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MATTHEW 17: 1-21

Text: “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (v19)
What is Prayer and Fasting? Prayer is having a dialogue with God. Prayer is a cry of the faithful to God in adoration, thanksgiving, confession, petition and supplication. God is interested in hearing and speaking to his Children. Just as the earthly father will always want to
communicate with his beloved children so also God, God want to establish sound relationship with His children in prayers (Isaiah 59:1). Prayer is about asking, seeking and knocking (Matthew 7:7) God as assured His children of His desire to answer them when they pray (Jeremiah
33:3). Fasting is the twin sister of prayer they are both spiritual tools for warfare. They are spiritual work that expresses spiritual life. They are interlacing in such a way that they centre on self- denial and down play self. Concise Dictionary of the Bible summarized fasting to be
abstinence from food, practiced as a personal discipline or for certain religious reasons such as to seek God’s favour and in the hope of warding off the evil. In Biblical times Fasting was practiced both corporately and individually. Jesus forbade self- advertising piety of sect like
Pharisees (Matt 6:16- 18, Mark 2:18).
Objectives of the Study: It is to impress the Christian life style into our members and to register that the weapon of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to pull down the strong hold.
Question for Discussion:
Prayer is of two ways exercise. Explain ( John 14 : 14, Psalm 91:15, John 15: 7, Isaiah 65:24, Hebrew 13: 5, John 10:27)?
What do you understand by speaking to your situation (Mark 11: 22- 24, Mark 4:35 -41)?
What is the place of common sense in fasting – discuss?
Is prayer and fasting a Christian life style, if yes explained?
What could be reasons for unanswered prayer (James 1:6, Numbers 27:14, 1John 5:14, 15)?
Jesus’ private prayer is eloquent of his secret life of communion with God the Father – Explain?
Christian life is begun with faith, sustained by prayer, fasting, hope and perfected in love. All these are related and interwoven. It is impossible for Christian to do that which impossible with effective prayer and fasting, for impossibilities bow before prayer and fasting in prayer at the
mention of Jesus’ name. Faith in this passage is a criterion of right relationship with God, and also by which we are justified. In the epic story of the healing of the epileptic boy Jesus urged the father of the boy to have faith in Him, and he cried saying I have faith, help me where my
faith falls short. Faith is the dynamic of Christian life style. Prayer and fasting is now possible from the starting point of relationship with God. “Faith not only grasps the unseen God but enters into vital union with Him and thus wields the power of God”
Memory verse: If you shall ask any thing in My name I will do it John 14: 14
Lord ignites the power of prayer within me and let the river of the living water flow within me in Jesus’ name. Amen
Very Revd Sunday Oluwole Adegbola
PBMC Ikorodu, Lagos State.

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