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Title Proposal

Mondejar, Allen S.
Flores Rica C.
YESS: Online Summer Job Inquiry System With SMS Notification

The high percentage of youth unemployment in Himamaylan City is the issue that the YESS
initiative tries to solve by developing an online summer jobs enquiry system with SMS notification.
Particularly in the summer, when school is out and there is fierce competition for jobs, many young
people in the city struggle to find employment prospects. This may harm their chances of finding job
in the future and maintaining their financial security.
However, both companies and job seekers may find the conventional job inquiry procedure to be
time-consuming and inefficient. Inquiring about job openings in person may be necessary for young
people, which can be expensive and time-consuming, and employers may find it difficult to handle
the vast number of applications they receive. For all parties, this may lead to lost opportunities and

In addition, without a centralized platform for employment inquiries and applications, job searchers
might not be aware of all the openings in the city, and employers might find it challenging to connect
with a large pool of competent candidates. This can lead to missed opportunities for both companies
and young people, worsening the problem of youth unemployment in Himamaylan City.
The objectives of developing an online summer jobs inquiry system with SMS notification under the
Youth Employment and Student Support (YESS) program in Himamaylan City are:
• To improve access to job opportunities for young people in Himamaylan City
• To streamline the job inquiry process for young people
• To reduce administrative burden on city administrators
• To provide real-time updates about job applications
• To improve communication between job seekers and employers
Scope and Limitations
The scope of the YESS program's online summer jobs inquiry system with SMS notification
includes the following:
• Development of a centralized online platform for job inquiries and applications
• Job application tracking
• SMS notification
• User-friendly interface
• Integration with social media
• Security and privacy
• Access to technology
• Limited job opportunities
• Limited SMS capability
• Language barriers
• Limited timeframe

Overall, while the YESS program's online summer jobs inquiry system with SMS notification
has significant potential to improve access to job opportunities for young people in
Himamaylan City, there are also limitations to its functionality and reach.
Solution to the Problem
The YESS program's online summer jobs inquiry system with SMS notification provides an
effective solution to the problem of limited access to job opportunities for young people in
Himamaylan City. The system streamlines the job inquiry process, provides real-time updates,
and improves communication between job seekers and employers, making it easier for young
people to find and apply for job opportunities.
Evacuation Center Management System with SMS Notification For Himamaylan City

During emergencies such as natural disasters, the management of evacuation centers can be
challenging for local authorities. The lack of a centralized system for managing evacuation centers
can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and delays in providing assistance to residents who are
displaced. Furthermore, residents who are affected by the emergency may not receive timely and
accurate information about the location of evacuation centers and other essential details. This can
result in additional stress and anxiety for those affected by the emergency. Therefore, there is a need
for an efficient and reliable system that can streamline the management of evacuation centers and
provide timely information to affected residents.
The Evacuation Center Management System with SMS Notification for Himamaylan City aims to
achieve the following objectives:
• Streamline the process of managing evacuation centers
• Ensure timely and accurate information dissemination
• Improve coordination among stakeholders
• Increase transparency and accountability
• Facilitate communication through SMS notifications

Overall, the objectives of the Evacuation Center Management System with SMS Notification for
Himamaylan City are to ensure an efficient, effective, and timely response to emergencies while
providing accurate information to affected residents.
Scope and Limitations
The scope of the Evacuation Center Management System with SMS Notification for
Himamaylan City includes the following:
• Registration of evacuation centers
• Management of resources
• Coordination of stakeholders
• SMS notifications
• Dependence on internet and mobile networks
• Limited accessibility
• Limited coverage
• Limited resources
• Reliability on user input

Despite these limitations, the Evacuation Center Management System with SMS Notification for
Himamaylan City will still provide a valuable tool for improving the efficiency, transparency, and
accountability of disaster response efforts, and ultimately help provide faster and more effective
assistance to those who need it most.
Solution to the Problem
The Evacuation Center Management System with SMS Notification for Himamaylan City
provides an efficient and effective solution to the challenges faced in managing evacuation
centers during emergencies. It enables real-time information dissemination, efficient resource
management, and effective coordination among stakeholders, thereby ensuring a timely and
effective response to emergencies.
DSWD Calamity Assistance Request and Distribution Tracking System for Himamaylan City

When calamities strike, there is often a surge of requests for assistance. These requests can come
from various sources, such as affected individuals and families, local government units, and non-
governmental organizations. Without a centralized system to manage these requests, it can be
difficult to ensure that assistance is provided in a fair and equitable manner. Another challenge is
ensuring that relief goods and other forms of assistance are distributed fairly and transparently.
Without a tracking system in place, there is a risk of duplication, hoarding, or unequal
distribution of aid. This can lead to further suffering and discontent among affected
The DSWD Calamity Assistance Request and Distribution Tracking System for Himamaylan City
has several objectives, including:
• Streamlining the request process
• Enhancing transparency and accountability
• Improving coordination among different agencies
• Providing timely and efficient assistance
• Establishing a database for future disaster response planning

The objectives of the DSWD Calamity Assistance Request and Distribution Tracking System for
Himamaylan City are to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of disaster response
efforts, and ultimately help provide faster and more effective assistance to those who need it most.
Scope and Limitations
The DSWD Calamity Assistance Request and Distribution Tracking System for Himamaylan
City will cover the following areas:
• Request management
• Distribution tracking
• Coordination and collaboration
• Reporting and analysis
• Technical limitations
• Human error
• Resource constraints
• Privacy concerns
• Geographic limitations

Despite these limitations, the DSWD Calamity Assistance Request and Distribution Tracking
System for Himamaylan City will still provide a valuable tool for improving the efficiency,
transparency, and accountability of disaster response efforts, and ultimately help provide faster
and more effective assistance to those who need it most.
Solution to the Problem
The DSWD Calamity Assistance Request and Distribution Tracking System for Himamaylan
City is a comprehensive solution that will improve the efficiency, transparency, and
accountability of disaster response efforts, and ultimately help provide faster and more effective
assistance to those who need it most.

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