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Media and

Media and Information Literacy
• A set of competencies that empowers people
to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate and
use, create, as well as share information and
media content in al formats, using various
tools, in a critical, ethical and effective way
in order to participate, and social activities.
Types of Media
• Print Media
• Broadcast Media
• New Media
• Movies (Films)
• Advertising
• Media is defined as a means of
communication that has the power to
influence people.
Information Literacy
• As the ability to recognize when the
information is needed and to locate,
evaluate, communicate, and effectively use
information in its various formats.
Digital Literacy
• Digital literacy is the ability to use
technology to communicate, solve,
problems, access, manage, integrate,
evaluate, design, and create information.
Types of Media
• Print media
• Broadcast media
• New media
• Movies (Films)
• Advertising
Print Media
• The oldest form of medium. This medium
relies on the technology involving the
process of transferring media text to paper in
large quantities.
• Example: Magazines, Journals, Newsletters,
Tabloids and Comics
Broadcast Media
• Can be defined as media that distribute
audio and video content to a mass audience.
• Example: radio and television
New media
• Those information and entertainment
providers accessed via Internet or through
mobile communication.
• Example: Online Newspapers, Independent
and alternative online new sources,
informational websites, and blogs.
Movies (Films)
• The oldest form of motion picture
technology. They have been a popular
entertainment medium capable of capturing
life – like video – style images.
• The mass media content intended to
persuade a targeted audience to take action
toward a product, service, or idea.
Five Core Concepts of Media Literacy
• Author
• Format
• Audience
• Content
• Purpose
• The origin of a piece of work; usually the
person or people who constructed it.
• The way a communication is presented; each
type has a unique set of creative tools and
techniques to help form the message.
• The people who receive a message; different
people understand the message in different
• A message or messages in a particular
communication; some of these contain
values and ideas.
• The reason a communication is made; it
could be informing, persuading, selling,
entertaining, or a combination of any of

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