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• Hospitality - is a trait displayed by
every Filipino, characterized by heart-
warming generosity and friendliness
exhibited to foreigners and locals alike.
• Respect - this is often observed not just
by younger people but also by people of
all ages. In the Philippines, respect for
one’s elders is a tradition.
• Strong Family Ties and Religions -
Filipinos value their families so much
that they tend to keep families intact
through the generations. Families go to
church and pray together because their
religion is important and creates a strong
bond, marking God as the center of their
• Generosity and Helpfulness - aside from
being hospitable, Filipinos are also well-
known for being generous. They share what
they have to the people around them even
when they only have little.
• Strong Work Ethics - another good thing
most Filipinos have is being hardworking
people. They are always willing to work
almost the whole day to provide the needs
of their families.
• Loving and Caring - because of their
generosity, hospitality and religiosity,
Filipinos are foound to be the sweetest
and most loving people in the world.
• Fatalism (“Bahala Na” or “Come What May”
Attitude) - when Filipinos are facing
difficulties and shortcomings they have
this attitude of leaving it up to God to
sort things out. An attitude of “What Goes
Around Comes Around.” Filipinos have a
tendency to surrender the future to luck.
• Mañana Habit (Procrastination)
True blooded Filipinos have the attitude
of causing delays in accomplishing things
or making transactions. When not interested
or not in the mood, they wait or reserve
until tomorrow or the next day to finish
what they are doing or meeting their
The “bahala na” attitude is the outcome of
the “mañana habit” when the tasks are left
• Crab Mentality - this is an attitude of
some Filipinos where they tend to push
each other down to clear the way for their
own gain.
• Hypocrisy - this is a trait of the
Filipino where criticisms to others’
failure to live with the moral standards
of the society are inevitable. In the
Philippines morality is highly valued,
most of us try to live up to the standards
set by the traditional society.
• Ningas Cogon - most Filipinos are very
good at the start when doing something.
Nevertheless, after a few hours or days,
that excitement to do or accomplish
something is lost and become too lazy to
finish what were have started.
• Tardiness (Filipino Time) - only in the
Philippines that we have the so-called
“Filipino Time” but not exactly referring
to the Philippine standard time, but then
again we use it to refer to the
“tardiness” of the persons that we are
waiting ot who keeps on coming late to the
• Gossiping - Filipinos are fond of talking
about others’ business. Secrets are
brought out; failures and flaws are
emphasized; and relationships are
destroyed. Worse, as gossips are passed
around, they tend to be twisted until the
final story becomes too far from the
original - thus, causing more damage.
• Blaming - Filipinos can sometimes be too
self-righteous. When mistakes happen, we
do not want to take the blame, we lack
humility to accept our failures, and
instead we point at others.
• Selfishness (being insensitive of others)
- most Filipinos are insensitive to the
needs and situations of others. This could
be an outcome of having too many problems
that Filipinos are facing and the tendency
is to focus on their own needs first
before other.
• Disobedience to Simple Rules and
Instructions - some Filipinos, despite of
the understanding of the purpose of laws
and ordinances have inability to observe
and follow them.
• Attention Taker - Filipinos are fun and
people loving race. Thus, attracting
attention is natural for them.
Nevertheless, it is a different thing to
be an “epal” or “kapalmuks” - simply,
being an attention grabber.
• Being onion-skinned or too sensitive
another habit or attitude that we need to
change is our being too proud which usually
results to being oversensitive.
• Living beyond their means (social
climbing) - one of the reasons why a lot
of Filipinos live in poverty is because of
overspending. Since most people want to
live an elite lifestyle, many resort to
social climbing or living beyond their
• Passivity (lack of leadership) -
Filipinos’ lack of initiative for change
is also one reason why our country does
not progress. We keep on complaining
against the government and other societal
issues. However, we do not do anything
about them.
• Other Negative Traits - Teenage
Pregnancy, bad habits like drinking,
smoking, etc. Prostitution, broken
families, saying bad words and spending
more time with friends than to be with
their parents.
1. Personalism - Filipinos valued
interpersonal relationship. It is firmly
believed that harmonious personal
relationship is the key to successful
2. Familialism - Filipinos are family
oriented. Development programs and projects
in the community are concentrated on the
• Particularism - displayed behaviour by
the individuals may it be good or bad is
blamed against the family. It is based on
the principle that home is the cradle of
human personality and character that is,
the product of goodness is always good and
those who are moulded in wickedness, will
always show-off badness. Individuals
strive to promote their own and their
familys’ interests over community

Values Orientation - is the approach that

may influence work or social relationships
by persons relating to objects, events and
• Pakikiramay - it is in the Filipino value
of going out of the way to help, without
being asked, i.e., unsolicited help.
• Pakikisama (Smooth Interpersonal
Relationship) - regardless whether
someones’ views are agreeable or not,
Filipinos are capable of getting along
with it. Camaraderie, trust, confidence,
and loyalty are enhanced and developed by
this Filipino value.
• Bayanihan - Filipinos are able to render
services and generous enough to extend
help without compensation. Somebody can
request help in time of need from those to
whom it is extended.
• Galang (Respect) - Filipinos are
basically oriented to revere to the
opinions of elders, peers, or those in
authority, during important discussions
during social encounters.

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