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Project – welike

Name – Chaitra Suvarna

Admission no- HPGD/JA21G2/4119
 Supply Chain Management
 New Product Development
 The Basic of Micro Finance
 Internet Marketing
 Cyber Crime
Supply Chain Management
What is Supply Chain Management
“SCM is the strategic management of activities involved in the acquisition and
conversion of materials to finished products delivered to the customer.”

It involves the following:

 Organizations source , make and deliver their product and services according to
market demand.

 Operation and decision are ultimately triggered by demand at customer level.

 Manages the smooth flow of product and services to the customer according to
their demands.
Supply Chain Management Process :-

Supplier Material flow / Customer

Management Information flow Management

Schedule/Resources Delivery

Conversion Stock Deployment

 Supply Chain Structure

Supplier RM Factory FP DC

e F
v This process/Flow is continues in nature.

Customer FP Retailor FP Retail DC

 Supply Chain Management is all about effective integration of: -

• Right product at right place

• Right quantity at right time

• Right quality at right value

 Challenges of supply chain

1} Metrics – How do you measure a system?

Eg – trade of breadth vs. validity of metrics

2} Politics and power of player – who wins?

Eg – mom and pop shops versus mega stores

3} Visibility – who can see what and how quickly

Eg – data are stored separately

4} Uncertanities- what will happen in future.

Eg –is the pricing correct. If the raw material is sufficent

5} Increased in complexity – it is getting harder

Eg – Higher and diverging customer demands

6} Global operations - why don’t we ever close

Eg – most firms source and sell across, Multiple time zone, languages etc

Supply chain management is an important part for every organisation as it improves the
effectiveness ,efficiency , management of resources.
New Product Development
 Strategies of new product

 New to the world product – Product that are new invention. Eg – Google TV

 New categories entry – Takes the firm into new category. Eg – Pure It

 Addition to product line – Line extension of current product. Eg Dove


 Product improvement - Current product made better . Eg From 1G to 5G mobile phones

 Repositioning – Product targeted for new usage or application. Eg – Aloe vera

 Misconception of Product Development

 It worked there,it will work here- for eg Nirma toothpaste.

 It worked once , it will work again – for eg Harley Davidson perfume

 The cart can come before the horses – for eg Kelloggs in india
 Elements of new product success.

 Product superiority and high quality - for eg Digital audio

 Economic advantages to users – For eg – Digital camera

 Overall company and development project fits – for eg Godrej in furniture

 Technology requirement – for eg Apple

 Customers trust the company – for eg Sony

 Identifying market need – for eg handicam

 Competitive opportunity – for eg camera + cell phone

 A well defined opportunity – for egI SD calling sim

 Excellence in customer service – foe eg LG

 Product development Process.

Idea Generation Idea Screening Project Planning Product Development Test

marketing  Commercialisation.
 Measures Of New Product Development

a) Financial Criteria : - b) Non Financial Criteria : -

 Performance of new product

 Sales and Sales growth
 Market share achieved

 Return on Investment  Satisfaction to customer needs

 Various profit margin measures  Technical aspect of production

 Various Profit measues  Uniqueness of the new product

 Payback and payback period

 Return on Assets
 Return on Equity
 Breakeven Point
Hence new product development is the great business strategies.
The Basic of Micro Finance
What is Micro Finance ?

Supply of loan or other basic Financial services to the poor. Involves small amount of money.
Different from services provided by formal bank.

Effects of Micro Finance: -

 Helps poor households meet the basic needs and protect against certain risk
 Ability to cope with any economic uncertainties
 Build financial self sufficient institutions
 Empowerment of women and better education
 Higher income and creation of jobs
 Entrepreneurship

Risks in Micro Finance

 Entrepreneur Risk – Health issues or any other issues

 Field partner risk – Fraud , Poor Operations

 Country risk – Political or Natural disasters

Challenges in Micro Finance
 Internal Control Systems

 Supervision

 Staffing Constraints


 Geographical Dispersion

 Donor pressure

Micro Finance a benefit to Investor

 Low Default Rates – The default is as low as 3%

 High Granularity – Lots of detailing and measures taken before actual lending happens
 High Standardization – Not different for different people provides safety net to investor

 Low Prepayment Risk – Risk of lowering the profit due to prepayment of loan is reduce.
Internet Marketing
What is Internet ?

