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by using CFRP laminates

Siddarth Gowda H M Under Guidance of
1RV17CV423 Dr. Somanath M B
Assistant Professor
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what is Retrofitting
• Retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant
to seismic activity, ground motion etc
• repair or reconstruction because of deterioration due to various factors like
corrosion, lack of detailing, failure of bonding between beam-column joints etc.

• Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite has been accepted in the construction
industry as a promising substitute for repairing and in incrementing the strength
of RCC structures.
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Purpose of retrofitting
 To increase the strength of existing structure.

 To make them more resistant to seismic activity.

 Eliminating features that are sources of weakness or that produce concentration of

stresses in some members.

 To make structure more durable and fully functional.

 To modify/ altering the existing structure for optimum utilization.

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1. Building which are designed considering gravity loads only.

2. Development activities in the field of Earthquake Resistant Design (EQRD) of buildings and
other structures result into change in design concepts.

3. Lack of timely revisions of codes of practice and standards.

4. Lack of revisions in seismic zone map of country.

5. In cases of alterations in buildings in high seismic activity zone i.e. increase in loading class,
increase in number of story etc.

6.decrease in strength of construction material due to decay in structure, damage caused by fire, and
settlement of foundations.

7. The quality of construction actually achieved may be lower than what was originally planned.

8. Lack of understanding by the designer.

9. Improper planning and mass distribution on floors.

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What is FRP
 Fibre reinforced polymer wrap

 Composed of strong tensile fibres bound in an organic polymer mix

 Thermoset- can not be altered once set

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 The development of FRP for commercial use in 1930s.

 FPRs have been used widely in many different industries.

 Over an estimated 35% of bridges are in need of repair.

 Provide strength in flexure, shear and axial loading.

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How does it work?

 Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP)is a two-part material composed of strong tensile
fibres bound in an organic polymer matrix.

 The composite fibre are bonded onto the existing structure with the matrix material.

 Temperature, moisture presence and surface preparation play a large role in the
bonding ability of FRP to the existing structure.

 Curing takes between 1 to 3 days depending on matrix, composite fibres, and

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What is it used for

 Strenthening and reinforcing agent to deteriorating structures such as beams, colums,
slabs and walls, bridge deck panels and bridge system.

 To Increase the strength and durability of a structure because a changing in demand

or a change in industry standards has taken place.

 FRP is also being implemented in new construction to provide maximum life time
capacity and serviceability.
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Types of fibres
 Carbon fibre

 Glass (fibreglass) most commonly used (readily available, well tested)

 Aramid

 Basalt
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Types of matrix
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Literature Review
Sl. Author Title & Year Published Findings

1. D S Adsam Gideon Flexural retrofit of RC  The debonding of CFRP laminate starts from a flexural
and P beams using CFRP crack below loading point and propagates towards the
Alagusundaramoorthy laminates support of RC beam.
2006  The maximum strain in CFRP laminate is 25% of its
IOP Publishing ultimate tensile strain at debonding.
 The Stiffness, yield load, and ultimate load were
increased upto 61%, 47%, and 53% respectively on RC
beams retrofitted with CFRP laminate compared to the
corresponding control beams
2. Yasmeen Taleb Retrofitting of reinforced  The crack width for the retrofitted beams is decresed
obaidat, susanne concrete beams using compared to control beams.
heyden, ola dahlblom, composite laminates.  Experimental results showed that increasing the CFRP
ghazi Abu-Farsakh 2011 plate length in flexural retrofitting can make CFRP more
and Yahia abdel- effective for concrete repair and strengthing
jawad locate/conbuildmat  The results showed that the main failure mode was plate
debonding which reduces the efficiency of retrofitting.
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Literature Review
Sl. Author Title & Year Published Findings

