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UNIT # 01

• Define sampling?
• Sampling is a statistical technique which is used in almost
every field in other to collect information and on the basis of
this information inferences about the characteristics of a
population are made.

. Statistical population:
. A Statistical population is defined as the aggregate of totally
of all individual members or object whether animate or
inanimate, concrete or abstract , of some characteristics of
•Sample design and sample survey:
•A sample design is a definite statistical plan concerned with all principals steps taken in the selection
of a sample and the estimation procedure.
•The term survey has been defined as a means of collecting information to meet a definite need .
when a survey is carried out by a sampling method , is called a sampling survey.
•Sampling frame:
•A Sampling frame is a complete list or a map that contain all the N sampling unit in a population.
Probability and non- probability sampling:
Methods are broadly classified as: probability sampling and non- probability sampling . when each unit in a population
has known as probability. A probability sampling is also known as random sampling.
Non- probability sampling is a process in which the personal judgement determines which units of the population are
selected for a sample. A non- probability sampling is also known as non- random sampling.
Sampling with and without replacement:
Samples may be selected with replacement or
without replacement . sampling is said to be
with replacement when form a finite population
a sampling unit is drawn, observed and then
returned to the population before another unit is
drawn . The population in this case remain the
same and sampling unit might be selected more
then once . If on the other hand, a sampling unit
is chosen and not returned to the population
after it has been observed, the sampling is said
to b without replacement.
Sampling and non - sampling errors:
• A Sampling being only a part of a population cannot prefectly represent the
population , no matter how carefully the sample is selected . The result is difference
between the value of sample statistics and the true value of the corresponding
population parameter ; such a difference called sampling error for that sample.
• Sampling bias:
• In survey sampling , the word Bias mean a systematic component of error which
deprives result of its representativeness .Bias is different form a random error in the
sense hat the random error balance out in the long run while bias is cumulative and
does not become less as the sample size increase. Bias is introduce by the following
method of selection ;
• Deliberate selection
• Substitution
• Incomplete coverage
• Haphazard selection
• Inadequate interviewing.
Random sampling and its types:
• A sample is called random sample.
• The important kind of random sample differ in the manner
in which the sampling unit are selected, are discussed in the
subsection that follow:
• Simple random sampling
• Stratified random sampling
• Systematic random sampling
• Cluster sampling
Simple random sample:
• A simple is defined to be a Simple random sample (SRC) if it
is selected in such a manner that (i) each unit in the
population has an equal probability of being include in the
sample and (ii) each possible sample of the same size has an
equal probability of being the sample selected.
• Stratified random sampling:
• A sample of size n is defined to be a Stratified random
sample if it is selected form a population which has been
divided in to a number of non-overlapping groups or sub-
populations called Stratified random sampling.
Systematic random sampling:
• A sample of size n is defined to be a Systematic random
sample if it is obtained by choosing one unit at random form
the first K and thereafter selecting every Kth unit after the N
units in pa population have been serially numbered form 1
to N arranged in a Systematic fashion . The K called the
interval, stands for some integer nearest to N/n=population
size/simple size.
• Cluster sampling:
• A random sample is said to b a Cluster sample if it consist of
first selecting at random group of individual units called
Cluster sampling.
Sampling distributions:
• Sampling distributions is defined as a probability distribution
of the value of a statistic such as: a mean a standard
deviation, a population etc , computed form all sample of
the same size , which might b selected with or without
replacement form a population.

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