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• After the completion of the fact-finding investigation,
the Supervising Probation Officer on case shall
prepare this report containing his findings and
recommendations and submit the same to the CPPO
for review and approval. This report is known as ___.
A. Infraction Report
B. Violation Report
C. Status Report
D. Progress Report
• The order issued by the court after the
expiration or extended probation period and
upon finding that he has fulfilled the probation
terms and conditions is known as ____.
A. Probation order
B. Parole Order
C. Final Report
D. Termination order
•  An executive clemency ordering deferment
of the implementation of the sentence for
an interval of time is called ____.
A. Pardon
B. Commutation of Sentence
C. Parole
D. Reprieve
• From what particular office should the
order of grant of executive clemency
A. Board of Pardons and Parole
B. Pardon and Parole Administration
C. President
D. None of them
• What particular period should the inmate serve if
he will be recommitted to the prison for violating
the conditions cited in his release document if
such release is through conditional pardon?
A. Original Imposed Sentenced
B. Unexpired Remaining Sentence
C. Serve new sentence
D. Any of them
• The BuCor shall be in charge of
safekeeping and instituting reformation
programs to inmates sentenced to how
many years?
A. More than three (3) years
B. Three years
C. Less than three years
D. None of the above
• First Law on Probation in the Philippines is
A. Act 4221
B. RA 4221
C. Act 4225
D. RA 4225
• What was that case that became the
reason why the first law on probation was
A. People vs Vera
B. People vs Patricia
C. People vs Denac
D. People vs Den-ac
• When shall the application for probation be
A. At any time before judgment
B. At any time of the trial
C. At  any time after conviction
D. At any time before conviction
• What do you call that order of the trial
court granting probation?
A. Termination order
B. Reparation Order
C. Probation Order
D. Probationer Order
•  Outside travel for a cumulative duration of
more than thirty (30) days within a period
of six (6) months shall be considered?
A. Supervising probationer
B. Manifestation
C. Courtesy Supervision
D. Conducted Report
• The prisoner who applies for the grant of
executive clemency or parole is known as
A. Petitioner
B. Client
C. Applicant
D. Petition
• Refers to a prisoner granted of conditional
pardon who is placed under supervision of a
Probation and Parole Officer is known as ___.
A. Petitioner
B. Client
C. Applicant
D. Petition
•  What kind of community-based treatment is
taken when the grant of which is after conviction
and sentence and the court set conditions of
such treatment?
A. Parole
B. Probation
C. Amnesty
D. Pardon
•  What do we call that investigation
conducted if the applicant for probation
appears to be qualified?
A. Pre-Sentenced Investigation
B. Post-Sentenced Investigation
C. Pre-Release Investigation
D. Post-Release Investigation
• The PSI conducted by the Probation
officer shall submit the report within how
many days?
A. Earlier than 60 days
B. More than 60 days
C. Within 60 days
D. Less than 60 day
• It is a general courtesy investigation (GCI) from
another city or provincial parole and probation
office which requests for a complete PSIR on a
petition for probation pending referral
investigation in the probation office of origin?
A. Ful Blown Courtesy Investigation
B. Full Blown Courtesy Investigation
C. Ful Blow Courtesy Investigation
D. Full Blown Courtetsy Investigation
• A document issued upon the grant of
parole citing the conditions of the
obligations that such parolee should
comply is ___.
A. Release Certificate
B. Release Document
C. Parole Release
D. Parole Order
• A grant accorded to a PDL on good conduct
entitling him to deductions from the possible
maximum imposable imprisonment or period of
• A. Commutation of Sentence
• b. Good Conduct Time Allowance
• c. Pardon
• d. Reprieve
•  If the probationer fails to report within 72
hours upon receipt of the order of
probation to the proper office, he is
considered to be absconding _____.
A. Probationer
B. Applicant
C. Probation
D. Petitioner
• The application for probation shall be
deemed a waiver of the right to appeal.
The statement is __.
• a. true
• b. false
• c. partly true
• d. partly false
• . It is the authority of the President of the
Philippines to suspend the execution of penalty,
reduce the sentence and extinguish criminal
• A. Reprieve  
• B. Commutation 
• C. Executive Clemency 
• D. Amnesty 
• Under the law, the President has the power
to grant pardons, commutations, reprieves,
amnesty for all offenses, except :
• A. Rebellion  
• B. Robbery
• C. Homicide  
• D. Impeachment cases
• The recipient of absolute pardon is _____
from civil liability impose upon him by the
• A. not exempted  
• B. not free
• C. partially exempted 
• D. Exempted
• For amnesty to be granted to a group of
prisoners, there should be
• A. Consent of the President
• B. Post Sentence Investigation 
• C. Concurrence of the congress 
• D. Application by the group of prisoners 
• It refers to the temporary delay in the
imposition of the death penalty by the
executive order of the state.