The internet is said to be magic stone of Millennium. Also said to be worldwide network of
Computers. The fastest and cheapest mode of communication. More the 1 Billion users.
More than 350 million hosts and 3000 million pages of information and growing by seconds!

What set INTERNET apart ?

 Interactivity with the Client / consumer in the real sense, resulting in highly focussed
Audience Coverage.

 Allows the personalized one to one reach with the client wherever and whenever is required.

 Internet is a PULL medium-

Conventional media follow PUSH medium whereas Internet follow PULL medium
where customer have the freedom to chose what he or she want to view.

 It offers CUSTOMIZATION where a unique message can be designed for each individual
 Why Internet marketing?

 Market Efficiency and cost effectiveness

 Reach from Anywhere , Anytime
 Database Management – Customer record keeping
 Integrated with world marketplaces

 Internet marketing principles.

 Simple , Intuitive Navigation.

 Easy to find goods
 Good Offline , Online services
 Business to Business focus

 Why you should adopt Internet marketing

 Increased client satisfaction and services

 Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness
 Enormous Business sense
 First mover advantages

The importance of Internet marketing is increasing . Online marketing become an important

focus as they look to reach customer online for more sales.
Cyber Crime
We use internet for different reason such as Facebook , Gmail etc unknowing many a times
we share our information ,our data in such platform which can leads to cyber crime.

A partial list of cyber crimes are as follows:

1. Hacking of computers systems and networks.

2. Cyber pornography involving production and distribution of pornography material.
3. Financial crimes such as credit card fraud, money laundering etc.
4. Online gambling .
5. Intellectual property crimes such as theft of computer source code, software piracy,
trademark violations.
6. Harassment such as cyber staking , cyber defamation and abusing mails.
7. Cyber crimes such as forgery of document including currency .
8. Launching of virus.
9. Denial of service attacks.
10. Cyber attacks and cyber terrorism.
11. Sales of illegal articles such as weapon.

 Cyber crimes use computer and network for criminal activates. It is used as following

As a tool As a target Both

 Cyber crimes can generally occur with in organization are as follow.

 Email abuse
 Spam mails
 Cyber defamation
 Theft of source code
 Exchange of business secrets and documents.

 Securing Personal Information

 Do not trust anyone – picture 2 ID same person

 Antivirus regular update , scan after every downloads
 Information – General not specific – do not mention specific data on and unknown website
 Have a instant–alert facility – credit cards and bank
 Always logout from a particular account
 Always answer NO to prompts that ask if you want to display NON SECURE items.
 Mr . Neelesh Talathi – CFO at

 Dr Vinay Nayak – President Alembic

Pharmaceuticals Ltd

 Mr Ajay Tiwari Hr. Director – SC at Unilever

Mr . Neelesh Talathi – CFO at
• Mr . Neelesh Talathi has over 20 years of experience he is a seasoned finance leader.

• He has worked with organization like Unilever, Vedanta and currently is the CFO at

• He has managed finance , crafted business strategies , led transformative initiatives and
closely partnered all functions and organization.

• He have also worked with MNC’s in Asia , Africa and UK in leading regional and global role

After graduation he have completed Chartered accountancy after completing CA he worked

with PC Hansotia which now a part of Deloitte he also completed his ICWA while working in the
organization. Then he started working with Hindustan Unilever as management trainee in
Unilever he spend 2.5 months doing sales operation he also worked in corporate sector. After
completing 15 month program he was appointed as branch accountant in Delhi then he did
another operating role where he was running a rice export business as the commercial manager
for those business from there he moved on do a role for Unilever across Asia and Africa.

Because of the operating roles the connection with transaction , ground level operation ,
empathy towards other colleagues suffering ,working in different sector increased. He also
mentioned the sales job is one of the hardest job.
He mentioned being a finance background he restrict just being in finance department but
worked in different operating roles . The he moved a role which gave him bird’s eye view about
how categories work he also mention that he use to work with marketing team where they
discussed all the strategies to improve product sale, all the problems that they faced etc.

