Classroom 180 Domain 3

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Let’s regroup…

Last Monday…covered the following:

*What is trauma-we are discussing for the purpose of this
course…complex trauma Complex trauma happens repetitively. It often results in direct
harm to the individual. The effects of complex trauma are cumulative. The traumatic experience frequently
transpires within a particular time frame or within a specific relationship, and often in a specific setting
*Classroom 180 has 5 domains…
Domain 1: Relationships and Family Culture​
Domain 2: Regulation
Domain 3: Language of Trauma
Domain 4: Safety
Domain 5: Discipline and Empowerment
*We covered domains 1 and 2-making the classroom OURS
and not just YOURS.
hand model of brain upstairs downstairs brain
Reminder about Trauma Teaching
"All too often our so-called strength comes
from fear not love; instead of having a strong
back, many of us have a defended front
shielding a weak spine. In other words, we
walk around brittle and defensive, trying to
conceal our lack of confidence. If we
strengthen our backs, metaphorically
speaking, and develop a spine that's flexible
but sturdy, then we can risk having a front
that's soft and open, representing choiceless
compassion. The place in your body where
these two meet - strong back and soft front -
is the brave, tender ground in which to root
our caring deeply.
Conversation Vulnerability
Domain # 3 Language of Trauma
“Everything we say,
12. Communication Shift everything we do,
13. Right-Brain to Right-Brain De-Escalation everything we perceive-
14. Affect Tolerance EVERYTHING-has to
15. Nonverbal Communication be viewed from this lens
16. Positive Language of fear if we are going to
Domain 3
be successful in relating
to these students.
12. Communication SHIFT-our students communicate with us
ALL the time-whether appropriately or inappropriately. Learning
HOW to interpret what they are saying BEYOND the surface is
Fear Based
 Reacts quickly and fires back with
 Gives teacher an annoyed look
 Puts his hoodie over his head
 Scribbles on a piece of paper
instead of taking notes
 Avoids eye contact
 Refuses to participate
 Becomes obsessive
 Becomes defensive

Anxiety behaviors
A reaction is instantaneous. It is typically
driven by the desire to immediately
change a student’s behavior.
13. Right-Brain to Right-Brain De-Escalation Time and time again
we have approached
students from a left-
brain (teacher) to
right-brain (student)
interaction only to
have them erupt into
an even deeper state
of dysregulation,
moving from
defiance, disrespect,
or noncompliance to
belligerence, verbal
abuse or physical

SPACE Right Brain-therapy guy

Do Kruse
Why this?????
“the ability to authentically “feel” with a student
and walk in the shoes of Billy is one of the most
important aspects of being trauma-informed…”
Give attuned responses
Use non-blaming language
Use We/I statements-page 2008 Bruce Perry
14. Affect Tolerance-in the context of a trauma-informed classroom this
refers to how much of “Billy’s” intense emotions the teacher can
SEAP-Fxxx Word
*Feel with the student
*Stay Open And Receptive
*Exhibit Confidence
*Stay in a discovery mode with the
15. Nonverbal Communication-so incredibly important!

*Use body language that is congruent with spoken words. A key determinant of
whether a classroom is emotionally safe is if a teacher’s verbal and non-verbal
communication are in agreement, or congruent (in harmony). When they are not
congruent it is really confusing?? Marriage example

*Be attuned to Students’ reactions to body language-remember everything that is

said to him is filtered through a lens of fear

*Relax on Requiring Eye Contact

*Be Cautious with Hand Gestures
*Be Aware of Tone of Voice

Bruce Perry Attunement

*Maintain a Posture of Certainty
*Notice misinterpretations of facial expressions-see video
*Match tempo of speech with students’ processing’
*Be aware of perceived speech volume-video below

Interesting example-we will talk about it

16. Positive Language-should we really still have to talk about this????
Page 158
“Being trauma informed means understanding that
behavior is simply a form of communication-it is a
manifestation of a bigger issue underneath. A trauma-
informed approach identifies the symptom but goes
the next step to address the root cause.

Instead of saying, “Student will not, revise it to say,

“Student cannot…”

“Student wants to Student needs….”

“Student refuses to Student is unable to…”

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