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Managing the Lesson Blended

Blended learning is the practice of combining
elements of online digital media with
traditional, instructor-led teaching methods. It
is widely considered to be one of the most
effective ways to teach at all levels of education.
The success of blended learning
classroom depends on:

 1. An educator’s ability to manage the online


2. Providing the necessary remote learning

resources for students and teachers.
How to successfully manage
an online classroom?
Create an engaging
online community
➲ students can sometimes feel isolated and
disconnected from their peers;
➲ encourage a stronger sense of community
among your virtual class by creating virtual
spaces (such as a ‘lounge’ or chat room)
where students can connect and get to know
each other.
➲ interaction will facilitate communication
during group projects and prevent some of
the frustrations that can arise from online
group work.
Set clear expectations
➲ Students may initially find the syllabus
➲ Set clear deadlines and expectations about
what you expect them to accomplish each
week (including stopping points!).
➲ Give time estimates for self-paced lessons
so students can manage their time
➲ Provide several communication options for
students (email, messenger, etc.) so they
can get in touch if they are confused or
Be available
➲ It’s important to keep a close eye on
participation levels to make sure students
aren’t getting left behind (or slacking!)
➲ Make sure the entire class is participating in
discussion threads and add your own
comments and thought-provoking questions
if participation tails off.
➲ Check in regularly with students during
group projects and set clear guidelines and
expectations regarding plagiarism to make
sure students’ work is original or correctly
Let the students teach

➲ Enable students to take turns leading

➲ It will boost engagement and check that
they thoroughly understand the material.
➲ Not every student will be comfortable
teaching a class!
➲ Use discussion threads and group chats to
assess potential student instructors.
Establish conventions
➲ Set regular online office hours, create a
structured syllabus, and include measurable
assessments to track students’ progress.
➲ You can incorporate flexible elements (such
as extended deadlines and choice of
assignments) into your curriculum, but there
should be a recognisable structure to your
course to maximise its effectiveness.
Offer a wide mix of activities

➲ Changing activities frequently!

➲ In a 90-minute class, have six to eight short
activities – and frequently change the
groupings, so that students stay active and
get to know all of their classmates.

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