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Animations in flash
A) Answer the following questions:-
1. What is flash?Give a small introduction of
Answer:- flash is a multimedia platform used to create
animations and interactivity not only for windows based
platform but also for web pages. Flash is extremely helpful
to create objects with sound and action. Wheather you are
making a website and want to show text or picture
movement on it or want to make an animation film you
can do all such kind of work using flash which is the most
popular animation software today.
2. Name any 5 types of font attributes.

Answer:- There are 7 types of font attributes in flash:-

1. Auto kerning
2. Character spacing
3. Font size
4. Style(bold/italic)
5. Character
6. Color
7. Spacing
3. Describe the types of symbols.

Answer:- There are 3 types of symbols in flash:-

1. Graphic symbol:- it allows you to convert Static object into a graphic so that it can be
reused. Graphic symbols used as static images for creating pieces of animations that are
tied to the timeline of the main movie. Graphic symbols operate in sync with the movie’s
timeline. Interactive controls and sounds won’t work in a graphic symbols animation
2. Button symbols:- buttons are used to navigate between the scenes or documents. They
are the most important part in symbols. They are used in games, web pages and
presentation Etc.
3. Movie clip symbols:- we use movie clips symbols for creating reusable pieces of
animations. Movie clips hve their own multi- frame reline that plays indepently of the
main movie’s timeline think of them as mini- movie inside a main movie which may
contain interactive controls, sound, and even other movie clip instances.
4. Describe different between symbols and

Answer. Symbols come from object that we have created using the tool that flash
provide us. Symbols are reusable elements which you use with a documents.
Symbols may include graphics, video clip, sound files, buttons, movies or fonts.
When you create a symbol, symbol is stored in the file’s library. It also reduces the
file size.
Instances:- instance is nothing but a copy of original symbol called instance. The
size, colour, shape and position can be changed without affecting original
symbols. OR
We can say instance is an occurrence of a symbol on the stage. If you want to
make some changes in all the instances of a symbols, then you only need to
modify the symbols, flash automatically updates all the instances.
5. What do you know about graphic symbol?

Answer:- Graphic symbols are used as static images for

creating pieces of animation that are tied to the timeline of
the main movie. Graphic symbols operate in sync with the
movie’s timeline. ‘Interactive controls and sounds won’t
work in a graphic symbols animation sequence.Graphic
Symbols have only one frame in their timeline.Graphic
symbols are reusable static images that are used mainly to
create animations.
6. What do you know about button symbols?

Answer:- Button symbols are used for timeline

navigation – They add interactivity to the movie
and respond to mouse clicks, key press or
rollovers/rollout, and other actions. You define the
graphics associated with various button states
(Up/Over/Down/Hit), and then assign actions to
the instance of a button.
7. What do you know about movie clip

Answer:- We use movie clips symbols for creating reusable pieces of

animation. Movie clips have their own multi-frame timeline that
place independently of the main movie’s timeline---think of them as
mini-movies inside a main movie which may contain interactive
control, sounds, and even other movie clip instances. You may also
place movie clip instances inside the timeline of a button symbol for
creating animated buttons. Use a movie clip. A movie clip is a special
kind of symbol that allows you to have animations that run
regardless of where they are or how many actual frames the
instance occupies.
8. Describe the layers in flash.

Answer:- The layers can be thought of as a set of transparent sheet stacked on the
top or below of one another to form a complete image. In flash, multiple layers
are actually multiple timelines. The drawing objects contained in the layers are
stacked above or below other layers, but their primary purpose is to provide you
with separate timelines in which you may control animations independently. In
Flash, working in layers is very important. They make animation easier, they
allow you to keep the elements of your animation separate, and they allow you to
create scenes with the appearance of depth. Think of layers as sheets of
transparent paper arranged in a stack. The Timeline, which contains layers and
frames, helps you organize assets in your document, and also controls a
document’s content over time.
9. What is motion tween.