• A. Commutation of sentence             
• B. Reprieve             
• C. Amnesty 
• D. Postponement
• . Under the probation law, how many times can
offender be granted probation?
• A. Once as minor, and another as an adult
• B. Depends on the discretion of the trial court 
• C. Depends on the President of the Philippines
• D. Once and only on the first offense
• What is the nature of hearing the violation
of probation?
• A. Formal
• B. Summary 
• C. Legal 
• D. Immediate
• An obligation of record, entered into before some
court or magistrate duly authorized to take it, with the
condition to do some particular act, the most usual
condition in criminal cases being the appearance of
the accused for trial 
• A. Bail
• B. Court appearance
• C. Arraignment 
• D. Recognizance 
• A clepe that is not a party to a case but
assists the court by offering information is
called as ____.
1.Amicus Curiae
• CARDO evaded his preventive imprisonment during
calamity and gives himself up within 48 hours
following the declaration of passing away of such
calamity. Therefore, CARDO will be granted how
much deduction of sentence?
A. 1/2 
B. 1/3
C. 1/5
D. 2/5
•  Petition for Pardon must be addressed to
the ____.
A. President
C. Court who tried the case
• The following are the purposes of Commutation
of sentence, EXCEPT
A. To break the rigidity of law
B. To extend parole in cases where the parole law
does not apply
C. To save the life of person sentenced to death
D. To restore full political and civil rights
It is a disposition   under   which   a  
defendant, after   conviction   and sentence,
is released subject to conditions imposed by
the Trial Court and to the supervision of a
Probation Officer.
A. Probationer
B. Petitioner
C. Probation
D. Parolee
It is the incurring of a liability to pay a definite
sum of money as the consequence of
violating the provisions of some statute or
refusal to comply with some requirement of
D.Remission of fine and forfeiture
Serve at least ______ for prisoners sentenced
to Reclusion Perpetua or Life imprisonment for
crimes or offenses committed before January
1, 1994 is one of the minimum requirements
before commutation of sentence is granted.
A.10 days
B.20 days
C.10 years
D.20 years
Community-based correction is designed so
that ____________ offenders or non-serious
offenders can avoid the stigma and pains of
imprisonment and be rehabilitated in the
A.3rd time
B.First time
C.Second time
Refers to the reimbursement to the victim
made by the offender, most often with
money through occasionally with services.
A.Civil liability
The final discharge of a probationer shall operate to
restore to him all ______ lost or suspended as a result of
his conviction and to fully discharge his liability for any fine
imposed as to the crime or offense for which probation
was granted without prejudice to his civil liability.
A. Civil rights
B. Constitutional rights
C. Statutory rights
D. Human Rights
The period of probation of a defendant
sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not
more than one year shall not exceed
A. 5 years
B.  2 years
C. 4 years
D.  6 years
Refers to the relationship between the
probation officer and the assistant probation
officers during the conduct of operational
A. Operational supervision
B. Supervision
C. Probation supervision
D. Administrative supervision
The PSIR shall, as a rule, be prepared by
the investigating Probation Officer on case
and approved by the _____.
B. Regional Director
C. Administrator
D. Trial Court
PPA Form 3 is also known as _____.
D.Violation Report
A Probation order shall require the probationer
to report to the assigned SPPO, Sr PPO, PPOII
or PPOI in case at least ____ a month during
the period of probation at such time and place
as may be specified by the Probation Office.
D.once a year
A Probationer who seeks to travel for up to thirty (30)
days outside the operational/territorial jurisdiction of
the Probation Office shall file at least _____ days
_____ the intended travel schedule a Request for
Outside Travel with said Office properly recommended
by the Supervising Probation Officer on case and
approved by the CPPO.
A.5, before
B.3, after
C.10, before
D.5, after
How many days will be given to the court to
resolve the petition for probation after
receipt of PSIR?
A.15 days
B. 5 days
C.10 days
D.72 hours
A probation order shall take effect upon its
________, which consists of reading the
probation order in an open court.
Refers to the conditional release of a
prisoner from a correctional institution after
he has served 1/3 of his prison sentence.
A.Conditional pardon
If the case of a prisoner is already eligible
for review, the warden or director concerned
shall send a prisoner’s prison record and
carpeta to the board at least _____ .
A.1 day
B.1 year
C.1 month
D.1 semester
Who may grant parole to a prisoner?
