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University of Transport and Communications

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Road Management and Maintenance

in Vietnam

Bui Cong Do – Informatics in Civil Engineering Section

Hanoi, 25/03/2023
University of Transport and Communications
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Road Management and Maintenance in Vietnam



Bui Cong Do – Informatics in Civil Engineering Section

Hanoi, 25/03/2023
Overview and Current Status

• Road Network in Vietnam

• Road Management and Maintenance in Vietnam
Road Network in Vietnam

 Vietnam

► Total Area: Over 331,698 km2

► Population: Over 91.9 mil ppl.

► Road Border with China, Laos,

Road Network in Vietnam

Road Airlines
Transport in

Railway Waterway & Maritime

Road Network in Vietnam

Important role
for economic

90% of total passengers Proportion of

road transport
in Vietnam 70% of total cargo volume

Needs of good enough

road infrastructure for a
developing country
Road Network in Vietnam

 Road Network Classified by Categories

No Type of Road Length (km) Proportion (%)
1 National Highway 21,278 7.32
2 Provincial Road 28,041 9.65
3 District Road 58,696 20.20
4 Commune Road 151,639 52.18
5 Urban Road 20,076 6.91
6 Specialized Road 10,836 3.73
Total 288,748 100

In addition:
• Alley Road: 175,134 (km)
• Inner-field’s Road: 106,134 (km)
Road Network in Vietnam

 Road Network Classified by Categories

Noi Bai – Lao Cai Exp. way HCM National Highway

Road Network in Vietnam

 Road Network Classified by Categories

Nguyen Chi Thanh Street Commune Road

(Urban Road – Hanoi) (Quang Binh Province)
Road Network in Vietnam

 Road Network Classified by Technical Grades

Grade Grade
38.01 39.72
% %

Grade II
5.26% Grade
Grade I Expressway Grade VI 10.95
1.36% 0.89% 3.82% %
Road Network in Vietnam

 Road Network Classified by Pavement Materials

As- Ce-
phalt ment
Con Con
crete crete
62.97 2.67
% %

Aggregates %
Road Management and Maintenance

 In order to contribute to keep up the development of the country’s

economy, the road network needs considering in terms of not only
new constructions by investment projects but the maintenance
activities to ensure the service.
 Nowadays, after a period of more than 30 years of reforming and
developing, road asset management and maintenance are more
and more important.
 The main purpose of road maintenance is ensuring and maintaining
road network including all assets for the normal servicing and
safety of transport.
 Maintenance process does not include activities to makes changes
in function and scale of the facilities.
Road asset management - Authorities

 Authorities/Agencies




MOT: Ministry of Transport; MOF: Ministry of Finance

DRVN: Directorate for Roads of Vietnam; RMF: Road Maintenance Fund;
SBs DPAS: Department of Public Asset; PPC: Provincial People Committee
RMB: Regional Management Bureau
PDOT: Provincial Department of Transport
SB: Sub-Bureau for Road Management
Road asset management - Jurisdiction

 Jurisdiction with road categories







Road Asset Management (RAM) - Businesses
 Road Asset Inventory
► Establish/register the information of all road assets including road
components as well as facilities/structures like bridges, culverts,
drainage system, safety system, etc.
► All related information of road service (e.g. traffic volume), needs to be
► Road management agencies and related authorities access and utilize
the inventory information for many purposes and practices.

At the moment, the road inventory is mostly conducted manually by paper

documents or separated records that can cause many mistakes and
inconsistencies in management practices and as a result, there may be
effects on the analysis, estimation and evaluation of road assets.
Limitation of qualified enough human resources and effective data
collection methods are main reasons for lacking data of many rural roads.
Road Asset Management (RAM) - Businesses
 Road Asset Inventory (…)

Many routes are not recognized or event known by PDOT staff as they have never
appeared in management documents
Road Asset Management (RAM) - Businesses

 Monitoring, inspecting and update road asset information:

► All road inventory data.

► Condition of road components and facilities over a certain period of


Road asset monitoring and inspection are now mainly taken place by
management staff based on visual checking or simple methods. The
results depends on subjective point of view and sometimes can’t be
accurate enough.
Inaccurate results of inspection usually lead in wrong analysis and
estimation and therefore wrong decisions would be made.
Road Asset Management (RAM) - Businesses

 Monitoring, inspecting and update road asset information (…)

B level Decision X

D level Decision Y

Staff Leader
Road Asset Management (RAM) - Businesses

 Making analysis and estimation relating to road assets:

► Estimation and evaluation of asset value and condition.

► Forecasting road asset condition in the life cycle.

In the past, there was no effective and systematic methodology for

analysis and evaluation.
Recently, computer science can support much more complicated
calculation as well as complex model of condition forecasting. In spite of
this, the results can still be improper if there is not enough data or
inspected data is incorrect.
Road Asset Maintenance - Businesses

 Making road asset maintenance plans

► Road maintenance planning will be done based on the analysis with
essential groups of parameters like inspection results, repair standards,
budget constrain and so forth.

► Types of maintenance activities (or repair classification): routine

maintenance, periodic repair, and emergency repair.

► Levels of maintenance plans: strategic planning (over period of country’s

development, e.g. 20 years), mid-term planning (3-5 year period), annual
repair planning.

► Easy explaining maintenance plans with transparency.

To build a suitable maintenance plan is difficult and very complicated!

Road Asset Maintenance - Businesses

 Performing maintenance activities following the given plans.

► Ensure the feasibility of works in Vietnam condition.

► Suitable repair or maintenance works with reasonable costs and durable


► Environment-friendly materials.

 Updating information of maintenance projects (repair history).

