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FITS Consulting

Problem. Solved.

MEGA Solution Platform Overview

Collaborative Ecosystem for Transformation Lifecycle Management
Mega – Platform Components
Architecture Modules

IT Business Business Process Information IT Portfolio Integrated Risk

IT Architecture Audit
Management Analysis System Management Management

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Archimate Zachman UML BPMN SOA Micros-services

Common Platform Capabilities

Common Modeling platform

Social Visual Predictive

Alerts Workflows Gap Analysis Planning Assessment Reports Dashboards Portals Intelligence Intelligence

Engage Transform Communicate Artificial Intelligence

Strategy Business Data Application Infrastructure Security

Unified Meta Model

8 9

Power Studio Power Supervisor

Administration Modules

2 FITS Confidential
HOPEX IT Business Management allows you to describe company strategy in depth at each level
IT Business Management of the organization and evaluate its alignment with the business initiatives. The modules also
provides the ability to define, assess and plan business capabilities and to develop and manage
the strategic initiative portfolio of the organization

Align to strategic goals

Step 1 Plan: • Capture your company’s
• Capture vision, objectives, strategy, and strategy including
tactics ​ objectives and tactics.
• Map business capabilities and functionalities • Define transformation
• Create value streams ​ stages and then plan
• Build strategic roadmap business capabilities
• Define mission, vision, goals • Value streams define the • Map applications to required for each stage.
and strategy for the whole stages necessary to satisfy business capabilities in
enterprise customers. business capability maps
• Define objectives and tactics • Link business capabilities to • Multiple criteria
for each transformation each stage of the value stream. rendering are available
stage thanks to user-defined
• If capabilities are missing, icons and color coding Improve IT Strategic Planning
identify the actions required to
Step 2 Optimize: develop or acquire new • Build an IT strategic
• Automatically collect IT assets business capabilities (build vs roadmap by connecting
• Build a data glossary as central partner) applications and projects
to planned business
documentation for IT projects
• Rationalize IT portfolio​(apps, technology) • Assess the impact of
• Create, share dashboards and ID cards of change on the existing IT
applications, technology and data ​ landscape and quickly
adjust as needed.

Transform: Focus Investments on strategic

Step 3 • View how applications use the • Perform impact analysis to • Prioritize projects based on
• Identify IT transformation projects ​ data of a data dictionary understand the impact of assessment such as strategic
• Perform what-if analysis using transformation • Connect applications and data an asset on the business alignment, deliverables and • Prioritize future
scenarios ​ through data stores. and IT landscape impacted capabilities investments and IT
• Prioritize projects based on strategic projects based on strategic
alignment ​
• Turn ideas into projects aligned to business
outcomes ​

3 FITS Confidential
With Business Process Analysis, analysts can document, assess and analyse their operating model
Business Process Analysis including organization structure, functions, people roles and responsibilities, processes, risks,
policies and procedures and compliance requirements based on internal and international

Improve business efficiency

Step 1 Improve: • Model, analyze and
• Model your business process groups and standardize your business
their associated organizational processes processes to improve business
• Develop organizational process maps and efficiency and support new
assign participants business models
• Develop organizational models
• Describes main business • Describes company • Automatically build
processes organization (structures, diagrams from a table
• Assign business processes to portfolios and • Describes a sequence of departments, functions, entry
assess processes based on custom criteria operations and participants people etc.) and external • Improves user efficiency
• Assigns participants to organization (clients, and helps save time
organizational units of the customers, partners) • Allows users to focus on
company. the process itself instead
Deliver Superior Customer
• Design improved processes Experience
Step 2 Delight: and Automatically
of spending time to
• Map customer journeys to
• Design customer journey per persona design it
highlights differences design optimal processes and
• Define pain points and customer deliver superior customer
expectations experience
• Map journey steps to related touchpoints
from the operating model
• Assess customer journey steps by channel
and define action plans