After working with Unilever he worked with Vedanta and then became CFO in Pepper Fry.
While taking about his learning that every time he start a role he set a foot down for himself
that what are the big things he need to achieve.
He mentioned that life comes to us with too many small things to happens we need to decide
how do we want things to look very different from what it looks today risk in this that you will
became very transactional managing to your day to day affair but this helped to improved in his
carrier. This also helps to view things is different compartment for instance while working in
Egypt he knew what are changes he need to do in business , improvement to bring finance
excellence and changes needs to be done as per people point of view. This helps to being more
structured thinker.

He talked about what preparation is required for career seeker in finance role

First impression is very important you don’t get set second chance to give the first impression
Keep CV small the sharp with no spelling mistakes.
Be punctual this show the seriousness towards the role.
Keep attention to smaller details , be confidence and be prepare for the interview
Be curious this show you are eager to learn different things, keep learning new skills
Being happy is role is very important if you are not happy you cannot be successful
This are the some points I have learned from this interview.

 Have fun in college

 Make friends wherever you go

 Their will be pressure in life career , anxiety, there will tension for the future but enjoy the
present moment .

 Having empathy .

 Be a fighter believe in yourself .

 Be a structured thinker.

 Make goals and divide it into small actions to pursue it.

 Own your decision

 Face the challenges life put across you

 Fulfil your social responsibility

Dr Vinay Nayak – President Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd
• Dr Vinay Nayak is on of the very few people of the Indian Pharma industry who became a
business head with Quality background.

• He as a depth understanding of Quality systems , management and business requirement.

• He hold a great respect in quality circle of Pharmaceuticals and health care Industry.

• He have a life member of IPA and on the Editorial Board of Pharmaceuticals journals.

• A scientific member of IPC & Advisory board member of USP.

• He is also on the member board of studies in Chemistry at Mumbai University.

While talking about what's his secret about his success to which he replied there is no secret its
his nature , he is in general very curios person he always like to learn and add value to what he
have and that’s the thing which keeps him going also he mentioned how he always think about
giving back to society and therefore he joined several institution etc. he was also a lead speaker
in many conference in India which have been very useful for fraternity of Pharmaceuticals
because they got to learned what are the new regulation ,development and automation
process in Pharmaceuticals industry, because of Dr Nayak’s association with this bodies he was
a keen learner and shared what he learned.
He also mention how he still visit his workplace with full of excitement to learn new things
He joined Lupin when the company was not doing well financially because he wanted his name
to be taken around as a turn over guy for every company he worked. He mention success didn't
come so easily he had to deep root himself and his value into new team and culture. This was a
very challenging period for Dr Nayak. With new team he inculcated new culture and made sure
that lower end manufacturing or laboratory where converted into high end facilities with
minimum expenses and from there to make recognise its worthiness to world leader

Today Lupin is largest Pharmaceuticals not only in India but in US also.

While taking about alembic he mentioned it was very oldest company it always had all the
ingredient of a big company but they did not had the leadership that could take them to the
next level that’s when he got opportunity in Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. He mentioned how
they convert facilities into smart system and from there they continued to great success in the
company. He began to get more approval from regulatory bodies including USA ,Germany etc.
he use his sources to modernized the facilities in term of infrastructure , presentation skill,
documentation all this were important ingredient of successful industry.
This are the some points I have learned from this interview.

 focus on your goal

 being curious
 eager to learn new things and information seeker.
 accepting challenges and working hard for it
 being recognize as turn around person
 to never give-up.
 being inspiration to next generation
 Giving value addition.
 Fulfil social responsibility.
 Understanding root cause of problems.
 Leadership
 Encourage ideas
 Build contacts.
Mr Ajay Tiwari Hr. Director – SC at Unilever PLC.
• Seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience.

• Key person in development of Tata Nano.