Maintenance technologies in Vietnam is quite far behind developed

Main issues and focusing points

• Awareness and actions of government and authorities

• Some related projects in Vietnam
• Solutions for Improvements in Road Management and Maintenance

 Importance of road asset management and maintenance.

 Essentiality of improvements in road management and
maintenance practices.
 Disadvantages in current road maintenance business/practices
and challenging for positive changes as well.
 Existing and new demands/requirements for road maintenance in
a modern world.
► To keep up the road network services so that it can contributes to the
high development of economy, but in sustainable way.
► To concerned new requested aspects such as environmental
problems, natural disaster, or climate change.

 Road maintenance should come from both state and community

Actions of government and authorities

 Many policies and regulations has been adjusted, updated.

 Major research proposals related to road asset maintenance has
been funded and supported by government.
 New technologies for road asset maintenance based on the
cooperation with companies/firmed from developed countries
such as Japan, EU.
 Projects for road/bridge construction and
maintenance/rehabilitation has been establishing based on ODA
funds called upon by the government.
Some related projects - VBMS

 VBMS (Vietnam Bridge Management System)

Funded by JICA, 2011 - 2013
Some related projects – PMS

 PMS JICA (Pavement Management System) – PDCA Cycle

Some related projects – VRAMP

 VRAMP (Vietnam Road Asset Management Program)

Funded by World Bank (IDA Loan: $301 million), 2014 - 2020

Project owner: MOT – DRVN
► A – Road Asset Management System
► B – Road Maintenance for NH2, NH5, NH6, NH18, NH48
► C – Road rehabilitation and upgrading for NH38, NH39, NH39-1, and
several bridges on NH38B
► D – Capacity enhancement
Some related projects – VRAMP

 LRAMP (Local Road Asset Management Program)

Funded by World Bank (IDA Loan: $408.93 million), 2015 - 2023

Project owner: MOT – DRVN
► 1 – Road Component: road maintenance and rehabilitation activities
for 14 selected provinces.
► 2 – Construction of Bridges in rural areas in 50 provinces.
► 3 – Technical Assistance (TA) Component
Solution for Enhancement of RAM

 Measures with Road Inspection/Data Collection Technologies

 IT System for Road Asset Management and Maintenance

 Measures with Maintenance Technologies

 Measures of Regulations and Policy

 Measures of Human resource and Training

 Measures of Public Communication

New technologies for road inspection

 Using Inspection vehicles in pavement condition survey

New technologies for road inspection

 Using Inspection vehicles in pavement condition survey

New technologies for data collection

 Using specialized vehicle/equipment for bridge survey

New technologies for data collection

 Using drones for survey of assets

New technologies for data collection

 Using smartphones for data collection

New technologies for data collection

 Using smartphones for data collection

New technologies for data collection

 Using smartphones for data collection

New technologies for data collection

 Using smartphones for data collection

New technologies for data collection

 Using smartphones for data collection

New technologies for data collection

 Machine learning for road asset inspection and analysis

New technologies for data collection

 Machine learning for road asset inspection and analysis

Patching 75% : Patching occupies an area of more than 75% of the mesh.
Patching 25% : Patching occupies an area of more than 25% to less than 75% of the mesh.

Patching 75%

Two or more Crack

Patching 25%

If there is a crack in the patching, the classification is “One Crack” or “Two or More Crack”.
IT Systems for Road Management

 Road asset management business is taken into account in a

systematic and informatics way.

 All data of road network will be stored in and connected form a

common database.

 IT system makes easier for applying PDCA Cycle in road

maintenance and management.
IT Systems for Road Management

 Components of a RAMS – a Central Database

Road Asset Inventory

Traffic Volume

• Main details
• Pavement
• Drainage
• Bridge
… Maintenance History

Road Asset Inspection

• Pavement
• Drainage Administrative data
• Bridge

IT Systems for Road Management

 Components of a RAMS – Subsystems (functionalities)

(User, Core settings …)

Road Asset Information Management

Evaluation and Maintenance Planning

Web-based system

(GIS integration, Connection with other system)
IT Systems for Road Management

 Management practices
IT Systems for Road Management

 Road asset condition forecasting

IT Systems for Road Management

 Maintenance planning
GIS Integration in RAM System

 Manage the road asset with on a map in variety of visualizing and

easy ways.
 The data model can flexibly be expanded based on adding or
integration of data layers.
 By using WebGIS model, road assets can be concerned with
other factors rather than themselves. That is, the MCA or MCDM
can be more easily made based on GIS referencing and analysis.
In particular, for making decision of sustainable road asset
management and maintenance, not only technological issues are
considered but also other aspects like residential areas, socio-
economic problems, environment, climate changes, or risks of
GIS Integration in RAM System
Big data and AI Application in RAM

 Using big data and AI to perform evaluation and prediction of

road asset.
 Using big data and AI to support strategic budget planning for
road maintenance.
Industry 4.0 and IoT

IT system for RAM

Machine learning
Big data mining
New technologies for maintenance works

 New materials for pavement layers

► Friction layer
► Wearing course
► Binder course
► Base and Sub-base courses
► Subgrade course

 Environment-friendly materials: recycle pavement ..

 Advanced technologies of working equipment.
 Advanced materials and technologies for facilities/structures:
► Drainage system
► Retaining walls
► …
New technologies for maintenance works

 Recycle Pavement
New technologies for maintenance works
 Novachip surface treatment
New technologies for maintenance works

 Carboncor Asphalt (CA) pavement

New technologies for maintenance works
 Microsurfacing course
New technologies for maintenance works

 Asphalt concrete using agents for improving rutting resistance

(TPS: Taf-Pack-Super), RA (Rubber Asphalt)

New technologies for maintenance works
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