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Bio presentation :

What is meaning of inheritance in biology

Inheritance Is transfer of traits from one generation to another

generation Either through sexual or Asexual reproduction The
offspring cell acquire Genetic information of their parents
Importance of
Inheritance is necessary for
evolution change it describe
how gene Are passed from
one generation to the next It
plays major role in behavior
Inheritance disorder

What is an inherted dieseasr ? Although

genetic factor plays a part in nearly all
health condition and characteristics
There are some condition in which
genetic changes are almost exclusively
responsible for causing condition these
are called genetic disorder or inhereted
Sickle cell disease
Sickle cell disease can be inherted from parents if
both parents have sickle cell trait then there is
50% chance that one their child will also have
these disease

Huntington Disease
It’s a condition that stops brain
Part working properly over time It
is passed form a person’s parent
This disorder is gradually worse
after that person ages 20
Down syndrome

A medical term For having extra

copy of chromosomes Is ‘trisomy’
This extra copies Changes how the
baby body and the brain will
develop Which can cause mental
and psychical changes for baby
Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome is inherited

disease that only effects female
When chromosomes are partially
missing , It can cause medical and
development problemSuch as
short height , heart defects and
ovary failures

It is and inherited disorder that can cause

your body To have less hemoglobin than
normal.Which can cause aaemia Leaving
you fatigued

Cystic fibrosis
It is a genetic disorder which can cause
damage to lungs ,digestive system and
other organs in body It effects cell that
produce mucus ,sweat and digestive juices
these fluids are normally thin and slippery
How inheritance disorder be

Inhertence disorder cannot

be cured but prevented by
following a healthy
diet ,avoid smoking and
drinking alcohol and Get
specific genetic testing that
can help with diagnosis and
Students name

Soha khan
Noor khan
rubab Zahra
Urwa DAR
Maria fahad

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