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Making annotations and summaries.

Author Viacheslav Neroba 407 group

The translation cursive has
nothing similar with the compedium or the protocol,
on the one hand, or with the shorthand, on the other.
It is effective only under conditions of consecutive
interpretation, it means to immediate decoding and
Literal writing is not acceptable
in conditional of consecutive
translation, as the speed of
writing lags far behind the
tempo of oral speech.
When taking notes or abstracts, there is a high
probability that many important facts will go
unnoticed by the translator.
The necessity to fix every thought
a) semantic analysis b) abbreviated letter notation

c) vertical placement of records

d) a system of symbols that have a generalized meaning
Consecutive translation is the oral reproduction of a
text by means of another language after listening to it,
which requires considerable memory tension
Reproduction of the original text
The amount of text intended for translation is not
regulated by the translator, but by the speaker.

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