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• inner tunic = retina (posterior ¾) Eyeball Anatomy

 pigmented layer
• outer, 1 cell thick, epithelium

 neural layer
• transparent, inner
• contains photoreceptors & neurons
• 3 cell layers + 2 synaptic cell layers

see Fig 15.13

Retina – Neural Layer photoreceptors
• rod
bipolar cells • cone
• photoreceptors synapse with
cells pigmented
bipolar cells synapse with layer of retina
ganglion cells (1 order neurons)

• 2 kinds of photoreceptors
 rods = dim, peripheral (120 mil/eye)
 cones = bright, color (6 mil/eye)

amacrine cell
• amacrine & horizontal cells form horizontal cell

lateral circuits – pre- see Fig 15.18

brain processing pathway of signal output

pathway of light
Retina – Neural Layer • fovea centralis in macula lutea
macula lutea  @ posterior pole
 highest visual acuity
optic • cones only
• no neural cell covering

see Fig 15.13

AMD (age-related macular degeneration)
Retina – Neural Layer
• optic disc
macula lutea
where optic nerve exits,
blind spot
blood vessels enter/exit
disc blind spot (no photoreceptors)

• blood supply
 photoreceptors – choroid
 inner 2/3 – central artery &
vein on inner retinal surface

see Fig 15.13

• lens
 biconvex, flexible/elastic
 transparent, avascular
 refracts (bends) light – adjustable
(25% of refraction; cornea
causes 75%)
 close objects  lens bulges to
increase refraction
(called accommodation)

see Fig 15.17

Focusing Light – to look at close object…

1. accommodation of lenses (adjust refraction)

ciliary muscles contract  lens bulges

2. constriction of pupils
sphincter pupillae muscle of iris constricts pupil, prevents blurred vision

3. convergence of eyeballs
extrinsic muscles rotate eyeballs medially
CLOSE UP: contraction  smaller opening 
loosening ligaments  lens thickens

see Fig 15.14

Eyeball Anatomy
Parasympathetic + Sympathetic +

circular muscle iris (2 muscles) – radial muscle

contraction sphincter pupillae & contraction
 pupil size dilator pupillae  pupil size see Fig 15.14
Hearing & Balance
middle internal ear
external ear (labyrinth)


lobule external
auditory tympanic
canal membrane see Fig 15.24
How ear tubes work
Middle Ear
oval window
(deep to stapes)


auditory incus

tympanic membrane

round window

pharyngotympanic tube

see Fig 15.26

A. ciliary body
Choose all that apply…
B. choroid
C. conjunctiva
1. contains smooth muscle
D. cornea
E. iris
2. bends light rays passing into the eye F. lens
G. pupil
3. vascularized tissue H. retina
I. sclera
J. uvea

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