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At the end of this Lesson:

 one of the most abused and misunderstood words during these times. A well-loved
concept which ancestors fought for, yet poorly understood by the present
generation. There is always something in being free. People associate freedom
with one’s ability to do whatever he or she wants to do.
 Important indication of human freedom: ability to make choices and perform
 -the power to be what you want to be and the ability to decide and create yourself
Kinds of Freedom

1. Physical Freedom
 Absence of any physical restraint; freedom of mobility to go where he
 or she wants to go.
2. Psychological freedom
 Freedom of choice; free to perform actions that he or she considers
 right and wise; innate and cannot be denied a person
3. Moral Freedom
 Using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness;
 a person must use his/her freedom to grow as a person; a person is
 more free when he/she uses freedom wel

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