3. P. L. karuppiaha, study on the behaviour of  Compared to all other specimens, deflection of wrapped
R. Angeline RC beams retrofitted using specimen is less and the load bearing capacity is more.
prabhavathyb and CFRP laminates However brittle failure occurs.
R. under single point  In semi wrappped beam, the initial crack occurs at 27.1
Anantha babu loading 2016 kN, which is 10% higher than that of the control beam.
4 Chetan Retrofitting of Reinforced  These results indicate that the application of CFRP fabrics
Yalburgimath, Akash Concrete Beam Using whenever needed, taking into consideration of area of
Rathod, Carbon Fiber Reinforced the CFRP fabric, rigidity and stiffness does actually results
S Bhavanishankar Polymer (CFRP) Fabric in an increase of strength of beams and provides
Oct-2018 additional load carrying capacity  Better performances and serviceability measures are
encountered when wrapping is done on the two lateral
sides and soffit.
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Literature Review
Sl. Author Title & Year Published Findings

5 Ning Zhuang , Experimental Study of  As strengthening aged and seriously damaged RC beams, CFRP
Honghan Dong, Aged and Seriously sheets should extend over the shear span to prevent or restrain
Da Chen, and Damaged RC Beams the formation of shear cracks. Beam side faces also need to be
Yeming Ma Strengthened Using CFRP strengthened with the CFRP sheet to prevent propagation of
Composite. cracks.
 In order to have a good strengthening effect, the CFRP bond
length must be longer than the effective bond length.
 U-wraps and CF anchor can effectively prevent premature end-
peeling of the CFRP sheet, and CF anchors improve beam stiffness
more effectively compared with U wraps, especially in the post-
yield stage.
 Beams strengthened with CF anchors can in- crease ductility in
the yielding stage compared to beams with no anchors.
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Literature Review
Sl. Author Title & Year Published Findings

6 H. Elkady and Protection of reinforced  Replacing OPC by alumina cement in the proposed mixes had
concrete beams retrofitted variable effect on the enhancement in their thermal behavior. It
A. Hasan by carbon fibre-reinforced improved the residual strength of the beams protected with
polymer composites against perlite cover by 10% compared with the OPC mix.
elevated temperatures-  In all conducted indirect fire tests, the recorded tempera- ture at
2013 CFRP level did not exceeded 280 C for tested beams with
different covers.
7 P. Vijaya Retrofitting of Flexural  The control beams were shown high magnitude of deflections
Kumar, P. Deficient Beams Using CFRP when compared to the retrofitted beams.
Poluraju April 2019  The load carrying capacity of retrofitted beams is significant
International Journal of when compared with control beams.
Recent Technology and  The enhancements of flexural strength of retrofitted beams
Engineering (IJRTE) have been increased due to externally bonded CFRP.
 The visibility of flexural cracks has been noticed much higher in
conventional beams when compared to the retrofitted beams at
early intervals of load application. Few shear cracks were also
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Literature Review
Sl. No. Author Title & Year Published Findings

8 Prof. Anumol Retrofitting of RC  The deflections of the beams are minimized due to full
Raju Beams Using FRP wrapping technique around all the four sides of the beam
And Prof. Liji Anna International Journal of  The ultimate load capacity of the beams strengthened
Mathew Engineering Research & using carbon fibre sheets is increased by 125% when
Technology (IJERT) compared to that of control beam.
Vol. 2 Issue 1,  Even though the beams retrofitted with CFRP sheets have
January- 2013 the maximum ultimate load capacity, the cost of the
material is high
9 T.P. Meikandaan Study of damaged RC  The 70% damage degree beams increases load carrying
And Dr. A. beams repaired by capacity 17% when strengthened with 100 mm width and
Ramachandra bonding of CFRP 1.2mm thick of CFRP sheet in single layer as compared
Murthy laminates with control beam
February 2017  Initial flexural cracks appear at a higher load by
International Journal of strengthening the beam at soffit.
Civil Engineering and  When the beam is not strengthen, it failed in flexure but
Technology (IJCIET) after strengthening the beam in flexure, then flexure-
shear failure of the beam takes place which is more
dangerous than the flexural failure of the beam.
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When all the retrofitted beams are considered it is found that the beams with
CFRP sheet wrapping had a better load deflection behavior compared to the
other strengthened beams
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Previous study
 What is Retrofitting
 Purpose of retrofitting
 Reasons may lead to retrofitting
 What is FRP
 Types of fibres and Types of matrix.
 Literature Review
 Why CFRP
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Procedure of installation
1. Preparation of surface.