A.Chief Executive
B.Board of Pardons and Parole
C.President of the Philippines
D.a and b
A sentence with minimum and maximum
A.Indeterminate sentence
B.Determinate sentence
C.Indeterminate sentence law
D. Determinate sentence law
 Prisoner who is released on parole is
A. Parolee
Who will authorize a probationer to travel
outside his area of operational/territorial
jurisdiction for a period of more than 30
A.Probation officer
C.Trial court
This is the information gathered from those
persons who have direct knowledge of the
applicant, offended party, family member,
and/or their relatives, including barangay
officials and disinterested persons.
A.Collateral information
B.Post sentence investigation
C.Fact finding investigation
Oblivion means:
A.state of being forgotten
B.state of being undone
C.state of being gone
D.state of being finish
Who is the appointing authority for the head
of PPA and assistant of the head?
A deduction of _________ of the period of his
sentence shall be granted in case said prisoner
chose to stay in the place of his confinement
notwithstanding the existence of a calamity or
catastrophe enumerated in Article 158 of this
A.5 days
At any time during the period of
imprisonment, the prisoner shall be allowed
another deduction of _______, in addition to
GCTA, for each month of study, teaching or
mentoring service time rendered.
A.5 days
B.10 days
C.15 days
D.5 years
Under the amendments to the existing rules on parole
and the existing amended guidelines for recommending
executive clemency, when the parolee reports for
supervision, the probation and parole officer concerned
shall immediately inform the board, through the technical
services of the parole and probation administration, of
such fact by submitting the necessary ____________.
A.Progress report
B.Infraction report
C.Arrival report
D.Summary report
It refers to the report submitted by a
probation and parole officer on the conduct
of the parolee while under supervision.
A.Progress report
B.Violation report
C.Arrival report
After the expiration of the ________sentence of a
client, the Board shall, upon the recommendation of
the Chief Probation and Parole Officer that the client
has substantially complied with all the conditions of
his parole/pardon, issue a certificate of Final
Release and Discharge to a parolee or pardonee.
Upon the issuance of a certificate
of____________, the parolee shall be finally
released and discharged from the conditions
appearing in his release document.
A.Final release
B.Final release and discharge
C.Release document
The period of parole supervision shall extend up to
the expiration of the __________which should
appear in the Release Document, subject to the
provisions of Section 6 of Act No. 4103 with
respect to the early grant of Final Release and
A.Minimum sentence
B.Original sentence
D.Maximum sentence
1.The Board shall send a copy of the Release
Document to the prisoner named therein through
the _____________ or Warden of the jail where
he is confined who shall send a certification of
the actual date of release of prisoner to the
Probation and Parole Officer.
4.Director of correction
A parolee may not transfer from the place of
residence designated in his Release
Document without the prior written approval
of either the Regional Director or the_______,
subject to the confirmation of the Board. 
A.Board of pardon and parole
B.Parole and probation officer
C.Chief probation and parole officer
Any violation of the terms and conditions
appearing in his Release Document or any serious
deviation or non-observance of the obligations set
forth in the parole supervision program shall be
immediately reported by his __________to the
A.Probation and parole officer
B.Board of pardon and parole
C.Parole and probation officer
D.All of them
The Board may recommend the _________ of the
pardon or cancel the grant of parole of a client if it finds
that material information given by said client to the
Board, either before and after release, was false, or
incomplete or that the client had willfully or maliciously
concealed material information from the Board.
The Board may consider the case of a
recommitted parolee for the grant of a new
parole after the latter shall have served
__________ of the unserved portion of his
maximum sentence.
After the completion of the_____________, the
Supervising Probation Officer on case shall
prepare a violation report thereon containing his
findings and recommendations and submit the
same to the CPPO for review and approval. 
A.Fact finding investigation
B.General investigation
A probationer who has not reported for initial supervision
within the ______________ hours from his receipt of the
Probation Order or within the prescribed period ordered by
the Trial Court or whose whereabouts could not be
ascertained notwithstanding best efforts exerted within a
reasonable period of time by the City and Provincial Parole
and Probation Office shall be immediately reported to the
Trial court for appropriate action. 
After having duly considered the nature and
gravity of such a reported violation based on
the submitted Violation Report, the Trial Court
may issue a ___________ of the probationer
for serious violation of his probation condition. 
B.Warrant for the arrest
D.Violation report
It refers to responsibility for a crime and the
penalty society imposes for the crime. Because
crimes cause harm to society as a whole (in
addition to the victim(s)), a government lawyer
(prosecutor) brings charges against the offender
on behalf of its citizens. 
B.Civil liability
D.Criminal liability
It is the forfeiture or loss of the right of the
State to prosecute the offender after the
lapse of a certain time.
