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Travelling to Iași

City Highlights
Iasi is the most important political, economic and cultural centre of the province of Moldavia as well as
one of the oldest cities in Romania. Located in the northeastern part of the country, Iasi was for many
centuries the crossing point of the most important commercial routes linking Poland, Hungary, Russia and
Deeply rooted in history, Iasi has been the main centre of Moldavian culture, since late 1300s. The city
prides itself with being the place in which the first Romanian newspaper has been published. Iasi is also the
home of the first Romanian university and is - during the present time - the second-largest university centre
in Romania.
Over the past 600 years, history, culture and religious life have molded the city's unique character.
Iasi boasts an impressive number of Orthodox churches, over 100, many of them located in its central area
called Golden Plateau (Platoul de Aur). The oldest, Saint Nicholas Princely Church, dates from the time of
the region's greatest rulers, prince Stephen the Great (Ștefan cel Mare) who reigned from 1457 until 1504.
The most spectacular churches, however, are the 17th century Saint Parascheva Metropolitan Cathedral
(Catedrala Mitropolitană Sfânta Parascheva) and the Three Holy Hierarchs Church (Biserica Trei
Ierarhi), both very fine examples of Byzantine art. The intricately carved outer walls of Three Hierarchs
Church make many visitors think of a stone lace.
Iași is one of the very few cities in the Orthodox world which is home to more than 100 churches.
In 1565, Iași became the capital of the region of Moldavia (Eastern Romania)
and - for a short period of time (1859 -- 1862) - the capital of Romania.
The Golden Plateau represents the nucleus of the city, around which the entire settlement developed over
the centuries. With the Palace of Culture (Palatul Culturii) at one end and the Union Square (Piata Unirii)
at the other, the Golden Plateau features administrative buildings, historic churches, palaces and mansions.
Many other important sites and points of interest can be found in the immediate vicinity of the Golden
Palace of Culture
Palatul Culturii - Iasi
Address: Bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt 1
This remarkable construction (1906-1925), built in flamboyant neogothic style, stands partly on the ruins of a medieval royal court mentioned in
documents dating from 1434. Today, the 365-room palace houses the Gheorghe Asachi Library and four of the city's museums: the Region of
Moldavian History Museum, the Iasi Ethnography Museum, Iasi Museum of Artand the Museum of Science and Technology.
Iasi Palace of Culture Museums Info
The main lobby of Iasi Palace of Culture, its lavish furnishings and magnificent staircase, can be admired free of charge; tickets are required to
visit the museums."Saint Parascheva" Metropolitan Cathedral
Catedrala Mitropolitana Sfanta Parascheva)
Address: Blvd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfant 46
Open: Mon. - Sun.: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Free admission
Built in Italian Renaissance style, the St. Paraschiva Metropolitan Cathedral is the largest Orthodox church in Romania. Construction began in
1833 and ended in 1839, but its cupolas fell and the church remained in ruins until 1880, when, with the help of the Foundation of King Carol I,
work started again, lasting until 1888. The vast interior was painted in 1887 by Gheorghe Tattarescu and the stained glass windows were
completed by a Bavarian factory in Munich.
In 1639, Prince Vasile Lupu spent the entire budget of the Proncipate of Moldova for the following year and a half to acquire the relics of St.
Parascheva from Constantinopole. The relics have been moved to the Mitropolitan Cathedral in 1889 after a fire damaged the Trei Ierarchi
Church where they had originally been placed.
The cathedral still uses one of the original bells in its northeast spire. Inside the bell, an inscription says it was made from four cannons captured
from the Turkish army in the War of 1828-1829. Nearby stands the 18th century Old Mitropolitan Church of St. George (Biserica Sfantul
Every October 14, pilgrims from all corners of Romania and neighboring countries flock to Iasi to kneel before the blue and gold bier containing
the relics of Saint Paraschiva, the patron saint of the cathedral.
Monastery of the Three Holly Hierarchs
Manastirea Sfinților Trei Ierarhi
Address: Str. Stefan cel Mare 62
Open: Daily 9 a.m. -- 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. -- 7 p.m.
Admission charge

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