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Tasks to complete - on the following slides:

1. Compete the SPaG exercise: read the sentences and identify where the CONNECTIVES are.
2. Create a glossary of the keywords.
3. Learn the spelling of the keywords and write 2 sentences to show you understand what
they mean.

Challenge / extension: Look at the synonyms on the table in slide 3, choose one and find one
quotation from your current reading to support your synonym.
Memory KO: I can use effective vocabulary and language techniques to suit form, audience and purpose

H/W Y7 Spring 2 Homework Date Wb 13/03/2023

1. SPAG Rule: using connectives.
Connectives are words or phrases that can be used to link sentences or
clauses togethers.
2. Create a glossary
SPAG Exercises - Identify the CONNECTIVES in the following (with the definition)
sentences.(No.1 has been done for you). of the highlighted
Tier 2 word.

1. I support Arsenal but my brother supports Chelsea.

Tier 2 Vocabulary
2. We couldn’t play football this weekend because of the rain.
3. I still came into school, even though there was a strike.
4. The hospital had a 5 hour long delay, despite the efforts of all the staff .
5. Despite the fact that my dog is very naughty, I still love playing with him.
3 Word Image Explanation Examples Synonyms

Chaos A state of 1) Snow and ice caused chaos Confusion

confusion and on the roads. Havoc
disorder. 2) My house is full of chaos at Mayhem
the moment - we are in the
middle of renovating .

Patriarchy A society in which 1. Patriarchy has not Patriarchal

the oldest male is disappeared - despite Authoritarianism
the leader of the lots of efforts. Masculine
family, or a society 2. Elizabeth campaigned
controlled by men tirelessly against
in which they use patriarchy.
their power to
their own
● Learn the spelling of this keyword.
● Write 2 sentences using this keyword.

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