• Has varied experience in Hospitality , Automotive , Technology and FMCG

While taking of his journey he told his professional journey was full of excitement he started his
career back in 1993, he started of with manufacturing unit , then moved to hotels he worked
with TAJ hotels, then moved to Philips .Moved from different location Calcutta to Bangalore to
Pune. Leading HR in Nano TATA project.
Each experience have give him great exposure in term of company role ,kind of people working
in those organisation, he also mentioned each company have diverse background and people
and with that come lot of challenges.
He was asked if he had ever thought he would become Hr. Director at Unilever PLC from HR
officer in TAJ hotel to which he replied that he never thought about that. He dreamt to gain
higher position in the organisation for which he really worked very hard. He told that this
dream / vision was getting carved when he was just an HR officer learning all the new things. So
he started working hard and taking right step to convert dream into reality.

While working in diversified field his core focus was diversification which in term gave richness
in understanding the context because unless and until the context is not placed in right
perspective one cant really drive things to great extent.
He talked about how working with Unilever have changed his personality drastically , he gained
lot of knowledge, wealth of exposure ,richness in term of understanding different business
model of around the world.
While talking about his perspective about HR. model - He mentioned HR is a very important
role for shaping of any business. They have a large contribution to the business as until and
unless Hr. does the people agenda part of it and they ensure that all the integrity of the people
related agenda is tied on you cant have a complete strategic business project in the offering.

According to him HR. starts from people and ends at people looking about what difficulty
employee or the customer are facing , what changes needs to be done to improve that, what
help they require .Being an HR. comes with lots of responsibility he mentioned unless and until
he don’t feel content that he has done what requires t done for betterment of his employees
he keeps on working towards it. HR. contributes to every aspect of business. He feels this is one
of the great part of the role.

While taking about his key to success he mentioned three things one is believing in yourself,
second is being brutally honest and third is keeping vision and keep working to turn it into

Diversified field helps to gain knowledge of multiple sector. One become more efficient
working in diversified role.
This are the some points I have learned from this interview.

 Gain experience.
 Facing challenge with determination.
 Work hard
 Setting focused goal and vision.
 Convert dream into reality by planning actions to derive it.
 Understanding others perspective
 Follow your passion
 Importance of Diversification
 Believing in yourself and your decision.
 Be Honest

The most effective way to manage a good credit history is to reduce one’s credit
utilisation ratio. This would mean balancing one’s spending against the credit

The primary objective of a credit score is to ascertain the creditworthiness of the borrower. The
main criteria used to calculate a credit score includes payment history, credit utilization, length
of credit history, credit mix, and new credit.
The most effective way to manage a good credit history is to reduce one’s credit utilisation
ratio. This would mean balancing one’s spending against the credit limit.

Another important factor to keep in mind is for the borrower to pay his/her outstanding bills on
time. Paying only the minimum amount often leads to accumulated interest on the unpaid
bill.” A history of delayed payments is sure to negatively impact your credit history.

In case managing multiple credit cards is difficult, experts say opting for consolidating your
debt via a credit balance transfer could be an ideal option. Jalan explains, “Also, an often-
ignored factor among youngsters is the frequency of hard inquiries. The high frequency of hard
inquiries affects one’s credit score. Therefore, avoid applying for multiple credit cards
Note that, the biggest advantage of having a good credit score is gaining access to higher credit
and lower interest rates. Not just that, it is also easier to get quicker loan sanctions and
negotiate for better terms.

“Countries like the United States or the United Kingdom check one’s income tax records during
a visa application. Having a high credit score adds weight to an individual’s immigration

Along with that, a good credit score can also be leveraged to get a better premium while
purchasing insurance. Depending on the place, even landlords run a credit score check before
renting out a commercial/ residential property.

