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1. Introduction
2. Concept of power
3. Conclusion

The power modulator regulates the output power of the source. It controls the power from the source to the motor in
such a manner that motor transmits the speed-torque characteristic required by the load. During the transient operations
like starting, braking and speed reversing the excessive current drawn from the source. This excessive current drawn
from the source may overload it or may cause a voltage drop. Hence the power modulator restricts the source and motor
The power modulator converts the energy according to the requirement of the motor e.g. if the source is DC and an
induction motor is used then power modulator convert DC into AC. It also selects the mode of operation of the motor,
i.e., motoring or braking.
Concept of Power Modulator

 This modulator can be used to control the output power of the supply.
 The power controlling of the motor can be done in such a way that the electrical
motor sends out the speed-torque feature which is necessary with the load.
 During the temporary operations, the extreme current will be drawn from the power
 The drawn current from the power source may excess it otherwise can cause a voltage
 Therefore the power modulator limits the motor current as well as the source.
 The power modulator can change the energy based on the motor requirement.
Block Diagram of an Electric drive using power modulator
 For instance, if the basis is direct current and an induction motor can be used after
that power modulator changes the direct current into alternating current.
 It also choose the motor’s mode of operation like braking otherwise motoring.
They can be classified as
1. Converter
2. Variable impedance
3. Switch circuits

Converters are used to convert current from one type to the other operating
upon function they can be divided into 5 types:-
1. AC to DC converters
2. Choppers or DC-DC converters
3. Cyclo Converter
4. Inverters
The application is based on-
1.They contain and control the source and motor currents with in permissible limits during the transient operations such
as starting, braking, speed reversal etc.
2.They converts the input electrical energy into the form as required by the motors.
3.Adjusts the mode of operation of the motor that is motoring, braking are regenerative.
Thank You.

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