• Enable users to assess • Manage end-to-end • Enables user to include risks Ensure Compliance with
Step 3
Mitigate: processes through customer experience, map and controls in process Policies and Regulations
• Define, classify and assess risks questionnaires, and standard and rank touchpoints in models
• Map risks to their related operating model and custom criteria such as order to identify where to • Contextualize risk by linking it • Maintain business process
components execution (design, knowledge, optimize/invest first to the different operating models in a single repository,
• Define risk mitigation strategies IT support) and performance • Link touchpoints to model components to identify areas of concerns, and
(business value, efficiency and organization’s internal improve analysis and design improve operations to drive
• Define internal controls risks) processes, and check how of mitigation strategies compliance initiatives
• Evaluate effectiveness of controls and internal processes support
calculate residual risks the customer journey

4 FITS Confidential
HOPEX Information Architecture provides the timely, in-depth information that enterprise
Information Architecture information managers and business architects need to manage knowledge and data as an
enterprise asset. With our solution, stakeholders can make collaborative, well-informed decisions
about information usage across the various functions of your organization.

Get Visibility Into Your Data

Step 1 • Build and leverage a data
• Build your data glossary to unify data
definition based on business terminology dictionary and a business
• Model your conceptual and logical data glossary to improve business
models efficiency and ensure
• Reverse engineer your physical data models • Based on data dictionary, a • Includes all entities, their • Map data by business domains everybody shares a common
• Map your data entities to business domains full working Business relationships and attributes. • Gives a comprehensive view on understanding
• Generate data reference model based on Glossary can be initialized • Understand data requirements data per business domain to
business domains with data criteria overlay • Enrich glossary concept to achieve business objectives improve decision making
includes definitions, • Assign data criteria such as
pictures and synonyms data category (sensitive and
• Share the glossary across golden data) to the business Ensure Data Integrity and
the organization
Step 2 Explore: domains Lineage
• Define data lineage across internal and • Map data lineage and view
external applications how data is transformed
• Explore data flows and auto-generate data • Understand data usage by
lineage views linking data to applications
• Explore the relationship between business and processes
• Assess data quality using the
concept and a technical data automatically
six dimensions of data quality
• Analyze impact of change

• Describe the transformations • Understand how a business • Assess data quality under the Demonstrate Data Compliance
Step 3
Enforce: that happen to the data concept and a technical six dimensions of data quality • Assign data governance roles
• Categorize your data entities including: data are tied each other including Completeness, • Upload and describe
• Assess your data entities based on specific set • Applications and • View how applications use Uniqueness, Timeliness, regulations or policy chapters
of criteria in line with the applicable technologies for external the data of a data Consistency, Validation and
and articles
systems.  dictionary Accuracy.
regulatory requirements • Data origin, processing • •
• Define the business rules
Connect applications and Categorize data as sensitive or
• Evaluate data compliance state based on type, control data through data stores. golden. related to articles
applicable data regulatory requirements measurement and • Understand where data is • Evaluate data compliance • Tie rules to business processes
subject. used in processes to requirements to ensure their enforcement
• Different types of flows improve compliance

5 FITS Confidential
HOPEX IT Architecture provides IT Architects with an IT asset view, and helps them consolidate
IT Architecture and update a consistent picture of applications and the technical infrastructure. It shows gaps in
services, redundancies, the resources supporting different processes, and how the architecture
aligns with business goals.

Get a Clear Picture of Your IT

Describe: Systems
Step 1 • Map applications and
• Define your applications’ environment
scenarios to depicts external context technologies, and how
• Define your applications’ structural views to they interact with one
describe your applications construct another to identify
• Develop your application workflow models to • An environment • Provides a structural view of • Describe workflows and efficiencies and avoid
express the logical sequence of execution architecture diagram the Application System sequences of tasks performed disruptions
represents the main Environment. by applications
exchanges between • It shows all the objects and • Tasks can be assigned to
applications communication paths that participants that represent
• Enables user to depict the must exist in order for the applications, IT services or org-
same application in scenarios to work. units (for interactive tasks). Tackle Continuous Business
• Use Service Oriented
Step 2 Align: multiple scenarios
Architecture to provide
• • Describes all flows between • Keep current with agile
Define your application functionalities detailed description of
applications and interfaces developments and design
• Map your applications to business application interactions
capabilities to understand and evaluate future IT systems. Ensure
business X IT alignment that your IT stays ahead of
• Auto-generate your business capability x the needs of the business
functionality map to explore how IT is
supporting the business

• Map applications to • Describes one possible • Describes the servers, Speed up Application
Step 3
Deploy: capabilities in business configuration of the workstations, network and Deployments
• Define your application technology capability maps deployment of an exchange protocols.