2. spraying water on surface of specimen to remove debries and allowed to dry.

3. Application of primer with resin and hardener of ratio(1:0.5) allowed to dry for 8hrs.

4. Application of adhesive resin over primer coat. (1:0.75)

5. Placing CFRP laminates and bubbles removed by using roller and anchoring them.

6. Slotted weights were placed on the laminate to apply a constant pressure.

7. The bonded specimen was left undisturbed for 72 hours for the curing of resin.
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Installation of CFRP
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Properties of resins and composites

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Load v/s deflection

CB1= control Beam

S1,S2,S3=Single layer
CFRP Strengthened beam
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What are the benefits?

 Provide concrete strengthening in flexure, shear and axial.

 Higher stress capacity then common steel and linear elastic until failure.

 FRP can provide a maximum material stiffness to density ratio of 3.5 to 5 times that of
aluminum or steel.

 It has higher fatigue endurance limits and has the ability to absorb impact energies.

 The corrosion potential is reduced.

 Joints and fasteners are eliminated or simplified.

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What are the Disadvantages

 Failure at high temperature (280 degree).
 Expensive
 Toxic to workers.
 Anchorage is difficult
 Lack of experience and design codes.
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CFRP for retrofitting has proven itself to be a better feasible option than other
methods. Strengthening of RC beam with the CFRP fabric results in an increase in
load carrying capacity as well as an increase in stiffness. Better performances and
serviceability measures are encountered when wrapping is done on the two lateral
sides and soffit. Stiffness and rigidity of members progress with an increased
application of CFRP fabrics, which avoids crushing or the total destruction of
members without warning.
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I. Ning Zhuang , Honghan Dong, Da Chen , and Yeming Ma “Experimental Study of Aged
and Seriously Damaged RC Beams Strengthened Using CFRP Composites” Hindawi
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2018.
II. P. L. Karuppiaha, R Angeline Prabhavathyb and R. Anantha Babuc “A study on the
behaviour of rc beams retrofitted using cfrp laminates under single point loading”
III. H. Elkady and A. Hasan “Protection of reinforced concrete beams retrofitted by carbon
fibre-reinforced polymer composites against elevated temperatures” Can. J. Civ. Eng.
Vol. 37, 2010
IV. P. Vijaya Kumar, P. Poluraju “Retrofitting of Flexural Deficient Beams Using CFRP”
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878,
Volume-7, Issue-6C2, April 2019.
V. D S Adsam Gideon and P Alagusundaramoorth “Flexural retrofit of RC beams using
CFRP laminates” IOP Publishing
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vi. Chetan Yalburgimath, Akash Rathod, S Bhavanishankar “Retrofitting of Reinforced
Concrete Beam Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Fabric” Volume: 05
Issue: 10 | Oct 2018
vii. Yasmeen Taleb obaidat, susanne heyden, ola dahlblom, ghazi Abu-Farsakh and Yahia
abdel-jawad “Retrofitting of reinforced concrete beams using composite
viii. Anumol Raju and Liji Anna Mathew “Retrofitting of RC Beams Using FRP” International
Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 1, January- 2013
ix. T.P. Meikandaan and Dr. A. Ramachandra murthy “Study of damaged rc beams
repaired by bonding of cfrp laminates” International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology (IJCIET) Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017
x. Grace NF, Abdel-Sayed G, Soliman AK, and Saleh KR, Strengthening of reinforced
concrete beams using fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates”, ACI Structural Journal,
vol. 96, No. 5, pp. 865-874, 1999 .
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