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Lesson 1: Responsible


Lesson 2: Effects of Rapid

Population Growth and
Family Size on the Health
of the Nation
Health 8 – Module 4
Review of the past lesson…
• Dating refers to a social relationship which provides a pleasant
social experience for a by and a girl with no commitment.
• Courtship is the period in a couple’s relationship which precedes
their engagement and marriage, or it is an establishment of an
agreed relationship of a more enduring kind.
• Engagement is a period of agreement entered between two people
in love for them to be able to know each other and their families.
• Marriage - The decision to marry should not be taken lightly. It
means you should look closely at each other before making a
commitment. Marriage is a traditional commitment relationship.
Review of the past lesson… (Maternal
Health Care)
• Pregnancy is a special event not only in Maternal Health Concerns (During
the life of women but also for the entire pregnancy)
family. • Pre-eclampsia
Maternal Health Concerns (Pre- • Placenta Previa
• Gestational Diabetes
• Ectopic Pregnancy
• Polycystic Ovary
Maternal Health Concerns (Post-
• Fibroid or Myoma pregnancy)
• Post-partum
• Sepsis
Review of the past lesson… (Pre-natal
and Post-natal Care)

• Newborn Screening
• APGAR (Appearance,
Pulse, Grimace, Activity,
Respiration) Scoring
• Vaccines
• Responsible parenthood is the will and
ability to respond to the needs and
aspirations of the whole family.
• Primary Responsibility of a Parent:
1. Physical Care
2. Inculcating Discipline
3. Training Children to be responsible and
have a sense of self-independence
4. Providing an opportunity for education
and learning
Types of Family Structures
1. Nuclear Family
2. Extended Family
3. Single-parent Family
4. Blended Family
Effects of Rapid Population
Growth and Family Size on
Health of the Nation

1. Diseases
2. Poor Sanitation
3. Population
4. Malnutrition
5. Inadequate Health Care
Modern Family Planning Method
Family planning is the totality of human efforts to attain human dignity, health, and
happiness, economic stability, and welfare. It can be achieved in modern family
planning methods such as:

Natural and Mechanical Method Barrier

 Rhythm/calendar  Condom
 Cervical mucus  Foams, jellies, and cream
 Body temperature  Intrauterine device (IUD)

Chemical method Sterilization

 Pills  Vasectomy
   Tubal ligation

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