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NIM 171320000358
Background of The Research

• Narrative is one of the streams of discourse analysis in addition to

descriptive text, exposition, and argumentation. The structure of
naturally occurring spoken language is the focus of discourse analysis.
• Quran stories provide stories which are generated for children. The
stories mainly discuss about the life of prophets with a unity of words
that hold coherence and cohesion. Coherence refers to its contextual
properties, the way in which it relates to and makes sense of
conversation meanwhile cohesion refers to the internal properties of a
text (Halliday & Hasan, 1976).
• Every text has texture that is different from another text. Every story
holds a pattern of cohesion that becomes the characteristic of the
discourse. This research is aimed to give more detailed information
about genre schemata, uniqueness of texture and cohesive devices of
the stories.
Method of Data Collection and Data Analysis

Before analyzing the data, the researcher collected the data first. The researcher
collects data from videos uploaded in Stories of The Prophet – Quran Stories
YouTube channel. The videos will be watched and then will be analyzed through Miles
and Huberman's theory to data analysis, hence there are three steps to take:

Data Display Conclusion Drawing and

Data Reduction • Presenting the data
in the model of • Calculating the
• Selecting videos
distribution table and number cohesive
which duration is devices found in the
three to ten explanation.
• In this step, the texts.
minutes. • Drawing conclusions
• Transcribing the researcher shows or
displays the data that about the research
videos and findings based on the
analyzing genre contains the
cohesive devices. research problems and
schemata plus discourse analysis
cohesive devices theory employed.
Finding and Discussion

Cohesive devices include referential cohesion (reference), substitution, ellipsis,

conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Based on the analysis of five categories of cohesive
devices found in the stories, every story has different texture provided by the cohesive
devices that build the story.

Type Ref Sub Ellip Conj Total

Story 1 207 4 0 73 115 399
51,88% 1,00% 0% 18,30% 28,82% 100%
Story 2 292 2 1 94 166 555
52,61% 0,36% 0,18% 16,94% 29,91% 100%
Story 3 106 0 1 7 39 153
69,28% 0% 0,65% 4,58% 25,49% 100%
Story 4 80 1 0 25 53 159
50, 31% 0,63% 0% 15,72% 33,33% 100%
Story 5 13 1 0 20 35 69
18,84% 1,45% 0% 28,99% 50,72% 100%
Total 698 8 2 219 443 1335
42,90% 0,74% 0,05% 21,31% 35,84% 100%

The Distribution Table of Cohesive Devices Found in videos uploaded in Stories of The Prophet – Quran
Stories YouTube channel
Microstructural Description
The macrostructural description of the story is that all stories follow Stein’s model of
narrative schematic structure which consists setting, initiating event, response, attempt,
consequences, and reaction. This model of narrative schematic structure is in match
with the story line.
Source Text Step
Sentence 19-24 “(19)Allah SWT sent prophet Nuh AS one thousand years after Setting
sending Prophet Adam AS. (20)The population of the earth has
increased many folds by now..”
Sentence 25-52 (25)”Fear Allah and do what Allah says” shouted the Prophet to Initiating Event
everyone. (26)But the people didn’t want to listen…”
Sentence 52-62 “(56)All this pain did not let the prophet to stop calling out to the The protagonist's response or reaction
people. (57)He continued preaching to them for nine hundred and to the event
fifty years..”
Sentence “The prophet started making the ship with the help of the Makers. Attempt: a set of overt actions in the
63-101 (73)First they made plans for building the ship. (74)No one knows service of the protagonist's goal
the exact size of the ship…” initiated by events.
Sentence “(104)And while the day of the flood got nearer, animals and the Consequence(s) of the attempt
104-133 birds started arriving one by one!... “(127)Then a huge wave, bigger
than the mountain came(128)These enormous waves killed all other
disbelievers as well!..”

Sentences 146-158 154)After travelling for more than one hundred and fifty days their The protagonist's reaction to the
journey had finally come to and end. (155)The prophet released all consequences
the animals, birds and insects first into the land..”

The Narrative Schematic Structure of Prophet Nuh Story

Microstructural Description (Cohesive Devices)

1. Referential Cohesion
Number Utterance Per. Dem. Com.
115 ”What is he going to do with all those animals and men” He Those  

2. Substitution
Utterance Explanation
“Now they were two different groups of people on earth. ‘One’ in sentence number 42 refers to people.
(42)One who worshipped Allah and those who continued
idol worship…”

3. Ellipsis
Utterance Explanation
“No one knows the exact size of the ship. Some Ө said it had a The Ө space presuppose an element missing from the
length of 600ft, and others say it had a length of 2400ft!” utterance. That one element can be written as “Some people
said it had a length of 2400ft!”.

4. Conjunction
Utterance Frequency Type
And 51 Additive
Now 11 Temporal
But 11 Adversative
Lexical Cohesion
Types Utterance Explanation

Repetition The prophet Repeated 49 times

Synonymy Sea Synonym to Ocean

Superordinate Animals Superordinate to Elephants, Giraffes, Lions, Rabbits

Collocation Flood Collocates to rain, water, ship

General Words Men, People, Things, and Mankind

“Referential cohesion becomes the most used cohesive device in the stories. It
accounts for 42,06% of the total percentage of cohesive devices found in the
stories. It is mostly for the presence of third person pronouns and determiners
that serve to identify something in the text. The stories being analyzed in this
study are qualified as good stories based on the richness of the linking elements
that make the stories cohesive, the surprise that elicits the stories, and the
immensity of moral value found in the stories. It is possible for teachers to be
inspired to use the stories in teaching.”

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