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Grading Cambridge Technical Digital Media

All units are Units and Grading

individually graded

• Pass Unit 1 – Media Products and Audiences (Mr Allan) (2 hr written exam) (25%)
• Merit Unit 2 – Pre-production and planning (Mr Murphy) (2 hr written exam) (25%)
• Distinction
Unit 3 – Create a media product (Mr Murphy) (Major Coursework Project) (15%)
However, your Unit 6 – Social Media and Globalisation (Mr Rigby) (1hr 30m written exam)  (15%)
overall grade at the Unit 21 – Plan and deliver a pitch for a media product (Mr Rigby) (Coursework)  (10%)
end of the course
Unit 23 – Create a personal media profile (Mr Allan/Mr Rigby) (Coursework)  (10%)
will be either:
Unit 1 and Unit 2 are your major theory units and they provide you with the learning
• Pass
that underpins the other units
• Merit
• Distinction
You must pass all units to pass the qualification! 
• Distinction*
Cambridge Technical

Extended Certificate
in Digital Media

Unit 3 –
Create a Media Product (LO1)
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Projects Media products have a range of different purposes. Whether it is to
advertise and promote a product or service, inform an audience of
There are a wide
variety of possible a cause or engage and entertain an audience.
project choices ranging
This aim of this unit is for you to develop knowledge and
from radio adverts or
songs, to promotional understanding of the production processes for producing one of the
videos and following media products:
documentaries or even
magazine features, Print-based
leaflets and
information packs.
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Projects You will apply the learning you have gained in Unit 1 and Unit 2, to
plan and produce a media product. You will complete planning
There are a wide
variety of possible materials to take them forward to the production and post–
project choices ranging production stages of your intended media product. You will plan,
from radio adverts or
produce and edit original content for your intended product.
songs, to promotional
videos and By completing this unit, you will have the skills to:
documentaries or even
magazine features,
Create a proposal to meet a client brief
leaflets and Produce planning materials
information packs.
Create and manage original content for the product
Apply post-production editing techniques
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Breakdown of the Unit
More specifically, the unit is broken down into 4 individual sections:
Each learning outcome LO1 - Be able to create a proposal with sample materials for an original media
has certain criteria you product to a client brief
will need to meet in
order to achieve either LO2 - Be able to plan and develop pre-production materials for an original media
a Pass, Merit or product to a client brief
LO3 - Be able to create production materials for an original media product to a
To pass the unit you client brief
must at least hit each
of points on the pass LO4 - Be able to carry out post-production techniques and processes for an
criteria. original media product to a client brief
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
The Scenario – Music Festival
Projects You have been asked to produce promotional material for a three
There are a wide
day summer music festival.
variety of possible The festival will take place in the local region and will feature music
project choices ranging
from radio adverts or
and performances from multiple different artists.
songs, to promotional You are required to make one of the following media products to
videos and
documentaries or even showcase and promote the festival….
magazine features,  Audio
leaflets and
information packs.  Audio-Visual
 Print/Graphics
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
The Scenario –Music Festival
An audio product, for example, one of the
Print/Graphics product, for example, one of the
• A radio advert
• A double page spread for a local magazine or
• An original song
• A music talk show, etc.
• An information pack

An audio-visual product, for example, one of the • A print based/graphics advertisement which
following: includes two of the following:
• A poster
• A promotional video • A billboard
• Online content • Digital content/web pop-up
• A documentary • A leaflet

All content produced must be original and produced/created by you.