• Precisely describe how
components and their relationships • Map applications to application Communication Channels
show physical connections technical components of an
• Depict your applications’ technical functionalities in • Describes how the different
between IT infrastructure application can be deployed
deployment and infrastructures functionality maps application technical areas objects. to avoid potential pitfalls
• Ensure optimal technology usage and • Grouping Functionalities by are connected to each • Interactions show exchanges
deployment infrastructure capability helps identify other and the technologies of information between
business needs and identify and communication processes hosted on
overlaps. protocols they use. infrastructure devices.

6 FITS Confidential
HOPEX IT Portfolio Management solution makes it easy to streamline your IT assets, optimize
IT Portfolio Management costs, and improve flexibility. It uses a three-step methodology to help you take an inventory and
perform a comprehensive assessment of your IT assets, and then develop and manage any
necessary transformation plans.

Get visibility into IT landscape

Inventory: • Build a complete inventory of
Step 1
• Collect your application information your IT assets including
• Define your application functional and applications, technology and data
financial context by automatically collecting data
• Capture your application business • Get insight into the fitness of
environment your IT landscape through
• Describe business areas • List all underlying technology • Describe application input dashboards and ID cards of
• Define your application lifecycle supported by applications components used in and output data flows applications, technology and
• Collect your application data related • Get a comprehensive view of applications • Includes one or many data.
information the functional scope of an • Provides enhanced monitoring business data items within
application of technologies lifecycle, the same Application flow
• Define Application and Obsolescence and Compliance • Define the data used by
Technology Lifecycle as well • Categorize your Reduce Cost
Rationalize: each application
as deployment timeline technologies by domain
Step 2 • Group your applications into portfolios • Set how the application
and View technology state • Quickly identify the
• Define your portfolio assessment criteria processes data
applications to eliminate or
and weights modernize using a
• Plan and execute application assessment collaborative approach
campaigns • Clearly understand the impact
• Auto-generate application rationalization of removing an application
• Monitor rationalization execution

• Launch campaigns to • Recommends actions on • Decide the technologies that Mitigate Technology Risks
Step 3
Resolve: business and IT owners to applications (Renovate, comply with the IT policy rules
• Get visibility into technology
• Define your technology catalog assess business value, Maintain, Enhance..) • Ensure that development
teams don’t use rogue lifecycles and manage technology
• Capture your technology lifecycle functional support, and based on assessment obsolescence
technologies that jeopardize IT
• Define your company technology standards technical efficiency criteria Solutions • Define approved or unapproved
and • View application • Shows application • technologies based on IT policy
Detect application conflict
• Auto-identify technology conflicts based on assessments including portfolio evolution over • View the impact of an obsolete or
periods due to obsolete
Business Value, Functional time integrating unapproved technology to
application and technology lifecycle evolution underlying technologies
application lifecycle applications and business
Support and Technical capabilities.

7 FITS Confidential
HOPEX IRM uniquely leverages information managed by IT, Business or Privacy compliance to better
Integrated Risk Management understand risk context and their impact on the business. Combined with other HOPEX solutions,
companies can effectively manage risks globally, ensuring employees share a common understanding of
the enterprise assets, processes and technologies while ensuring data privacy compliance.

