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Myasthenia gravis


Meaning: grave muscular weakness

Definition: chronic autoimmune
neuromuscular disorder characterized
by fluctuating weakness of voluntary
muscular groups

The receptors at the muscles are

destroyed by antibodies preventing a
normal muscular reaction
The causative factor is unknown but
may have a genetic link
Thymus tumor found in 15% of patients

Double vision
Droopy eyelids
Difficulty chewing
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty holding the head up
Difficulty with physical tasks

History and physical examination

Blood analysis elevated levels of
acetylcholine receptors antibodies
Anti MUSK (muscle specific kinase)
Tensilon test (endraphonium test )

Choline esterase inhibitors such as

neostigminethat increase
concentration of Ach
Corticosteroids which inhibit immune
system, limiting antibody production
 This brings us to the end of our presentation

Introduced by :

 Mohamed naguib
 Mahmoud omar
 Mostafa mesed
 Mohamed ali
 Menna gamal
 Menna gomaa
 Adel mahmoud
 Mostafa mohamed
 Mahmoud Mohamed abd elati
Thank you..

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