However, music or audio effects from a copyright-free source may be used but must be referenced.
Analysis Tools - Mind Map
A Mind Map is also a visual tool often used to help
you plan/organise a project.
It is a diagram in which information is represented Node
visually to help generate ideas and show the links
between different thoughts and areas of a project.
Node Sub
The structure of a Mind Map is as follows: Main
• Central Idea which is usually in the middle of
the page Sub
• Branches then come off this central idea Node Node Node
connecting to…
• Nodes which break your central idea into The arrows are Sub
called branches Node
smaller sections
• Sub-nodes then run from each of the nodes
breaking those ideas again into smaller sections
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Task 1 - Generating Ideas (Mind Map)
Your first task is to start generating ideas for the type of product you could make.
Start by creating a mind map showing all of the products which you could make in each category.
Once you have done this, start adding elements of detail to your favourite ideas


Advert Leaflet

Visual Media Graphic
Analysis Tools - Mood Board
A Mood Board is a visual tool often used as
the starting point of a project.

It is a collections of sample materials either in

a physical or digital format that will be used to
help plan the style, feel, look of a product.

It is important to not that a Mood Board is

not necessarily concerned with showing what
a final product will look like, its purpose is to
help generate ideas and concepts for a

Mood Boards can include almost anything,

but the most common elements are Images,
Text, Colours, Objects and even
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Task 2 - Generating Ideas (Mood Board)
Your next task is to create a mood board of images to help inspire your ideas going forwards.
Create this Mood Board on its own page/slide and only use high quality images.
Remember a mood board can include images, colours, font styles (even audio and video)
Mood Board Examples
LO1 - Be able to create a proposal with sample
materials for an original media product to a client brief
Example Media Products
There are three criteria to the first section of this
Audio Genres
• Radio Drama
Graphic Genres
• Music Track Print
• Talk Show • Magazine P1: Produce a proposal for the original media product
• Audio Book • Advertisement
• Soundtrack • Poster to meet the client brief
• Podcast • Leaflet
• Radio Advert
• Original Song
• Billboard
• Info Pack
P2: Create sample materials to support the proposal
• DVD Cover
• Newspaper M1: Justify content, distribution and marketing
Audio/Visual Genres
• Promotional Video Digital methods identified for the planned production to
• Online content
• Trailer
• Advert • Web Pop-Up meet a client brief
• TV Programme • Web Banner
• Short Film • Social Media We have already started creating the sample materials for
• Documentary Advert
• Online Video P2 so we are going to continue with this criteria first
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Task 3 – Analysis of Similar Products
What to talk about…
Now that you have (hopefully) made a decision about the type of
Graphic Content Audio Content product(s) you are going to create, you must now analyse a range of
• Images • Dialogue similar products in order to help gain inspiration for your own product.
• Fonts • Music
• Colour Scheme • Sound Effects
• Layout • Scripting/flow This could take the form of a written document which would be
• Text/Copy • Transitions suitable if you are creating an audio or audio/visual product, or it
could be in the form of a presentation with annotated example
Audio/Visual Content graphics if you are creating a print/digital graphic based product.
• Mise-en-scéne
• Dialogue
• Music/Sound Effects The important thing to remember is that you are looking for products
• Camerawork that you hope to ‘pastiche’ based on their form, content, layout, style.
• Editing
• Transitions You should aim to analyse at least 3 similar products.
• Special Effects
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Task 4 – Creating Sample Materials
You should produce some Now that you have made a decision on the type of product you
sketches of your product (1-2 are going to make, you should also have some ideas of how it
pages), this could also include font might look/sound based on the analysis task you completed last
and logo ideas lesson.

Audio You are now going to create some ‘sample pre-production’

