Specific Gravity
Mass Density
• Mass Density is simply mass per unit
volume at standard temperature & pressure

• Value and units : density of water is 1

gm/cm3 or 1000 kg/m3
Specific Weight
• It is defined as the weight per unit volume at
standard temperature & pressure

• Value and units : w for water = 9810 N/m3,

9.81 kN/m3, 1000 kgf/m3 or 981 dynes/cm3
Specific Volume
• specific volume of a fluid is define as the
volume of a fluid occupied by a unit mass or
volume per unit mass of a fluid is called
specific volume

Units : m3/N or m3/kgf or cm3/dynes

Specific Gravity

• Specific gravity is the ratio of the specific

weight of the liquid to the specific weight of
a standard fluid

• Units : Dimensionless / No Unit

• Viscosity or dynamic viscosity is the
resistance that a fluid offers to flow when
subject to a shear. Units : kg.f-sec/m2 or dyne-
sec/cm2 or N.s/m2
• 1 N.s/m2 = 10 poise
Kinematic viscosity
• it is define as the ratio between the dynamic
viscosity and density of fluid.

• Units-
one stock=cm2/s=(1/100)2m2/s=10^-4m2/s
Types of Fluids

Bingham plastic : resist a small shear stress but flow easily under large shear
stresses, e.g. sewage sludge, toothpaste, and jellies.
Pseudo plastic : most non-Newtonian fluids fall under this group. Viscosity
decreases with increasing velocity gradient, e.g. colloidal
substances like clay, milk, and cement.
Dilatants : viscosity decreases with increasing velocity gradient, e.g.
Thixotrophic : non-linear relationship between the shear stress and the rate
of angular deformation, beyond an initial yeild stress
Types of Fluids
• Ideal fluid is incompressible and has no viscosity. It is an
imaginary fluid and does not exists in reality
• Real fluid possesses viscosity. In practice all fluids are real.
• A real fluid which obeys Newton’s law of viscosity is
known as Newtonian fluid
• A real fluid which does not obeys Newton’s law of
viscosity is known as Non-Newtonian fluid.
• A fluid, in which shear stress is more than the yield value
and shear stress to proportional to the rate of shear
strain, is known as real plastic fluid
Properties of Fluids
• Variation of Viscosity with Temperature : Viscosity
of liquids decreses with increase in temperature while viscosity
of gases increases with increase in temperature.
• Cohesive Forces

• Molecular Momentum Transfer

Properties of Fluids
• Relation between viscosity and temperature :
1. For liqiuds :

μ = viscosity of liquid at t oC in poise. For water : μo = 1.79*10^-3 poise

μo = viscosity of liquid at 0 oC in poise. α = 0.03368
α , β = constants for liquids/gases. β = 0.000221

2. For Gases :

For air : μo = 0.000017

α = 5.6*10^-8
β = 0.1189*10^-9
• Thermodynamic properties : Effect of T & P on L and G
• Gas Equation : p = ρ*R*T or p/v = R*T
• Universal gas equation : p = ρ*R*T = p = (m/v)*R*T
pv = m*R*T
Where, ρ = density of gas
R = Gas constant = 29.3 kgf-m/kg-k (MKS)
= 29.3 9.81 Nm/kg-k = 287 J/kg-k
(SI) T = Absolute temp in k , Tabs = 273.15 + t oC
V = Specific Volume = 1/ ρ
m = n * M , ( m = mas of gas in kg)
n = number of moles in a volume of a gas ( 1
mole = 6.02*10^23 things – Avagadros no.)
M = mas of gas molecules / mas of hydrogen
 Isothermal Process : p/ ρ = constant
 Adiabatic Process : p/ ρ^k = constant (k = ratio of specific heat of a gas at
constant temp. and constant volume.)
• Compressibility is the reciprocal of the bulk
modulus of elasticity

Compressibility =1 / Bulk Modulus (K)

bulk modulus
• It is defined as the ratio of compressive stress
to volumetric strain
Surface tension
Surface tension is defined as the tensile force
acting on the surface of a liquid in contact with a
gas or on the surface between two immiscible
liquids such that the contact surface behaves
like a membrane under tension.
• Capillarity is defined as a phenomenon of rise or fall
of a liquid surface in a small tube relative to the
adjacent general level of liquid when the tube is
held vertically in the liquid. The rise of liquid
surface is known as capillary rise while the fall of
the liquid surface is known as capillary depression.
It is expressed in terms of cm or mm of liquid. Its
value depends upon the specific weight of the
liquid, diameter of the tube and surface tension of
the liquid.

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