Improve Risk visibility

Manage: • Collect your risks
Step 1
• Collect your risk information • Assess your risks
• Contextualize your risk information by • Define your risk mitigation
connecting it to surrounding organizational strategies
• Plan and execute risk assessment campaigns • Create a new Risk, capture all • prepare and launch an • Create & define Controls and
• Consolidate risk assessment results and relevant information and set assessment campaign to describe how the Control is to
calculate net risk value Risk Target & treatment automatically send out risk be implemented (processes), by
method. assessment questionnaires whom (entities) and what
• Define the context of a Risk (applications).
• Risks can be assessed in all
by specifying which • specify control methods and
Processes, Entities, their possible contexts with corresponding execution steps.
new assessment templates Strengthen Controls
Control: Applications and Business • Several Control execution steps
Step 2 • Lines are affected. can be created
Define risk mitigation strategies • Design your controls
• prepare & launch automated
• Design internal control activities required to Control execution campaigns • Define control execution steps
implement the selected mitigation strategy • Assess your controls
with the control execution steps • Define action plans
• • Compute residual risk
Conduct periodical control execution
• Manage incidents and corrective
assessments to evaluate controls’ actions
effectiveness and compute residual risk

• Contributors can declare a • Define applicable • Carry out analysis such as Risk Enhance Compliance
Step 3
Comply: new Incident from their frameworks Trend or Risk Reduction. • Define your regulatory
• Define regulatory requirements (internal and dedicated Interface and • Create framework • Define and monitor KRIs
requirements • Track KRIs performance
external) provide all the relevant • Define your compliance
• Specify what parts of the through indicator status,
• Define regulatory requirements information. requirements
measurement freshness, and
• Contextualize regulatory requirements and • Contextualize the Incident Organization have to • Assess your compliance
time to failure
comply with the effectiveness
specify related implementation components by specifying the •
Requirement Define your compliance action
• Conduct periodical compliance assessment materialized Risk, the plans
• Assess effectiveness of
campaigns and define associated corrective failing Control and other
implemented Controls
actions information

8 FITS Confidential
HOPEX Audit allows you to manage your Internal Audit activities , manage your Auditors and
Audit generate work programs/activity plans automatically. It helps you capture all background
information relevant to an activity as well as generate checklists for your Auditors. It also allows
you to document Findings, issue Recommendations, and launch follow-up Audits.

Ensure Audit Effectiveness

Plan: • develop a consolidated schedule
Step 1
• Define your audit list for all audit plans
• Schedule your audits based on importance • Ensure best fit assignment of
and effort auditors based on skills and
• Assign your audit team based on skills and availability
• Ensure consistency of audit
availability • build a Work program for the • Audit Activities are sent to the • Auditors can follow their audit activities using audit checklist
• Prepare your audit check list or copy it from Audits they are assigned to. Auditors they have been check list on the system templates
an existing template • Each Activity can have assigned to. • They can document any
Workpapers and any • Auditors can then complete Findings and write the
background information corresponding
the Activity and any Test
necessary for the Auditor to Recommendations
carry out his/her tasks. Sheets he/she has been given • Use audit everywhere mobile
to fill. Improve Audit Efficiency
Execute: • If an Audit is recurrent, app to perform your audits
Step 2 • Auditors can « cloning » an online
Receive audit assignment • ensure online access to audit
already existing Audit’s Work
• Access audit background information program background information
during audit execution • Capture in real time all audit
• Capture findings against audit checklist and findings
• Define recommendations
define recommendations
• Generate consolidated audit
• Consolidate audit team findings and report
generate audit report

• The Lead Auditor can • Recommendation • Recommendation Owners can Govern Audit Action Plans
Step 3
Follow up: consolidate and approve Owners can define follow-up on Action Plans
• Convert recommendations into
• Convert recommendations into audit action the audit results. Action Plans to • Contributors can provide
progress updates and monitor action plans
plans • the Lead Auditor can implement • Enable real time monitoring and
Recommendations and their Actions.
• Assign action plan owners produce a draft Audit follow up
• Track action plan execution Report and submit to the assign them to the right • Ensure audit trail for all corrective
Audit Director. Action Owners actions
• The Audit Report presents • Improve accountability though
visibility of progress of audit
all Information relevant to action plans
the Stakeholders.

