Mental Health Presentation

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within School Setting
"There is no Health
without Mental
What is Mental Health?
a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
-- WHO
What is Mental Health?
a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her
own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to
his or her community - (WHO 1999).
How to
Evaluate Your Core Beliefs

We’ve all developed core beliefs

about ourselves, our lives and the
world in general. Core beliefs
develop over time and
largely depend upon our past
Spend Your Mental Energy
Save your mental energy for
productive tasks,
such as solving problems or setting
Replace Negative Thoughts
with Productive Thoughts

Productive thoughts don’t need to be

extremely positive, but should be
Practice Tolerating Discomfort
Mental strength is about accepting your
feelings without being controlled by
them. Mental strength also involves an
understanding of when it makes sense to
behave contrary to your emotions.
Reflect on Your Progress

Reflecting upon your progress can

reinforce your ability to reach your
definition of success while living
according to your values.
SELF the ability to engage
CARE in helping others
without sacrificing
other important
parts of one’s life.
SELF It’s important to remember that
self-care is not an

CARE emergency response plan to be

activated when stress
becomes overwhelming or that
having a good self-care
plan means you are acting
selfishly. Healthy self-care can
renew our spirits and help us
become more resilient.
Three basic ´
aspects of self- ´1. Awareness

care This requires you to slow down

and focus inwardly to
determine how you are feeling,
what your stress level is,
what types of thoughts are
going through your head, and
whether your behaviors and
actions are consistent with
thewho you want to be.
Three basic ´
´2. Balance
aspects of self-
care The next step is to seek balance
in all areas of your life
including work, personal and
family life, rest, and leisure.
You will be more productive
when you’ve had opportunities
to rest and relax. Becoming
aware of when you are losing
balance in your life gives you an
opportunity to change.
Three basic ´3. Connection
aspects of self-
care . It involves building
connections and supportive
relationships with your co-
workers, friends, family, and
Avoid: 1. ´Extended periods
of solo work without
colleagues or working
“round the clock” with
few breaks
Avoid: 2. Negative self-talk
that reinforces feelings
of inadequacy or
Avoid: ´3. Common
attitudinal obstacles
to self-care (e.g., “It
would be selfish to
take time to rest.” )
´4. Negatively
Avoid: assessing your

´5. Use of excessive

use of alcohol, illicit
drugs, or excessive
amounts of
prescription drugs
Mental Health of
It is important for a
teacher to posses
a sound mental health
because it is a duty of
a teacher to mold
coming generations
in an effective way.
Programs to improve
Mental Health of
• Improving Teacher-Teacher

The success of the school

depends upon the cooperation of
teachers. The school should
provide a better environment for
creating good will among fellow
2. Arranging in-service courses
• to refresh their knowledge of
the subject concerned as well
as to familiarize them with
innovations in the field.
3. Conducting seminars
• provide opportunity for
knowing the points of other
workers in the field through
mutual discussion.
• will develop feeling of
belonging with the
institution as well the
4. Providing service security
• the teacher should feel
secure of his service.
Payment of salary should be
made regularly.
What does good mental health
look like?
If you have good mental wellbeing, you are able to:

• Recognize the good in your self.

• Feel and express a range of emotions.
• Feel engaged with the wolrd around
• Live and work productively.
How can you look after your
weel being?
• Talk about how you feel
• Identify your triggers
• Do something you enjoy
• Take time to relax
• Think about what helps you if you start
feeling overwhelmed
• Be kind to yourself---we are all human!
How can you look after your
weel being?
• Talk about how you feel
• Identify your triggers
• Do something you enjoy
• Take time to relax
• Think about what helps you if you start
feeling overwhelmed
• Be kind to yourself---we are all human!
Start your happiness from

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