You should produce a sample materials to support your Proposal which you will be writing over
section of script (1 page) which
the coming lessons. These are not full pre-production documents
gives an idea of your product
and therefore they only need to be small in scale/sample.
You should produce a sample The type of product you are going to create will dictate the type of
storyboard or script (1 page) to sample material you should produce for your proposal (See the
give a feel for your product boxes on the left-hand side)
Hand Drawn Poster Examples
Hand Drawn Leaflet Examples
Hand Drawn Magazines and Concept Art
Hand Drawn Logo Concept Art
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Example Media Products
Later in this unit you will create a proposal for your chosen digital
Audio Genres Graphic Genres media product(s). However, to check that your idea will be suitable
• Radio Drama
• Music Track Print before you begin your designs you will create a short pre-proposal.
• Talk Show • Magazine
• Audio Book • Advertisement This pre-proposal should contain:
• Soundtrack • Poster •The category of your product (Graphic, Audio, Audio/Visual)
• Podcast • Leaflet
• Radio Advert • Billboard •Genre (e.g. Poster, Magazine Article, Podcast, Video Advert etc.)
• Original Song • Info Pack
• DVD Cover
•Content (What will your digital media product(s) feature)
• Newspaper • Examples of the type of content you would like to create (Images
Audio/Visual Genres
• Promotional Video Digital for graphics, weblinks for audio or audio/visual)
• Trailer • Online content
• Advert • Web Pop-Up The written content only needs to be brief at this stage but it is a good
• TV Programme • Web Banner
• Short Film • Social Media
idea to thoroughly think about what you are going to create and how
• Documentary Advert you might do it.
• Online Video
LO1 - Be able to create a proposal with sample
materials for an original media product to a client brief

There are three criteria to the first section of this assignment:

P1: Produce a proposal for the original media product to meet the client brief
P2: Create sample materials to support the proposal
M1: Justify content, distribution and marketing methods identified for the planned
production to meet a client brief

Now that you have created your sample materials it is time to start creating your
proposal. Remember the proposal is the document you will present to the client which
gives them information about the type of product you are going to create.
P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Recap: Proposal media product to meet the client brief

Once you have conducted research into a project and settled on an idea you You must include information
need to communicate this idea to the client so they can assess if they want to explaining and justifying each of the
go ahead with the project, to do this a proposal document is created.  following subheadings in your
Your proposal for this assignment could take the form of: • Purpose
• A high concept document (typed up in Word) • Form
• A presentation or pitch (PowerPoint style, you don’t have to deliver it!) • Genre
• Content
Remember, the purpose of a proposal is to ‘sell’ your idea to the client so they • Target Audience
give you the ‘green light’ to develop it. The audience for a proposal is usually • Resources that will be needed
'non-technical', so it needs to be written/delivered in language they can • Distribution/Marketing Methods

As a minimum a proposal should normally include:

1. Data about the proposed target audience
2. A clear explanation of the proposed solution
3. An outline of the resources required
4. An outline of potential costs, with data to back this up
5. Evidence of how you will create the product within timescale
P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Proposal Overview media product to meet the client brief
Purpose – The purpose of a product should be clear Form/Genre – The form (or format) of the product will either be
and suitable for your target audience. There are Audio, Audio/Visual or Graphic. The genre is then the type of
usually four main purposes of a product, either to product you have chose to create within that category. It is
entertain, educate, inform or promote, often the important that once you have chosen the form and genre that you
purpose will be a mix of these different categories. stick to it all the way through the project.

