Conditional Sentences

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Conditional Sentence

Conditional Sentence
Conditionals tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have
happened, and what we wish would happen

Real Conditional Unreal Conditional

Real Conditional
The situation or event would be true in the future if something happens

Conditional Sentence type 0 Conditional Sentence type 1

Conditional Type 0
The situation is always true if something happens

If + Simple Present + Simple Present

• If the weather is pretty, John walks to park

• If I do not play, I usually study
• If I cook, I usually make it spicy
Conditional Type 1
A certain action in the future will only happen if a certain condition is
fulfilled by that time

If + Simple Present + Simple future

• If I have the money, I will buy a new car

• We’ll have a plenty of time to finish the project before dinner if it is
only ten o’clock now
• If I have enough time, I’ll watch a football match
Analyze which sentences use conditional sentences type 0 and 1.
1. If I go on vacation, I take a good book with me
2. If she sees a big dog, she feels nervous
3. If there are any apples left, you can have one
4. If it rains, I will take an umbrella with you
5. If we have sometime this afternoon, we will go shopping
Complete the sentences below using conditional sentences type 0 and 1
1. Whenever I feel tired, I.....
2. If I have extra money, I....
3. When we take vacation, we...
4. Everytime I watch a scary movie, I...
5. If you forget your mother’s birthday ....
6. If the weather is nice this weekend ...
7. If we work very hard in class today....
8. If I have some extra money at the end of the month...
Unreal Conditional
The situation would be true if something or the other happened

Conditional Sentence type 2 Conditional Sentence type 3

Conditional Type 2
Action in the present that could happen if the pressent situation were
different. I don’t really expect the situation to change because it is very

If + Simple Past + would + base verb

• If I were a millionair, I would buy a castle

• If I were in New York, I would meet you
• If I didn’t have to come to come to the station, I would go to the
Conditional Type 3
Situation in the past. Hypothetical results to past givern situation

If + Past perfect, + would + have + past participle

• If he has been careful, he wouldn’t have had that terrible accident

• The term would have helped you with the project if you had asked
them earlier
• If we had known that you were there, we would have written you a
Analyze which sentences use conditional sentences type 2 and 3.
1. If I Owned a zoo, I might let people interact with the animals more.
2. I would have attended your party if you had remembered to invite me.
3. If the waiter had been careful, he would not have broken many cups.
4. If I had a car, I would go around the city.
5. If you were more careful, you wouldn’t have had an accident.
Analyze which sentences use conditional sentences type 2 and 3.
1. If I saw you yesterday.....
2. I would have wrote a song if.....
3. If I were you.....
4. You would be the winner if....
5. If I have met you, ......
6. I would have prepared it well if......
7. If I were an astronaut, .....
8. We would have been late if.....
9. If I studied well, ....

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