Even if one does not have the intention of borrowing any loans or applying for more credit in
the near future, it is always advisable to maintain a healthy credit score. A better credit history
in front of the lender always works in your favour
One way to distinguish a fake link is to note that these emails usually come with a promise of
reward or compliance or warn of impending penalty on non-compliance.
If you are losing sleep over how to protect your online assets, fret not, there is a simple
checklist that can protect your online information. More often than not, netizens lose
important personal and financial information due to unassuming activities such as clicking on a
link or providing information on a pop-up window.
While these activities might appear innocuous, they could be part of what is known as
phishing. Phishing, as mentioned in a State Bank of India guideline, is a general term for
emails, text messages or websites that are created and forwarded by fraudsters to unassuming
customers. They appear to be real, which poses a serious problem. They also appear to be
coming from trusted businesses, financial institutions and government agencies, but
unbeknownst to the user, with an intent to collect sensitive information.
SBI says that the best response to a phishing link, if you catch one, is to simply delete it.
You might come across a fraudulent email that appears to be from a legitimate internet
address. It might appear to invite you to click on a hyperlink, but once it is done, it will direct
you to a fake website that appears similar to a genuine one.
One way to distinguish a fake link is to note that these emails usually come with a promise of
reward or compliance or warn of impending penalty on non-compliance. It might ask you to
update your personal information such as passwords or bank account numbers etc. Once the
customer updates the information and presses ‘submit’, he or she will get an error page. That is
an indication of a phishing attempt.
Here are a few simple steps to avoid a phishing scam as per SBI:

1. Do not click on a link that comes from an unexpected source

2. Do not provide your details on a page that comes as a pop-up window

3. Do not disclose personal information or passwords through text messages

4. Do not provide your password over the phone or unsolicited emails

5. Always log in through the proper url

6. Provide user, password only at the authenticated login page

7. Ensure that the url has ‘https://’ and not ‘http://’. The ‘s’ stands for ‘secured’ and that the
page uses encryption

8. Look for the lock sign at the right bottom and the Verisign certificate

9. Update your computer protection

10. Regularly check your bank, credit card statements

11. Remember that banks will not ask you to verify your account information through email

2022 will be another year of digitalisation, deeply affecting managerial roles. What skills do
budding and growing managers need to stay relevant through this year and beyond?

It is that time of the year when new resolutions have to be made and new plans for
accomplishing them. Welcome 2022 – hopefully it will be different from its immediately
preceding two years!

The question for budding and growing managers is, what skills will help one stay relevant in
2022 and beyond? Does one need to reskill, upskill or change the track completely – move from
an established organisation to a start-up? Will acquiring skills in fintech pay higher dividends to
one’s talent? Let’s explore – let’s gaze into the crystal ball and see what it has to offer for career
development at the management level.

2022 will see a stronger adoption of digitalisation, and knowledge of technology will become
core to all managerial roles. Business strategies, operational efficiencies and people
management will leverage the power of technology and therefore, not knowing about relevant
technologies or delegating it to the traditional IT folks, will not be a safe option. Business
knowledge (domain) along with technology awareness (digital skill) will become a manager’s
core capability, like use of analytics – marketing analytics, financial analytics, HR analytics,
supply chain analytics, etc. will become essential skills.
In the context of digitalisation, four skills/capabilities that managers must have are elicited

• Problem Solving capability,

• People Management Skills,

• Effective Communication and

• Creative Thinking ability.

Managers no longer have a team that comprises people with homogeneous skillsets. Every
individual is unique and there’s an expectation that every employee be treated at an individual
level. Great-place-to-work organisations take cognisance of individual’s aspirations, feelings
and desires. This is not restricted to the best performers or those in the fast-lane of growth.
Business situations themselves are such that it becomes difficult to predict who will emerge as
the next champion performer. It is the diversity in skills, capabilities, thinking and feeling that
makes an organisation a great place to work and the reason for its suppliers and customers to
stay engaged with it.
The incorporation of smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets into the learning environment
allows educators to communicate with students to make them more confident and secure.

The world of technology is evolving at an extremely fast pace, hence people are bound to
adapt to it at the same pace and level. A few years ago, when the natural turbulence forced
government and private institutions to shut down, online learning helped in stabilizing the
sustainable education system.