9 FITS Confidential
Power Studio

HOPEX Power Studio provides admin users and configuration experts with the ability to customize the entire system to enable your
organization’s enterprise architecture practices and standards. The power studio allows you to customize your metamodel structure,
RTF reports, publisher portal, workflows, and various diagrams.

Metamodel Reports Configuration Publisher Configuration Workflow Configuration Diagram Customization


System Process

1 R e a liz ed Syste m Proc ess

{Ba se Type }
-C om p os ite R e a liz at io n-
{Comp osite R e aliza tion}
S yst em Proc e s s Ba tc h Re aliza tion
System P ro ce ss
-E le m e n t in D ia gram - -D e s c r ib e d E le m e nt- Batch Realization

Own ed Syste m Proc ess R e a liza tion

{Own ed R e a liza tion}
-Lib rary Ele m e nt- -C o m po s ite c las s ifie r- -Pro p e rty O w ne r- -R e quire m e nt-d riv e n Ele m e nt-
{Re alize r C omposite }
1 R e a liz er Ba tch P roc es s
-B a t c h P ro c e s s -

B atc h Be ha vio r 1 1 Ba tc h Nod e O wne r Ba tch C all Ow ne r 1 Ca lle d Ba tch Proc es s

{Ba tc h Node Owne r}
-Fe atu re T y p e -
-Fe a ture T yp e - -R e qu ire me nt-d ri v e n Ele me nt-

Own e d Ba tc h Se que nc e Own ed Ba tc h Node

Batch Sequence Pre d ec es sor -Ba tc h No d e -
Batch Sequence Name
Ne xt Se que nc e 1

Suc c e s sor
Pre vious Se qu e nc e 1

-C la ss ifi e r Co m po ne nt -
{Ow ne d Ba tch Node }
Owne d Ba tc h Ca ll Ba tc h Ca ll

-B at c h C all-

• Configure you metamodel, • • Study the publisher portal • • Use MEGA’s out-of-the box
Study the reporting Use MEGA’s easy diagram
requirements and make sure the
classes, attributes, and requirements and make sure modeler to configure your TOGAF and Archimate stencils
required metamodel configuration
relationships. the required metamodel is in place. workflow. as a baseline for your
• Use the available configuration configuration is in place. • Use HTML descriptors to feed the • Assign the action diagrams.
as your base to leverage the • Use RTF descriptors to feed data into your portal. performers, state • Configure the various diagram
out-of-the box functionality. the data into your report. • Leverage MEGA’s accelerator transitions, and special stencils to include/exclude
• Include diagrams, catalogues, template to bootstrap your objects as needed.
configuration. events. •
and matrices into your RTF Customize the diagram and
• Include Diagrams, Catalogues, • Write various scripts to object look and feel to fit the
reports as needed. Matrices, Dashboards, and other execute actions, make organization’s brand identity.
outcomes in your publisher portal calculations, lock objects,
• Give portal access to your
• Automatically set any
and send automated object’s shape based on
organization members without
any extra licenses. notifications. specific attributes.

10 FITS Confidential
Power Supervisor

HOPEX Power Supervisor provides power users with the necessary functionality to maintain the MEGA repository. It is the essential
tool set required for administrators to efficiently and effectively manage role-based access rights and permissions, confidentiality
areas, repository backups and management tasks scheduling and other administration features.

Environment &
User Access Rights LDAP Integration Database Backups Transaction Management

• Create your environment

• Specify the location where the • Use or expand on the out- • Enable LDAP authentication • Backup and restore the • Keep a watchful eye on the
DB will be created of-the box MEGA user using MEGA’s out-of-the box MEGA application database application usage by
• Create the repository associated profiles to conform with the adapter. to easily backtrack any monitoring the currently
with the environment to store required access rights. • Choose which users can changes or errors. authenticated users and
your information • Create new user profiles access the system via LDAP • Choose and select the content they are
• Schedule periodic DB backups from scratch or copy an and who can access using particular blocks of your working on.
existing user profile. MEGA native configuration to publish to • Maintain an audit log of
• Define the access authentication. production with minimal the user access and change
permissions on the module, conflicts and issues. history to easily track and
diagram, object, page, and debug system errors.
attribute level.