Content – The content of your product will depend Resources and Personnel – This section will feature discussion
largely on the form of the product. For instance in about the equipment, software and people you will need for your
an audio product you will need to include dialogue, product, this will obviously vary greatly depending on the type of
music and sound effects. Whereas for an product you are going to make. You should also talk about any
audio/visual product you will need to discuss Mise- personnel you will use including individual job roles even if you
en-scène, camerawork, editing, transitions and are going to be handling all of them on your own.
SFX/GFX. For a graphic image you will need to
Distribution and Marketing – The method of distribution for
consider images, fonts, layouts, body, titles etc.
your product will also be a major consideration and will usually
be dictated by the form of the product and the intended target
Target Audience – The target audience is a key audience. For example, some products may have an online
consideration of any proposal and can usually be presence via social media adverts or web banners, whereas the
broken down into the key demographics of age, most effective distribution occurs through multiple platforms. In
gender, ethnicity, sexuality, location, socio- the case of a new film for example you may choose to use social
economic factors, psycho-graphics and nice vs media, a dedicated website, posters, TV and radio adverts. 
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
Task 5 – Creating your Proposal
What to talk about… The information in the next eight slides will help you to complete your
Proposal Sub-Headings
Your proposal will be accompanied by the design documents you have
You must explain and justifying produced so far, so you can (and should) make references to these
each of the following subheadings documents in your writing.
in your proposal:
The proposal itself should be a substantial document as it will form a
• Purpose
• Form quarter of your marks for this unit. (Aim for 4-5 pages in a standard
• Genre font size when typed up in Microsoft Word or the equivalent if you
• Content decide to create your proposal as a presentation in PowerPoint)
• Target Audience
• Resources that will be needed Remember you have already created a short proposal for Unit 2 so
• Distribution/Marketing Methods
perhaps some elements or ideas could be re-used or adapted.
Unit 3: Creating a Media Product
The Scenario – Music Festival
Projects You have been asked to produce promotional material for a summer
music festival. The festival will take place in the local region and
There are a wide
variety of possible feature music from multiple different artists and genres.
project choices ranging
from radio adverts or
The event will have six different stages with each stage showcasing a
songs, to promotional
videos and different music genre. (For example, Pop, Rock, RnB etc.).
documentaries or even
magazine features,
The festival will take place in the summer and will be three days long,
leaflets and
information packs. running from Friday to Sunday. You are required to make one of the
following media products to showcase and promote the festival…..
P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Constructing your proposal media product to meet the client brief
The Scenario: When setting up your proposal you must remember that you are writing it as if you have been approached by
a company to create a product for them. You are trying to convince the company that you are the right person/company for
the job so your proposal must look professional and it must be written in a professional manner.

Introduction: You should open with a small introduction, Layout: Once you have introduced yourself and set up your
this could be setting out who you/your company are and document layout (Word or PowerPoint), you should start
what qualities you have that you feel will make you suitable addressing each of the key subheadings.
for the job. You could create a business name and logo for
your company. 1. Purpose: Explain the purpose of your media product
Then you should have a list of subheadings these will be: Why does/will it exist, what is its primary purpose, and will
it have more than one purpose? Are you creating a range
• Purpose of products? Will each one serve the same purpose or will
• Form/Genre they each serve different purposes?
• Content (M1)
• Target Audience Remember: the main purposes of any digital media
• Resources and Personnel product are either to Inform, Advertise, Entertain, Promote
• Distribution and Marketing (M1) or Educate (or a combination of any of these four).
P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Form and Genre media product to meet the client brief

2. Form: Explain the form of your product Audio Genres Graphic Genres
• Radio Drama
The form of the product you are going to make is a simple point to • Music Track Print
cover it will either be an Audio product, Audio/Visual product or a • Talk Show • Magazine
print/digital based Graphic product. • Audio Book • Advertisement
• Soundtrack • Poster
You should fully explain what your intended product (or products) is • Podcast • Leaflet
so that it is clear to the person reading your proposal what exactly • Radio Advertisement • Billboard
it is that you are proposing to make. • Original Song • Info Pack
• DVD Cover
• Newspaper
Audio/Visual Genres
3. Genre: Explain the genre of your product • Promotional Video Digital
• Trailer • Online content
The genre of your product in this instance is what sub category of • Advert • Web Pop-Up
form it fits into. So for example a radio advertisement is a genre of • TV Programme • Web Banner
audio product. • Short Film • Social Media
• Documentary Advert
You should explain what your genre is and what makes your • Online Video
product part of this genre
M1: Justify content for the planned P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Content production to meet the client brief media product to meet the client brief

4. Content: Explain and justify the content of your product (Merit Task – M1)

The content of your product will depend on the form/genre of your product. You should describe the content of your
product explaining its key features in detail and remember that you will also be producing pre-production documents to
help illustrate these features.

To achieve M1 in this task, you will also need to explain why (justify) you have chosen these features and made the
decisions that you have. You should try to back up your points with referenced research wherever possible.

