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Islam: Beliefs and Teachings The Nature of God

Keyword Definition
Al Khaliq Creator
Al Wahid The Unique
Al Ahad The One
Ar Rahim The Most Merciful
Ar Rahman The All Merciful
Al Qadr Omnipotent
Al Alim Omniscient
Al Wasi Omnipresent
Al Wadud Omnibenevolent
Al Mumit The Taker of Life
Al Adil The Just
Islam: Beliefs and Teachings Prophet Muhammad
Keyword Definition BLT
Risalah/Rasul Allah chose messengers due to being pure of ‘No prophet will come after me and no new faith will emerge’
heart, trustworthy and righteous. ‘Seal of the Prophets’
The messengers were visited by angels throughout
time to give a new word to the people.
Makkah Place of pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. The city where
Islam began and the holiest place in Islam.
Al Amin The Trustworthy

Laylat ul Qadr Angel Jibril visited Prophet Muhammad and ‘we surely revealed the Qur’an on Laylat ul Qadr’
commanded him to ‘READ’ and revealed the ‘Jibr’il – it is none but he who has brought the Qur’an’
Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad. ‘The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months’
Translated as The Night of Power.

Muslims commemorate this day during Ramadan.

Laylat ul Miraj Prophet Muhammad ascended to the heavens and
saw other prophets. Allah ordered him to spread
the word; Muslims should prostrate (bow/pray) to
Allah 5 times a day – Salah.
Hadith The recordings and sayings of Prophet
Sunnah The sunnah is an ultimate guidance for leading a ‘I leave behind me two things, the Qur’an and the Sunnah. If you follow
productive, successful life. E.g. getting up early, these you will not go stray’
always smiling, saying only nice things or nothing “Whoever revives my Sunnah then he has loved me. And whoever
at all. loved me, he shall be with me in Paradise.”
Islam: Beliefs and Teachings Sunni – 6 Articles of Faith
Key Beliefs Keywords BLT
Tawhid Oneness ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten’
Oneness of Allah Unity

Risalah Rasul/Messenger Muhammad. ‘to every people was sent an apostle’

Prophet Adam, Ibrahim, Revelation
The Messengers of Allah Musa, Dawud, Isa and Role Model

Kutub Sahifah Qur’an ‘we surely revealed the Qur’an on Laylat ul Qadr’
Zaboor Guidance ‘Jibr’il – it is none but he who has brought the Qur’an’
The Revelations/Books Tawrat Shari’ah

Malaikah Jibril Munkar and Nakir ‘Jibr’il – it is none but he who has brought the Qur’an’
Mika’il Raqib and Atid
The Angels Israfil Azrael

Akhirah Jannah ‘every soul shall have a taste of death’

Jahannam ‘in paradise I prepare for the righteous believers what
The Afterlife Barzakh
no eye has ever seen’
Yawm al Qiyamah
‘Those who have disbelieved will have cut out for
them garments of fire’
‘this worldly life is only amusement and diversion’

Al Qadr Predestination Al Qadr: Sunni Muslims ‘Indeed, all things We created with predestination’
Fate believe in fate. That Allah has
Predestination Omnipotence written our destiny for us in
the ‘Preserved Tablet’ (Shi’a
reject this belief).

‘You must believe in Allah, His angels, His holy books, His messengers, in the Last Day and in fate’ Prophet Muhammad
Islam: Beliefs and Teachings Shi’a – 5 Roots of Religion
Key Beliefs Definition BLT

Tawhid Oneness of Allah. Same as Sunni Muslims

Adalat Justice of Allah – God is perfect in justice and wisdom and cannot do ‘Your Lord does injustice to no one’
wrong against His creation. (rejects the belief in predestination as
Shi’a believe that would be unjust).

Nubuwwah Prophethood ‘Our prophets whom We sent before’

‘to every people was sent an apostle’

Imamate The 12 Infallible Imams chosen by Allah to guide the Ummah once ‘I testify that there is no God but Allah and the
the last and final messenger has gone. Prophet Muhammad is His messenger and Ali
1st: Ali the friend of Allah’
2nd: Hasan
3rd: Husayn

Qiyamah Resurrection. The belief that on the Day of Judgement everyone who ‘He will surely assemble you for account on the
has ever lived will be raised again (from Barzakh) in their body and Day of Resurrection’
be held accountable by Allah. ‘we raise you a second time’
Islam: Practices 5 Pillars of Sunni Islam
Keyword Definition BLT

Shahadah Declaration of Faith ‘I testify that there is no God but Allah and the Prophet Muhammad is His messenger’

‘whoever says: ‘there is no god but Allah’ enters paradise’

Salah 5 daily prayers. ‘Salah is the pillar of religion, the one who abandons it abandons religion’

