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Online course offering

How to
Work From
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• What do we cover in this
⮚ What is WFH
⮚ WFH Etiquette
Work From Home ⮚ Etiquette for Video meetings
⮚ Etiquette for Audio meetings
⮚ Etiquette for emails
⮚ Sending updates and attendance
⮚ Grooming Yourself
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What is WFH
• Since early 2020, the business environments faced a new and unprecedented
challenge- the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

• The onset of a pandemic has changed how businesses thought of corresponding for

• Online meetings, collaborative document creation applications, online chat-rooms and

instant messaging have defined this new business environment.

• Since this change in how we look at work has been implemented there are certain
guidelines which need to be understood and adhered to

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WFH Etiquette
• Regularly attending all meetings.

• Sending work updates to supervisors and/or team leads.

• Communicating via IM applications any crucial updates/news.

• Etiquette with video meetings

• Grooming yourself.

• Being attentive to calls and regularly calling peers.

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Etiquette for Meetings
⮚ Video meetings
▪ Remember to turn your video on, be well dressed and keep
microphone on mute when not speaking.
⮚ Presenting yourself
▪ Always attend video meetings in a well lit and clean room (it really
makes a difference), be well groomed and prepared to answer

⮚ Audio Calls
▪ Pay attention to the agenda and details of the meeting
▪ If any points are to be made, keep them concise and do
not be afraid to speak up. Good ideas increase the

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Writing effective e-mails
• Remember, direct language may sound harsh in emails.

• Use proper writing language for mails, not any kind of

spoken language.

• Use simple English words for mails.

• Select your words carefully.

• Keep your email short and crisp.

• Expecting reply is appreciated but don’t expect the receiver

to respond / reply immediately.

• Proof read your mail before you send it.

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Sending Updates
• One of the side-effects of working from home, is the absence of accountability. This is
an important issue that needs to be addressed to allow for accountability.
• There are no physical checks that can be performed to assess the work completed per

There are some basics to ensure the organization can handle accountability-

• Send daily updates to team leads and supervisors- this is absolutely essential and
needs to be kept in mind. Remember to send regular updates before the day ends with
work that has been completed in the day and any meetings attended.
• Send these updates in E-mails specifically.
• If some form of update/attendance is not received each day, it will lead to a cut in your

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• Simply because you do not attend work,
physically, does not mean that you can or
should stop paying attention to how you
are presenting yourself.

• Remember that you represent the

organization and you reflect the values of
the organization.

• Always pay attention to particulars about

your appearance, maintaining a style that
you would present in an official meeting
or interview

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Thank You
Be the best version of
yourself be proud of
whether from home or at

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