Audio Content to Discuss Audio/Visual Content to Discuss

Dialogue – Who will your characters Mise-en-scéne – What will your setting be? Will you have characters? What
be? Will you have different scenes? about costumes, props and lighting?
Camerawork – Will you use multiple viewpoints, angles, shot types? Will
Music – Will you use foreground and or
you use camera movement, will you use multiple cameras?
background music? What will the
Editing – Will you use post filming editing techniques? How will you edit the
duration be? Will there be any legal
film? How will you heck continuity, story flow visual style and conventions?
Transitions – How will you transition between scenes? Which transition
Sound Effects – Will you record or types/effects will you use?
Source them? Legal restrictions? Special Effects – Will you use special effects? How will you create them?
M1: Justify content for the planned P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Content production to meet the client brief media product to meet the client brief

Graphic Content to Discuss

Images – What images will you use? How will source these images? How big will they be in relation to your product? Will
you need to consider any Copyright issues? (You will need to create an accompanying assets table)
Fonts – Which font styles will you use? Will certain section of your product feature different fonts? Where will you obtain
the fonts? What makes them suitable?
Colour Schemes – Which colour schemes will you use, what makes them suitable? You should reference colour theory
Layout – Do you have an idea of your initial layouts? Why have you gone with this approach?

Graphic Specific Terminology (Try to use this wherever possible if you are creating a graphic)

Slug – A working title or short phrase with a title that briefly describes the story or content.
Body Copy – The main text of an article
Margins – The blank spaces around the edges of sections which are consistently set so that a product is fit for purpose
Masthead – The main title or name of a publication, usually found at the top of the front cover
Pull Quotes – Short excerpts from body copy used to highlight sections, designed to draw in the readers attention
Interview – A specific layout used for question and answer style interviews, usually stating the people in the interview
Review – A specific layout format used when commenting on a product, film or performance.
P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Target Audience media product to meet the client brief
5. Target Audience: Explain who you feel the target audience for your product is

In this section you should identify firstly who you feel the target audience for the scenario is but then also who the target
audience you are targeting is, they should be the same, but your product may also focus on a particular section of the target
audience. Explain why you have chosen to do this. You should make reference to specific target audience demographic
factors and you should include reference to National Readership Survey social grades explaining what they are.

Socio - Economic Age

This is concerned with how much an individual earns together The age of an individual or group can greatly affect a products
with their class e.g. Working, Middle or Upper. Generally development. For instance the complexity of a video game or
speaking in Digital Media, the more money a person earns, the language used in a digital comic or film will depend on the
the more disposable income they have. This means they can audience. Age groups can be quite specific e.g. 17-25 or quite
afford to consume more and varied digital media products. broad such as ‘teenager’, ‘middle-aged’ or ‘senior citizen’.

Gender Ethnicity
Gender preferences are not always clearly defined. It was Migration and the internet have meant that we
always assumed that males and females had different are living in very ethnically diverse times. Media
interests such as sports for males and fashion for females. products are now accessible by a far wider range
However in modern society it is clear that interests are of ethnic groups than ever before. This means that
changing and can be shared whether male, female or factors such as culture, heritage, race, religion and
transgender. In terms of media products gender ideas can language all have to be considered when creating
affect which products are targeted to each gender and how a a new product. Failure to do so could lead to
product might be styled to appeal to different gender groups. offence being caused to one group or another.
P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Target Audience media product to meet the client brief
5. Target Audience: Explain who you feel the target audience for your product is

In this section you should identify firstly who you feel the target audience for the scenario is but then also who the target
audience you are targeting is, they should be the same, but your product may also focus on a particular section of the target
audience. Explain why you have chosen to do this. You should make reference to specific target audience demographic
factors and you should include reference to National Readership Survey social grades explaining what they are.

