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Enjoy yourself
Write sentences about leisure
Can you name 2 classmates’ hobbies?

I collect button pins.

Vanessa watches movies and Alonso watches cartoons.
Now, let’s enrich your descriptions

I collect button pins.

Vanessa watches movies and Alonso watches cartoons.

I collect button pins. I have many of them. Vanessa watches movies but
she doesn’t go to the cinema. Alonso watches cartoons. He prefers
Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
Let’s focus
Look at these sentences

I collect button pins. I have many of


Vanessa likes movies. She watches

movies in the afternoon or at night.

Alonso watches cartoons. He prefers

Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
I collect button pins. I have many of them.

Vanessa likes movies. She watches movies in the afternoon or at


Alonso watches cartoons. He prefers Cartoon Network and


We can express facts and habits.

I collect button pins. I have many of them.

Vanessa likes movies. She watches movies in the afternoon or at


Alonso watches cartoons. He prefers Cartoon Network and


We can express facts and habits.

Subject + verb (base form) + complement

HE/SHE/IT + verb (base form) + S/ES + complement

Write sentences about leisure activities

What have we learned today?

How is this learning connected to the infographic?
What else can you learn to make the infographic next class?

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