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Health care is the efforts to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being,
especially by trained and licensed professionals usually hyphenated when used

Personal safety is a concept that we
all need to have in order to feel at
peace and minimally comfortable.
Many people know of Maslow's
hierarchy of needs, which places
safety and security second on the list.
This means that after satisfying our
physiological needs we need to feel

A healthy work environment is about
more than being safe. A Healthy
workplace is one where employees in
addition to feeling secure and enjoying a
safe physical work environment; feel
recognized for the work they do. enjoy a
positive social environment that
encourages respect, fosters a sense of
belonging and purpose.


The services provided by a country or an organization that involve caring for people's health and treating
people who are ill. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can
potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive

• Factors include air pollution, water and sanitation, • Most of the discussion in bioethics and health policy
increasing heat waves and severe weather events, concerning social responsibility for health has focused
harmful exposure to chemicals and more. The on society's obligation to provide access to healthcare.
estimation of the burden of disease from While ensuring access to healthcare is an important
environmental factors relies on information about social responsibility, societies can promote health in
exposure and exposure response relationships. many other ways, such as through sanitation, pollution
Given the well‐documented relationship between control, food and drug safety, health education,
lifestyle, disease burden and healthcare costs, it disease surveillance, urban planning and occupational
makes economic and medical sense to hold health. Greater attention should be paid to strategies
individuals morally responsible for their health‐ for health promotion other than access to healthcare,
related choices. such as environmental and public health and health
research. Providing social health protection and equal
access to quality health care has significant positive
effects on individual and public health, economic
growth and development. responsibility, public health,
environmental health, access to healthcare

Top 10 Most Common BENEFITS
Health Issues Clean air and water, sanitation and green spaces,
• Physical Activity and Nutrition safe workplaces can enhance people's quality of
• Overweight and Obesity life: reduced mortality and morbidity, healthier
• Tobacco lifestyles, improved productivity of workers and
• Substance Abuse their families, improve lives of women, children
• HIV/AIDS and elderly and are crucial to mental health.
• Mental Health
• Injury and Violence
• Environmental Quality
• Immunization
• Access to Health Care

• Your personal safety is a general recognition and avoidance of possible harmful situations or persons in your

• Individual & Environmental Factors You as an individual have certain qualities and attributes that may make
you feel more or less safe. For instance, if you are over the age of eighty, you may not feel as safe as much
as younger people being at home alone. At that age, it's far more likely you're going to fall down the stairs and
perhaps hurt yourself. This is why companies sell bracelets and necklaces that have buttons that can be
pushed to go get help in case you can't get to the phone.

• Actually, in the example I just gave you, your environment also influences your safety. For an elderly
individual, even their own home environment may pose serious danger. For others their environmental
dangers may tie in with where they work. If you work in an office, the dangers to your safety are minimal, but
if you work in construction then your job can pose many personal safety risks, like falling objects or getting
run over by some big machine.
• Socioeconomic & Cultural Socioeconomic factors are a big determinant of personal safety. If you are
quite poor and live in high crime areas, chances are far higher you're going to be hurt or killed than if
you are living in a privileged gated community with twenty-four hour security patrols in the
neighborhood. People living in high crime areas may experience criminal violence or maybe falsely
identified as a criminal by citizens or police, which can lead to an innocent individual being harmed. Be
responsible for your personal safety

• Better awareness of risks, improved knowledge of personal safety procedures, and fewer distractions
can mean that stress-related absences reduce, and staff are less likely to be injured as a result of a
personal safety incidents.

• Be alert to your surroundings and the people around you. Try to avoid isolated bus stops. Don't open
your purse or wallet while boarding the bus—have your pass or money already in your hand. Keep
jewelry out of sight; don't flash jewelry; turn rings around so the stones don't show.

• A safe and healthy workplace not only protects workers from injury and illness, it can also lower
injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism and turnover, increase productivity and quality, and raise
employee morale. In other words, safety is good for business. Plus, protecting workers is the right thing
to do. 9
BENEFITS How can we relate this
• Reduced costs. to our topic of Personal,
• Reduced risks.
• Lower employee absence and turnover rates. Community, and
• Fewer accidents.
• Improved health and wellbeing. Environmental Health?
• Greater productivity.
• Higher performance. • Having a person safety is very important to people,
• Increased job satisfaction. especially children. Your child's safety requirements will
• Lessened threat of legal action. evolve as he or she grows. Infants, in general, require
safeguards against potential hazards. And as a future
physical education teacher, we will be our students'
second parents, providing them with safety inside the
school classroom.

• A healthy working environment -is one in which there is not only an absence of harmful conditions that can
cause injury and illness, but an abundance of health promoting ones (WHO, 2010). A healthy work
environment means creating a positive, healthy, and ideal work environment. In which your employees
work with her or his full energy, productivity, and dedication to full fill your desire and goals. non-toxic,
healthy environment leads to an opportunity for open discussion, strong professional relationships, and
increased productivity.
• Ways to create a healthy work environment? There are small changes around the workspace that will
have a huge impact in the long run. Offer a Daily or Weekly Snack Encourage Physical Activity Provide
a Comfortable Working Space Build Connections

• Why strive for a healthy workplace? Workers that feel valued, safe and healthy are more likely to be
more productive and committed to their work. Healthy workplaces can reduce insurance costs and
absenteeism. Healthy workplaces can increase worker productivity, satisfaction and retention.

6 Ways to Build a Healthy Work Environment
• Give your employees a real voice.
• Show appreciation every day.
• Turn your values into more than just words.
• Create an environment of psychological safety and trust.
• Prioritize cultural alignment when hiring.
• Empower your team with what they need to succeed.

Signs of a Healthy Work Environment:

• Compassion.
• Positive values.
• A no-gossip policy.
• Low turnover rates.
• Team collaboration.
• Open communication.
• Goal-oriented projects.
How can we connect this to our subject
Personal Community and Environmental
• This is the easy explanation for that in this subject, we have a teacher and a classmate, if our teacher
is not toxic, knows how to understand and is very approachable, the same goes for our classmate in
the class, it is expected that there will be unity and you will enjoy each day or hour more together with
this subject.

Thank You!!

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