A.Prescription of the crime
B.Prescription of penalty
It is a legal obligation that requires a party to
pay for damages or to follow other court-
enforcements in a lawsuit. 
B.Criminal liability
C.Civil liability
It is the loss or forfeiture of the right of the
Government to execute the final sentence
after the lapse of a certain time. 
A.Prescription of crime
B.Civil liability
C.Prescription of penalty
D.Criminal liability
A detainee shall only be granted CGTA if he
_________offers in writing to perform such
labor as may be assigned to him. 
It is imposed upon a person before he/she is
convicted, if he/ she cannot afford bail, or if
his/her criminal case is non-bailable. 
a. Imprisonment
b. Subsidiary imprisonment
c. Preventive imprisonment
d. Retribution 
It is a self-help social learning treatment
model used in the rehabilitation of drug
offenders and other clients with behavioral
A.Restorative justice
B.Therapeutic community
D.Community based program
Imposed in the event an accused person has
been found guilty of a crime and is unable to
pay the fine they were ordered to pay. They
would serve time behind bars if they cannot
pay the fine. This is called ________.
A.Substitute imprisonment
B.Additional imprisonment
C.Subsequent imprisonment
D.Subsidiary imprisonment
Post Sentence investigation report will be
submitted within how many days to the trial
The order to conduct post sentence
investigation will be issued by the trial court
with _______ over the case.
A convicted offender will be given only ____
days to file his/her application for probation.
It refers to the institutional record of an inmate which
consists of his mittimus or commitment order issued by
the court after conviction, the prosecutor’s information
and the decisions of the trial court and the appellate
court, if any; certificate of non-appeal, certificate of
detention and other pertinent documents of the case.
A.Prison record
B.Criminal record
It refers to the report submitted by the
probation and parole officer to the Board,
through the Technical service of the parole and
probation administration, when the parolee has
been subsequently convicted of another crime.
It is an institution for confinement of sentenced
prisoners serving imprisonment for more than
three years. Administered by the State or
National Government (DCJ) and under the
supervision of the Bureau of Correction.
A.Boot camp
It refers to information concerning an inmate’s personal
circumstances, the offense he committed, the sentence
imposed, the criminal case number in the trial and appellate
courts, the date he commenced serving his sentence, the
date he was received for confinement, the place of
confinement, the date of expiration of the sentence, the
number of previous convictions, if any, and his behavior or
conduct while in prison.
a. Carpeta
b. Prison record
c. Criminal record
d. None of these
It refers to the “discharge on parole” issued
by the Board to a parolee and to a document
issued by the President of the Philippines to
a pardonee upon the Board’s
A.Release order
B.Release document
C.Probation order
• It refers to the report submitted by the probation &
parole officer to the Board, through the Technical
Service of the Parole and Probation Administration,
when the parolee commits another offense during the
period of his parole supervision and the case filed has
not yet been decided by the court.
• Status
• Infraction
• Progress
• Arrival
After the grant of probation, probation will
become a matter of right which is called
A.Civil right
B.Statutory right
C.Individual right
D.Human right
A kind of amnesty where it is granted in
direct terms such presidential proclamation. 
A.Express amnesty
B.Implied amnesty
C.General amnesty
D.Specific amnesty
What is the title of PD No. 968?
A. Probation and Parole Law of 1976
B. Probation Law of 1975
C. Probation Law of 1976
D. All of the above
The following are members of the Board of
Pardon and Parole except;
A.Sociologist c. Psychiatrist
B.Clergyman or educator d. None of these
The “Father of Parole”.
A.Sir Walter Crofton c. Capt. Alexander
B.Manuel Montesimos d. Zebulon Brockway
This is the information gathered from those
persons who have direct knowledge of the
applicant, offended party, family member,
and/or their relatives, including barangay
officials and disinterested persons.
A.Collateral information c. Post sentence
B.Fact finding investigation d. Investigation
Who is the first paid government probation
A.Henry Savage c. Edward Savage
B. Edmond Savage d. Harry Savage
• Probation Officer may authorize a
probationer to travel outside his area of
operational/territorial jurisdiction for a period
of more than ten (10) days but not exceeding
• 30 months c. 30 days
• 6 months d. 20 days
Probation was first legally established in
A.United Kingdom c. England
B.United States d. Philippines
The “Father of Parole”.
A.Sir Walter Crofton c. Capt. Alexander
B.Manuel Montesimos d. Zebulon Brockway
The Board of Pardons and Parole is under
what department of the government?
•a. Department of Justice c. Department
of Health
• b. Department of Defense d. Bureau of
A prisoner is paroled only after he has
served a part of his sentence. Is the
statement true?
A.False c. Yes
B.True d. No

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