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• Presenter Name

• Jeorcel Jade T. Valle

• Trishia Ethyl Grace D. Fabre

• Bianca Fae L. Derotas

• Mabel Quitos

• Christine Acojedoo
The law of Independent Assortment

- Inheritance of genes on different chromosomes

- Dominant alleles recessive alleles

Chromosomes 1

W = has wings w = no wings

Chromosomes 2

H = big horns h = small horns

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On average, what fraction of the baby dragons will have big horns?

- there will be 2/4 or 50% of baby dragons that will have big horns

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Do you expect that the baby dragons with wings and without wings will be equally like to have big horns?

- Yes , we expect baby dragons with or without horns have equal chances to have big horns

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sX SsXX ssXX SsXX ssXX


sY SsXY ssXY SsXY ssXY

Based on this punnet square, what fraction of the sons will have sickle cell anemia?
- the fraction of the sons who will have sickle anemia is 5/16

What fraction of the daughters will have sickle cell anemia?

-the fraction of the daughters who will have inherit sickle cell anemias 6/16

Is there any sex difference in the risk of inheriting sickle cell anemia?
- no, sickle cell anemia can be inherited by any gender since it is an autosomal recessive
disease it is decease passed by true parents abnormal genes to their offspring.

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The principle of inheritance in these dragons also apply to inheritance in humans, other animals, and
plants. However, inheritance in humans, other animals, and plants is much more complex than
inheritance in these dragon.

• The idea behind independent assortment is that genes are

inherited independently of one another. In other words, the
genetic factors that control crest and sex are physically
separate. Because the genetic factors are physically separate,
ASSORTMENT they segregate independently during gamete (egg and sperm)

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• Linked genes sit close together on a chromosome, making

them likely to be inherited together.
GENE • Genes on separate chromosomes are never linked.
LINKAGE • But not all genes on a chromosomes are linked. Genes that
are farther away from each other are more likely to be
separated during process called homologous
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Genetic linkage is very strong for genes which are located close to each other on the same chromosome.
What happens in the case of two genes which are far apart on the same chromosome ?

When genes are very close together on the same

chromosome, crossing over still occurs, but the outcome (in terms of
gamete types produced) is different. Instead of assorting
independently, the genes tend to "stick together" during meiosis.

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Are all alleles either completely
dominant or completely recessive
In the real world, genes often come in many
versions (alleles). Alleles aren't always
fully dominant or recessive to one
another, but may instead
display codominance or incomplete
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Do any genes have more than
two alleles ?

The majority of human genes are thought to have more

than two normal versions or alleles. Traits controlled
by a single gene with more than two alleles are called
multiple allele traits.

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Does each gene influence only
one phenotypic trait?
• Mendel's observations were the result of pleiotropy,
or the phenomenon in which a single gene
contributes to multiple phenotypic traits.
• A polygenic trait is a characteristic, such as height or
skin color, that is influenced by two or more genes.

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Is each phenotypic trait influenced by only one gene (i.e. one
pair of alleles on a pair of homologous chromosomes)?

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For the genes that are on the X chromosome in humans and
other mammals. What are the differences in inheritance for
males vs. females?

In humans, females inherit an X
chromosome from each parent, whereas
males always inherit their X chromosome
from their mother and their Y
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chromosome from their father. 26

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In the simulation activity, Dragon Genetics – Understanding Inheritance,
students mimic the processes of meiosis and fertilization to investigate the

Summary inheritance of multiple genes and then use their understanding of concepts
such as dominant/recessive alleles, incomplete dominance, sex-linked
inheritance, and epistasis to interpret the results of the simulation. This
activity can be used as
a culminating activity after you have introduced classical genetics, and it can
serve as formative assessment to identify any areas of confusion that
Tuesday, February 2, 20XX require
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Thank You

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