Sexual Orientation Geo-Demographic

A user’s sexuality can also affect a media product. Not This is a factor based on the geographic location of
only can the preferences of different groups affect who a your target audience and can take into account
product is target at but also the language and imagery factors like nationality or region. This can affect the
that is used within a product. style of a product and the language used within it

Psychographics Mainstream vs Niche

This is the term for the psychological factors that This relates to the purpose of a product, if it is designed
influence a persons opinion, attitudes, lifestyle and to appeal to many people then it would considered
interests. Combining this type of information with socio- ‘mainstream’, whereas a product aimed at a small
economic factors helps to target a specific user. specific group of people would be considered ‘niche’.

It may be a little harder to write about every demographic identifier so pick at least five relevant points and try to include
as much research as possible to back up any points you make. For instance you could reference research that has been
conducted into the gender/age divides in music or perhaps the ‘types of people’ who listen to particular genres of music.
P1: Produce a proposal for the original
Resources and Personnel media product to meet the client brief
6. Resources: Identify, explain and justify the resources you will need to prepare, record, Equipment examples
create and edit the media product.
This section should certainly include all of the software you may choose to use throughout • Camera
the project from this point forwards as well as the physical equipment you will need • Video Camera
(remember this will also include the computers that you will use). • Microphone
• Graphics tablet
You will also need to reference any props, sets or additional equipment that you may need. • Lighting
• Green Screen
7. Personnel: Reference and explain any additional personnel you will need/use and what • Props
their job roles will be – this would include models for photographs and actors for videos. • Sets

If you are working solo then you will need to reference each of the individual job roles you Software possibilities
will be taking on, explaining each e.g. Photographer, Graphic Designer, Video Editor etc.
• Fireworks/Photoshop
• Serif Movie Plus
• Audacity
• Any of the Microsoft
Office packages you
may choose to use
M1: Justify distribution and marketing
Distribution and Marketing methods for the planned production

8.Distribution/Marketing: Identify the intended distribution and marketing needs of the Distribution:
digital media product(s) How a product reaches
its intended audience
In this section you will need to discuss how the product that you will create will be For example:
distributed i.e. how will it be seen/heard by its intended audience? • Internet (incl email)
• Cinema
This could be through online platforms such as websites, apps, social media and e-mail. • Television
Or perhaps it could be through physical distribution methods such as magazine adverts, • Radio
physically distributing flyers, mailshots and targeted locations of posters, it could also be a • Physical Media
combination of a number of the above methods of distribution.

Remember that the purpose and form/genre of your product will usually dictate how the Remember:
product could/will be distributed and marketed. As you are creating
marketing materials,
Distribution – This is the act of ‘getting something out there’ your main concern is the
Marketing – This is deciding which section of audience you are going to target. distribution of these
materials, but you
Remember that the target audience you have identified for the marketing will typically should also comment on
dictate the distribution methods you are going to choose. how the materials will
help to market the event
M1: Justify distribution and marketing
Distribution and Marketing methods for the planned production

8.Distribution/Marketing: Distribution:
How a product reaches
Once you have identified your distribution methods you will need to justify them. This is its intended audience
where you can reference you target audience research from the previous section and For example:
explain why you have decided to use the distribution methods you have chosen. It is • Internet (incl email)
always useful to try to back these decisions up with data you have found (and can • Cinema
reference). • Television
For example you would expect social media distribution to be more suitable for a younger • Radio
demographic rather than an older demographic due to the numbers of young people using • Physical Media
social media. However certain social media platforms are more popular with older
demographics. On the other hand you would expect physical distribution of media (in the Remember:
case of graphics for example) to be more suitable for the older demographic given that As you are creating
they are more likely to purchase physical magazines and newspapers. marketing materials,
your main concern is the
Remember that just because you might have chosen to create a graphic for example, it
distribution of these
doesn’t mean that this graphic can only be used in a physical format, it might also be
materials, but you
suitable for digital distribution as well (and vice versa).
should also comment on
Remember: To meet the criteria for M1 you must justify your marketing and distribution how the materials will
methods, so always back up you points by explaining why help to market the event

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