L1 General Intro To Reprod Physiol

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Dr Tafadzwa Taderera
Broad Objectives

General terminology & Concepts:

Sex determination and differentiation

Male reproductive physiology

Female reproductive physiology

(menstrual cycle, pregnancy, parturition & lactation)


Reproductive diseases
T Taderera
Sex determination and
Should know
• General principles of gametogenesis
• Sex determination
• Sex differentiation
• Differentiation of the gonads
• Differentiation of internal and external genitalia

T Taderera
• Primary reproductive organs (gonads) – testes in males, ovaries in
• Gonads (dual function) produce sex cells called gametes and
secrete sex hormones
• Sex hormones – androgens (males), and estradiol and
progesterone (females)
• Testosterone synthesis + DHEA
• Estradiol synthesis + progesterone
• Steroid hormones action
• Accessory reproductive organs – ducts, glands, and external
General pattern of reproductive control
Secretes GnRH

(In hypothalamo-pituitary portal
Anterior pituitary
- Secretes FSH & LH


Secrete gonads
sex hormones + Gametes

Sex hormones

Reproductive tract
and other organs
respond to sex hormones
T Taderera
General principles of Gametogenesis
• Developing gametes are germ cells
• The cells undergo mitosis and meiosis
• 1st stage - proliferation of primordial germ cells
• Exception of gametes DNA -46 xsomes
• 2nd stage-meiosis (two cell divisions), gametes
receive 23 chromosomes
• Union of sperm and egg at fertilization gives back
the 46 xsomes
• Over 8million 223 combinations can occur
• 2 events lead to genetic variability in the 4
daughter cells that result
T Taderera

T Taderera
T Taderera

T Taderera
T Taderera
T Taderera
Sex determination:
Genetic inheritance sets the gender (sex
Sex is genetically determined by two
chromosomes (sex chrom X &Y )
Somatic chromosomes are called autosomes. Eg a normal female,
karyotype will be 46,XX. i.e (22 pairs of autosomes & two XX sex

Ovum can only contribute X, during meiosis

(sperms ½ produced X and ½ are Y)
Determining sex chromosome composition
(light microscope & karyotyping)

T Taderera
Sex Differentiation
• This is the process involved in the development
of the reproductive system in the fetus
• Atypical chromosomal developments (atypical
chromosomal combinations=atypical sexual
• Genes determine directly presence of testes or
• The rest of sex differentiation depends on
presence/absence of substances produced by
the gonads

T Taderera
Differentiation of the gonads
Male and female gonads derive embryologically from the
same site (urogenital ridge)-double genital duct system*
Testes develop in the 7th week of uterine life
The Y chromo is necessary & sufficient for the production
of testes
SRY gene on the Y chromosome
At 11weeks in the absence of the SRY gene, ovaries
SRY is a DNA-binding regulatory protein, acts as a
transcription factor that initiates transcription cascade for
the gene necessary for differentiation
Prevention of SRY gene into entering female genome
T Taderera
Differentiation cntd…
• Double genital duct system (Mullerian &Wolffian
• For Mull duct degeneration, MIS should be
produced by Sertoli cells to cause apoptosis.
• Testes (sertoli & leydig cells)
• Testosterone from Leydig cells fosters development
of the wolffian duct system and later after
conversion to DHT the external genitalia
• In the absence of MIS no regression of Mullerian
system so fallopian tube & uterus develop &
• In the absence of testosterone the Wolffian ducts
degenerate and a vagina ++ develops
• Ovaries have no role in the developmental
processes T Taderera
Male sex differentiation
XY Chromosome

Presence of SRY gene

(on Y chromosome)

Primordial gonads
Differentiation into fetal testes
Sertoli Leydig
cells cells

Substance (MIS) Testosterone

Mullerian ducts Dihydrotestosterone

Regression Development of
Wolffian ducts •Scrotum
Transformation to: •prostate
• Epididymis
• Vas deferens
• Seminal vesicles
• Ejaculatory duct
T Taderera
Female sex differentiation
XX Chromosome

No SRY gene

Primordial gonads
Differentiation into fetal ovaries

Absence of (MIS)
Absence of Testosterone
Mullerian ducts
Transformation to:
• Uterus
Development of
• Fallopian tubes •Outer vagina
• Inner vagina •Female external
Wolffian ducts
regression genitalia

T Taderera

A hermaphrodite

Androgen insensitivity

Tests show that controversial runner Caster Semenya is a woman ...and a man!
According to reports. the 18-year-old South African champ has no womb or ovaries
and her testosterone levels are more than three times higher than those of a
normal female,

T Taderera
Review questions
• Describe stages of gametogenesis and how
meiosis results in genetic variability
• State the genetic differences between males and
females and a method for identifying genetic sex
• Describe the sequence of events, the timing, and
the control of the development of the gonads
and the internal and external genitalia

T Taderera

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