Zakat 2.5% wealth tax. ‘the one who looks after and works for a widow… is like a warrior fighting God’s cause’
‘spend on others and I will spend on you’

Sawm Fasting during the ‘fasting was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous’
month of Ramadan

Hajj Pilgrimage to Makkah ‘House of Allah’

during Eid ul Adha. ‘Whoever performs Hajj for Allah is born anew’

Prophet Muhammad’s Last Sermon: ‘Listen to me sincerely: worship Allah, perform your five daily prayers, fast in the month of
Ramadhan, offer Zakat and perform the Hajj’
Islam: Practices 10 Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam
Keyword Definition BLT
Salah 5 daily prayers ‘Salah is the pillar of religion, the one who abandons it abandons religion’

Zakat Fasting during the month of Ramadan. ‘the one who looks after and works for a widow… is like a warrior fighting God’s cause’
‘spend on others and I will spend on you’

Sawm Pilgrimage to Makkah during Eid ul ‘fasting was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous’
Hajj 2.5% wealth tax. House of Allah’
‘Whoever performs Hajj for Allah is born anew’
Khums 20% wealth tax for scholars and ‘whatever you acquire… one fifth is for Allah and the near relative’
Jihad To struggle. Lesser: ‘to those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight, because
they are wronged’
‘Fight in the way of Allah those who fight against you but do not transgress’
Greater: ‘the greatest jihad is the battle your own soul, to fight evil within yourself’
Amir-bil-Maroof Encouraging the good. ‘let there be arising from you in a nation inviting to all that is good’

Nahil-Anril-Munkar Discouraging the bad. ‘whoever among you sees an evil should change it with his hand’

Tawalia Love the friends (wali) of Allah. ‘…and Ali is the friend of Allah’

Tabarra Hating the enemies of Allah.

Prophet Muhammad’s Last Sermon ‘Listen to me sincerely: worship Allah, perform your five daily prayers, fast in the month of Ramadhan, offer
Zakat and perform the Hajj’
Islam: Practices Festivals
Eid ul Fitr (Ramadan) Eid ul Adha (Sacrifice) Ashura
Fitr: breaking the fast. Adha: sacrifice. Ashura is a day of sorrow mourning for Shi’a
Eid ul Adha is considered the ‘Big Eid’. Muslims.
Eid ul-Fitr is the end of Ramadan. On this day in 680 Karbala Imam Husayn was
Muslims embark on the 5 day pilgrimage of martyred for his belief in Allah and his devotion
In Muslim-majority countries there will be a Hajj. to social justice.
national holiday, Eid Mubarak cards are given,
gifts and people give generously to the poor. For those who stayed at home will celebrate Many Shi’a will mourn and wail on this day, the
Eid by sacrificing an animal to commemorate loss of Imam Husayn is very painful for all.
It is a huge celebration, families get together the sacrifice of Ibrahim, this is called Qurbani. People will walk through the streets with flags
and enjoy meals. Other preparations include buying new clothes across the world. In Shi’a countries such as
and giving gifts. Iran and Iraq people will have a day off work
Zakat ul Fitr: charity given specifically for the and children will have a day off school.
poor at the end of Ramadan so everyone can
enjoy the celebration.
For Sunni Muslims, Prophet Muhammad
established a day of fasting to commemorate
the Israelites being freed from Egypt by Musa.
Islam: Practices Pilgrimage

Hajj Karbala (Arba’een) Shi’a

Religious journey to Makkah in Saudi Arabia, the holiest city in Islam. Religious journey to Karbala, place of the Battle of Karbala where
5 million people. Imam Husayn was martyred.

• Tawaf: circling the Ka’ba 40 days of mourning follow Ashura then Shi’a perform Karbala.
• Running between Mount Safa and Marwa like Hagar did in Up to 30 million people
search of water for Isma’il.
• Zam Zam Water: the miracle of the spring of water found by Husayn is believed to transcend all cultural boundaries and be a
Isma’il. symbol of universal freedom and compassion
• Stoning the Pillars: commemorate Prophet Ibrahim resisting
Shaytaan. The Husaini Islamic Trust UK organises a procession in United
Kingdom which draws an attendance of thousands of people.

Mount Arafat: where Prophet Adam repented to Allah after being Ayatollah Alireza Arafi said "Arba'een pilgrimage has truly become a
banished from Jannah. manifestation of unity and brotherhood within Muslim community so
much that even followers of other religions have been drawn to it and
This is the most important part of Hajj because this is where people attend the ceremony alongside Shia Muslims.”
stand, poised towards Allah repenting for their sins.
• People from all over the world and all different faiths go to
Where Prophet Muhammad held his Last Sermon. Karbala.
• People set up stalls along the trail to feed and water pilgrims.
• Many Muslims see it as an affordable alternative to Hajj.

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