Growing up in the era of technologies and gadgets, students have become more familiar with
learning with the help of technology. The incorporation of smartphones, tablets, and other
gadgets into the learning environment allows educators to communicate with students to
make them more confident and secure. The online learning model has rapidly evolved and
technology came up with an innovative model of learning called hybrid classroom learning
that combines both online and offline classes simultaneously for the student

With varieties of learning methods and better student engagement, hybrid is proving itself a
personal and impactful way of learning. In the upcoming days, the demand for new learning
methods will rise progressively and give control to place and time learning.
In a flipped classroom, students can learn at their leisure at home to learn away from the
actual classroom. In the learning model, students can either attend face-to-face synchronous
class sessions in a traditional classroom or complete course learning activities online without
physically attending class with a multimodal or hybrid-flexible (HyFlex) course design. Text,
videos, quizzes, and interactive provide more control to students over their learning and allow
them to engage with study material.
Hybrid learning has merged with distinct approaches and sources of knowledge, as a result,
pupils are more likely to understand and indulge themselves as per their personal preferences
that help them to learn vital skills quickly to use them in the real world. It is a boon for
preschool learners as it helps to learn via fun-based activities while playing even some of the
hybrid platforms are now focusing on screen-free learning by activity worksheets and brain
development activities. Hybrid education is usually less expensive than regular schooling and
necessitates the use of technological equipment, such as laptops and smartphones. Although,
this is not a significant barrier for most individuals as some institutions and universities even
now offer social initiatives that supply the necessary equipment to low-income students.
Hybrid learning has different types of learning models, which can be chosen by students and
teachers at their convenience, for example, the use of online Labs with digital tools. Students
can access course materials using a learning management system or another platform chosen
by the teachers and institutions
While there are several structural barriers affecting the overall participation of women in
leadership roles like access to opportunities
India’s overall Female Workforce Participation rates which continue to hover at 20% have long 
been a much talked about area of concern for policymakers, government and economists alike. 
At the same time, another related challenge that needs to be addressed is the representation
of  women in leadership roles. 
While there are several structural barriers affecting the overall participation of women in
leadership roles like access to opportunities and mentors, societal and family pressure to retain 
work-life balance which at times discourage women from pursuing an ambitious career path, 
there are also individual factors at play which deter women from actively pursuing leadership 
opportunities. Leadership potential and capability are gender-neutral but societal and
behavioral  biases present do pose some additional challenges for women leaders. 

Given this context, aspiring women need to proactively plan their own journey towards a 
leadership role. They need to systematically pursue the opportunities that can help them take 
their career to the next level. 

Since we are always more likely to be successful at something that we like doing, it is better to
pursue opportunities in areas/industries that interest us. Having decided the domain to focus
on, women must work on identifying and acquiring the hard and soft skills needed to be
successful in the industry/ role of their choice.
To start with, assess as objectively as possible your strengths and personality traits. Be sure to
balance self-perception against the feedback of others and accordingly decide what areas of
development are for you

In addition to ensuring competency in domain/functional skills, a higher Technology Quotient

is becoming a critical skill for every leader. Women will also need to step up their game on this
front and this is true for women across the board, not just those working in the tech or tech-
enabled sector.

Being an effective or impactful leader is not just about the right kind of domain expertise or
hard skills. The most successful leaders in the coming years will be those who will be able to
build resilient, scalable, and capable teams. If we enable the growth of our team and
organization, our own success will follow inevitably. A growth mindset, the ability to lead and
drive change, empathy, and learnability are some important traits that women should
prioritize and try to cultivate within themselves.

Further, Women as leaders – both in the Corporate sector and elsewhere - are often held to
higher standards of performance – even by themselves. Women also more often than not tend
to underplay their achievements and do not negotiate well in terms of asking for their growth.
Therefore it’s not enough for women to just believe in themselves but equally critical to come
across as self-confident and be more proactive in showcasing their accomplishments. They
should embrace courage, resilience and try to find mentors who can help them. Last but not
least, we must also pay it forward by mentoring and guiding other young women into their
professional journey.
Ransomware i.e. a malicious software that uses encryption to hold data for ransom, has
become one of the key threats for organizations over the last few years. As per the global
survey conducted by cyber security firm Sophos, ‘The State of Ransomware 2021’, 67% of
Indian organisations whose data was encrypted paid to get their data back.