Answer- Motion tween display the motion of an object between more than two key frames. Or in motion
tweening the motion of an object is animated on the stage by setting initial and final position and then
letting flash creates the intermediate movement. For motion tween, take the following steps:-
1. Create a new document
2. Select the oval tool from the toolbar and create a medium-size circle and fill it with colour.
3. Select frame 20 over the timeline.
4. Choose insert option from the menu bar and click Key-frame or press f6. It will insert a Key-frame
that contains the same content as that of frame 1.
5. Move the circle to the right side of the stage.
6. Click anywhere between the key frame.
7. Click insert option then timeline and after that create motion tween.
8. Press ctrl+Enter key to play the animation.
10. What is shape tween.

Answer:- shape tween is used to create animation in which one shape is transform
into another shape. For shape tweening you not need to convert an object symbol
as shaped tweening not work on symbols, bitmaps, images, or text blocks. For
shape tween take the following the steps:-
1. Draw a small circle on the first frame and remove its border.
2. Click the 10th frame in the timeline and insert a keyframe (F6).
3. Now, draw another shape, say a diamond by using the rectangle tool without a
4. Now, Right click over any frame in between these two keyframes and select
shape option from the tween panel of the properties.
5. Save your work and test the movie (Ctrl+Enter).
11. What do you understand by frame- by-
frame animation?
Answer:- In frame-by-frame animation, the context of the stage changes in every frame.
Each and every frame need to be manually animated to achieve the animation effects.
Every frame is a keyframe in frame-by-frame animation, as each frame defines a change in
the animation. In this type of animation image needs to be changed in every frame and
these types of animation is time consuming increase the file size as well. For frame- by-
frame Animation, take following steps:-
1. Plain text by using any one of the drawing tool.
2. Type the word”TWEENING” and break it by using BREAK APART (Ctrl+B) as to
separate the alphabet as shown below.
3. In Frame-by-frame animation we create the object for every frame to produce an
animation sequence.
4. Insert a Kerframe (F6) for the first character of the alphabet and move that character
to produce an animation.
5. Repeat the above step for each character of the alphabet so as to
create frame by frame animation.
6. Save your work and test the movie ( crtl+Enter).
Extra Questions:-
1. Write the steps for creating Motion of two
ball with layers.
Answer:- the steps for creating Motion of two ball with layers are:-
1. Create a new document.
2. Draw 2 balls and fill it with color.
3. Select frame 20 over the timeline.
4. Remove boundary and go to insert option, choose or create motion tween in
time line select frame 5.
5. Choose insert > frame.
6. In stage 5 drag the ball to bottom of stage in time line select frame 10.
7. Choose insert > frame and in frame 10 drag the ball upwards.
8. Press ctrl+enter to play it.
2. Write the steps for creating Shape tween
with layer.

Answer:- The steps for creating Shape tween in the layerer are:-
1. Create a new document.
2. Create a shape on empty layer.
3. Click on frame 25 then choose insert > timeline > blank keyframe.
4. Draw a shape on 25th frame.
5. Select frame 1 and choose insert > shape tween.
6. Turn on Onion skin outlines below timeline.
7. Press ctrl+Enter to play animation.
3. Write steps for creating moving car on
road with layer.

Answer:- The steps for creating moving car on road with layer:-
1. Create a new document.
2. Create a road with the help of rectangle tool and convert to symbol and name
it road.
3. Then create car in a new flash document with the help of oval and rectangle
tool and convert it into symbol and name it car.
4. Open library by using Ctrl+L and there are all your symbols.
5. Open road symbol drag it in a new layer and lock that layer.
6. Insert layer by clicking on car and drag it into that layer and also drag road.
7. Click on 20th frame and insert key frame and form selection tool select car and move it
8. From properties panel select movie clip. Then click on between two keyframes and
create motion tween.
9. Then press Ctrl+ Enter to test your movie.

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