11 FITS Confidential
Visual Intelligence

Environment Graph Dendrograms 360 Matrix Timeline

Automatically construct relationships- Automatically construct multi-level Develop connected tabular views between Auto construct timeline views from date
based environment graph view showing all relationship tree views with the ability to related metaclasses to list relationships attributes captured on the metaclasses
meta classes connected to a specific object expend and collapse the different nodes information for the specific object type you
with the ability to filter the relationships want to analyze

12 FITS Confidential
Predictive Intelligence

Automatically build time based predictive model for the impact of target Automatically predict technology obsolescence conflict based on
architecture and transformation roadmap on business capabilities application lifecycle and technology lifecycle

13 FITS Confidential
MEGA Use Cases MEGA comes with a library of use cases to enable the deployment of enterprise architecture in support of different scenarios.
The common aspect across all use cases, is the use of the enterprise information to drive the adoption of those different
practices. MEGA not only provides the modeling conventions to support each of those domains, but also enables specialized
functionality and reporting in addition to automating underlying processes using advanced workflow capabilities

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4

7 Implement Solution Implementation Governance Software Development Project Change Management Process Automation

6.1 6.2
6 Transform Architecture Transformation Planning Demand Management

5.1 5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5 5.6
5 Optimize Application Portfolio Business Process Technology
IT Service Costing Cloud Transformation Process Mining
Rationalization Excellence Obsolescence

4.1 4.2
4 Plan Strategic Planning Performance Management

3.1 3.2 3.3

3 Control Governance, Risk, & Compliance Audit Management Data Governance & Compliance

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

2 Manage Business Continuity Management Data Glossary Management Policy / Contract Management Quality Management

1 Analyze Baseline Architecture

14 FITS Confidential
Uses Cases Playbooks Each use case comes with the following three key components necessary to implement the specific capabilities required for each

Business Drivers Methodology Business Outcomes

Understand the key Define the sequence of Define the list of business
challenges activities necessary to outcomes required to
complete the use case support the use case

• Key Stakeholders • Methodology phases • Data collection

• Business Challenges • Methodology steps requirements
• Benefits • Usage and benefit
• Data collection

15 FITS Confidential
MEGA License Structures

User Types License Types

Perpetual Licenses
Permanent licenses paid once and use on ongoing basis. An
annual maintenance cost of 21% is due to ensure upgrade
and support. Licenses will continue to work even if AMC is
not paid

On Premise Subscription Licenses

Licenses are rented on annual basis. The licenses are installed
on local machine provided by the client. The rental is
inclusive of annual maintenance cost. When subscription
period expires, the system will not be accessible anymore.

SaaS Subscription Licenses

Licenses are rented on annual basis. The licenses are installed
on a rented infrastructure included in the subscription fees.
Super User Contributor Viewer
When subscription period expires, the system will not be
accessible anymore.

• Enter and maintain information • Enter and maintain specific • Navigate repository
• Develop and update diagrams information • Generate reports
• Collaborate • Collaborate • View dashboards Access Type
• Participate in workflows • Participate in workflows
• Navigate Repository • Navigate repository
• Generate reports Named Users Concurrent Users
• Generate reports Client can define a limited Client can define as many users
• View dashboards • View dashboards number of users as per license as they want but access is
quantity. Access is granted for limited to any defined users up
those specific users by name. to the license quantity.

16 FITS Confidential
Hank you

P R O B L E M . S O L V E D .

GCC) GCC) LinkedIn: FITS Consulting Dubai Internet City

Mike Merdinian Abdallah El Kadi +971 4 3903503 Building #17, Office G60

Mobile: +971 55 4284084 Mobile: +966 56 1125098 www.FITS.Consulting P.O. BOX 500628 Dubai, UAE

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