Why is Ransomware a big threat?

From local government entities to large organizations, ransomware attacks are everywhere. It’s
a fairly simple type of malware but is extremely damaging. Once it enters a system, the
malware accesses and encrypts the victim’s files. As ransomware uses modern encryption
technique, it is extremely difficult to retrieve the files without the access to the decryption key.
Since the ransomware operator is the only one with access to this key, the victim is forced to
pay the ransom. In addition to the ransom, the victim also needs to bear the cost of interrupted
business, replacing the infected machines and putting in place protection to prevent an attack
in future.

Overall, ransomware can have an even bigger impact on an organization than a data breach,
but Gartner research estimates that more than 90% of ransomware attacks are preventable.
Tips to protect against Ransom ware in 2022 & beyond

1. Set up a firewall

2.  Take periodic data backups

3.  Conduct cyber awareness training

4.  Improve your email security

5. Enforce strong password security

6. Build endpoint protection

7.  Implement a strong Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) policy

8. Update patches for operating systems and applications

9. Integrate content filtering tool

10. Implement ‘Zero Trust’ security

The above-mentioned tips can help you to avoid being in a position where the only way to
recover from an attack is to meet the criminal’s demands
An emergency fund corpus is extremely important at any stage of one’s life and it should be
kept as one of the top financial goals of an individual.

After going through the unanticipated lockdowns and massive health crises in the wake of
COVID-19, it is quite clear that emergencies can occur anytime without any warning signals.
This is the biggest reason why people have grown more conscious about prudent money
management and creating emergency funds.
Emergency funds should be created in life to meet any kind of unforeseen mishap- like a car
breakdown, job loss, or medical expenses. One should keep aside a sufficient amount,
depending on the financial capacity of the individual, which can be utilized during any
financial crunch, without affecting one’s investment goals.” Hence, it is quite clear that
especially in the post-pandemic era, these funds have emerged as essential tools for all age
Where should you keep your money?

According to experts, After accumulating the emergency fund, industry experts say it should
be spread across liquid funds, debt mutual funds, and short-term RDs.

Experts point out one should not keep their emergency fund in the form of cash or in the bank
account – at least not entirely. Try to invest it in a manner that you not only keep it in partial
liquid form but also earn decent returns from it.
How much is enough for you?

According to financial planners, usually, an emergency fund of between 6 to 12 months of living

expenses should be accumulated.

At a glance, it might look like a large fund to accumulate, as it is not possible to suddenly put
together 6-12 months’ monthly living expenses, separately, therefore experts suggest starting
small. For instance, start with accumulating 2-3 months living expenses, and then gradually
keep increasing it.

Additionally, note that factors such as the age of a person, number of dependents, and type of
work, also determine the fund.

Hence, while deciding the fund, experts say one should include monthly expenses such as all
lifestyle expenses, EMIs, rent, any other fixed expenses that you may have.

Arrive getting this number, multiply the same by the number of months to arrive at the fund
When innovating with your team, there are a few rules that are important regardless of the
ideation session you’re conducting. In this article, we’ll outline the four golden rules of
brainstorming and talk about how following them can improve your team’s innovative

Rule #1: Every Idea Matters

One of the critical aspects of a successful brainstorming session is everyone feeling

comfortable sharing their ideas. This means that no voice reigns supreme over the others, and
no ideas are shot down before they’re proposed.

This is easy to say but often hard to implement—a brainstorming environment, both digital
and in-person, can be overwhelming and judgmental at times. To ensure that every possible
idea is successfully proposed rather than getting stuck in someone’s mind, people need to feel
comfortable sharing their thoughts.

After the exercise is done, there will be time to review the contributions, and the group is able
to come to a conclusion based on what ideas have the most potential.
Rule #2: No Note Left Behind
One of the difficulties that occurs with brainstorming is that there can be so many good ideas,
but only a limited amount of time and space to record them. In this case, it can be common to
lose ideas that were supposed to be recorded or remembered.

