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Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion

centered around the Quran and the teachings of
Muhammad. Adherents of Islam, called Muslims,
number approximately 1.9 billion globally and are
the world's second-largest religious population
after Christians.
Islam stands for complete submission and
obedience to Allah - that is why it is called Islam.
The other literal meaning of the word "Islam" is
"peace." This signifies that one can achieve real
peace of body and of mind only through
submission and obedience to Allah.

Muhammad (Arabic: ‫;م َح َّمد‬

ُ c. 570 – 8 June 632 CE)
was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and
the founder of Islam. According to Islamic doctrine,
he was a prophet divinely inspired to preach and
confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam,
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. He is
believed to be the Seal of the Prophets within Islam.
Muhammad united Arabia into a single Muslim
polity, with the Quran as well as his teachings and
practices forming the basis of Islamic religious

The word "Quran," a verbal noun, is equivalent

in meaning to "qira'ah," as both come from the
verb "qara'a" which means "to read."
That is, Quran literally means "a reading or
reciting." However, the term "Quran" has been
historically used specifically to refer to the book
which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him). The term "Quran" is
mentioned in a number of places throughout the
book in reference to itself.
The Quran could be defined as Allah's words
which were revealed in Arabic in a rhythmical
form to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him). Its recitation is used in acts of worship and
its smallest chapter (Surah) is of a miraculous

Profession of Faith (shahada). The belief that "There is no god but God, and
Muhammad is the Messenger of God" is central to Islam.

Prayer (salat). Muslims pray facing Mecca five times a day: at dawn, noon, mid-
afternoon, sunset, and after dark.

Alms (zakat). In accordance with Islamic law, Muslims donate a fixed portion of
their income to community members in need.

Fasting (sawm). During the daylight hours of Ramadan, the ninth month of the
Islamic calendar, all healthy adult Muslims are required to abstain from food and

Pilgrimage (hajj). Every Muslim whose health and finances permit it must make at
least one visit to the holy city of Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia.

Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic and

worship one, all-knowing God, who in Arabic is known as Allah. Followers of
Islam aim to live a life of complete submission to Allah. They believe that
nothing can happen without Allah's permission, but humans have free will.

The cultural values of Islam include intense religious observance based on

faithfulness to Allah and the teachings of Muhammad. They also include a
strong sense of community in the religious and familial sense and a strong
desire to build up a faithful Muslim society.

Thus, religion is considered to be a part of culture and it acts as one among

many forms of overtly expressing and experiencing spirituality that is inward,
personal, subjective, transcendental, and unsystematic. In other words,
cultural values are seen as a foundation to religiosity.

Islam was founded by the prophet Mohammed, who

was born in Mecca around A.D. 570 and settled in
Medina around 622. Muslims believe Mohammed was
the last and most important in a series of prophets,
including Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The holy book of
Islam is the Koran, which means "the timeless words of
The growth and spread of Islam began when the
Prophet Muhammad began sharing his divine
revelations and spreading messages he received from
Allah (god). He and his followers were persecuted and
had to flee to the neighboring city of Medina in 622.
There he and his followers were welcomed and the faith

The Qur'an instructs Muslim women and men to

dress modestly, and for some, the hijab is worn by
Muslim girls and women to maintain modesty and
privacy from unrelated males. According to the
Encyclopedia of Islam and Muslim World, modesty
concerns both men's and women's "gaze, gait,
garments, and genitalia".

List of Hijab Styles by Region The hijab, a religious

headscarf, is worn by Muslim women to cover their
hair and neck. It is an expression of their faith and
personal relationship with God and it symbolizes
modesty and privacy in Islam. Ultimately, it is the
woman's choice whether she prefers to wear one or

Islam has two official holidays: Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. The
former is celebrated at the end of the month of Ramadan, whereas Eid
Al-Adha lands on the 10th day of the final month of the Islamic
A brief overview of Islam
The word Islam means ‘submission to the will of God’.

Islam is the second largest religion in the world with over 1 billion followers. The 2011 census recorded 2,706,066
Muslims in the UK, around 4.8% of the population.

Muslims believe that Islam was revealed over 1,400 years ago in Mecca, Arabia.
Followers of Islam are called Muslims.
Muslims believe that there is only One God.
The Arabic word for God is Allah.
According to Muslims, God sent a number of prophets to mankind to teach them how to live according to His law.
Jesus, Moses and Abraham are respected as prophets of God.
They believe that the final Prophet was Muhammad.
Muslims believe that Islam has always existed, but for practical purposes, date their religion from the time of the migration
of Muhammad.
Muslims base their laws on their holy book the Qur'an, and the Sunnah.
Muslims believe the Sunnah is the practical example of Prophet Muhammad and that there are five basic Pillars of Islam.
These pillars are the declaration of faith, praying five times a day, giving money to charity, fasting and a pilgrimage to
Mecca (at least once).

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