The solution is simple and effective: document every single idea that’s discussed.
Rule #3: Embrace New Techniques
Part of brainstorming is experimenting with what is most effective for your team—and with the
emergence of remote brainstorming, there are many new exercises that teams can conduct to
find new ideation methods.
Once the ideas are ready, everyone can gather on that same board and gauge everyone else’s
contributions and come to a shared conclusion about the best option.

Rule #4: Innovate Your Process

Innovation is not strictly applied to ideation but can also influence the process that teams use
to brainstorm.
One of the most important things an innovative mindset can bring to a brainstorming session is
simply changing the structure that your exercise is conducted within. This could be using a
specific template to ideate, changing your meeting schedule, or conducting more design
thinking exercises rather than text-based brainstorming.
Whether you’re brainstorming some ideas for a project or are trying to radically shift the
structure of your team, sticking to these four golden rules of brainstorming will help you get
there in the most effective way possible.

Users, however, cannot use waveforms designs on a voice note if it has been recorded using an
old version of WhatsApp.

New waveforms for voice note are now available for WhatsApp desktop users as well.
WhatsApp has started rolling out a new voice notes layout and several users now can see voice
waveforms in chat bubbles. Several users can now see voice waveforms for voice notes if the
feature is enabled for their WhatsApp account.

The voice waveforms may not show up when receiving a voice note from someone that does
not have the feature enabled.

WhatsApp has been working on the visual upgrade for voice feature for quite some time now.
Users, however, cannot use waveforms designs on a voice note if it has been recorded using an
old version of WhatsApp. The visual upgrade of waveforms is available to selected
Desktops/WhatsApp on web users now but will be soon rolled out to all users gradually with
upcoming updates.
The Meta-backed company first enabled the new voice notes layout in the WhatsApp beta for
Android version, but it was immediately disabled after a new update.

WhatsApp is also working on a feature to let users keep certain disappearing messages in the
chat for a longer duration. References to the upcoming feature were found in the latest beta
update of WhatsApp on Android.

The report says, if users have activated the disappearing message feature, they can still choose
to keep certain messages from disappearing in the chat even after the time limit for the
message has expired.

Diversification across multiple asset classes helps protect an investor’s capital if one sector of
the market does not perform well

Without an investment portfolio in place, investors might be unprepared for several major
milestones in their life. A portfolio with a diversified mix of investments not only helps to
protect the invested capital but also allows positioning it to earn desirable returns.

How to build a diversified portfolio

Investors must judiciously allocate their capital to reap the benefits of being exposed to the risk
of the financial markets. Diversification across multiple asset classes helps to protect an
investor’s capital if one sector of the financial market does not perform well.

Investors have three levels of risk tolerance— low, moderate and high. If you need your capital
in a few years and cannot stomach the ups and downs in the market, you have a low-risk
tolerance. On the other hand, if you do not need your money for, say, 15-20 years, you would
have enough time to wait out a drop in your investment value, before the market bounces
Benefits of a diversified portfolio

Reduces the impact of market volatility: A diversified investment portfolio helps minimise the
overall risk associated with the portfolio. As investments are made across varying asset classes
and categories, the overall impact of market volatility tends to decrease.

Helps to preserve capital: Diversification allows investors to achieve their investment goals by
limiting exposure to particular investments.

Helps manage risk: At the core of a diversified portfolio are investment options that react to
specific economic conditions. Investors will get weighted average returns on their underlying
securities and would not be fully exposed to the volatility associated with a particular asset.

Offers peace of mind to investors: When the total corpus is divided among a variety of asset
classes and categories, an investor will not be worried about the performance of the portfolio.

Helps seek advantages of different investment options: By choosing different investment

options such as mutual funds, ETFs, fixed deposits, etc., investors can enjoy the unique features
of each instrument and mitigate risk.

Achieving long-term financial goals requires balancing risks against rewards. While there are
several ways to invest, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to investing. So, choose the right
mix of investments for your portfolio and rebalance and monitor your financial choices
periodically. Remember, your investments should align with your financial goals, risk appetite,
and investment horizon.
Thank - You

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