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English V course

Enamm 2023 – IIWeek 2


Identity Students understanding of the importance of personal presentation, use of

Tales grammatical tenses, knowledge of the different works activities outside and
within the port environment and possible solutions to the various events
Future presented in the maritime - port activity

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Unit 1.2
 Verb tenses
 Present Simple
 Present Continuous
 Past Simple
 Past Continuous

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Verb Tenses
Examples Notes

The simple present tense is used

Present Simple I always tell my friends
for fact, opinions, or repeated
Tense everything.

The present Continuous tense is

Right now he´s telling a story
Present Continuous Tense used for actions that are
to his friend.
happening now.

Lic. Gioconda Di Gianvito Butler 4

Verb Tenses
Simple Present Tense
I have a car.
My cousing and his wife live in Vancouver.
Every Sunday my parents call.

Simple Present Tense with 3rd person (In presents tense always ends in –S-ES-IES)
She lives in japan
He fixes your car
He washes the clothes
Mother worries about me

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Verb Tenses
Present Continuous Tense
Mario is working at the golf station.
Favia is studing the statements.
Alvaro is reading the newspaper.
Rubi and Ana are walking to the cafeteria.
Hellen is watching TV.
I am telling to study rigth now.

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Verb Tenses

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Verb Tenses
Past Simple Tense (regular)
 Petrónio worked at the golf station.
 Lucrecia studied the statements.
 Plutarco helped their classmate.
 Dina and Peter walked to the cafeteria.
 José watched TV.
 I looked the best way to arrive to the city.

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Verb Tenses
Past Simple Tense (irregular)
 Calígula bought (buy) a new car yesterday.
 Slowly the weather began (begin) to change.
 The ocean became (become) brave.
 They went (go) to all parts of the continent.
 I grew up (grow up) in a small town in Italy.
 I got (get) on the boat in Naples Italy.

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Verb Tenses

Examples Notes

Use the past Continuous tense

Past Continuous
We were studying the lesson 5. for actions in progress in the

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Verb Tenses
Past Continuous Tense
 Last year at this time, I was looking for a job.
 And I was sending resumes everywhere .
 I was buying computer programs.
 And I was helping with some special proyects.
 They were working at 8:30 yesterday morning .
 Karl Hans was fixing his car last Week.

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Types of Merchant Vessel

• Passenger Ship : Is a merchant

ship whose primary functions is
to carry passengers on the sea.
• Oil Ship: A large ship
specifically designed for
transporting crude oil in Bulk
across the oceans.
• Container Ship: A large ship
that transports its cargo in truck-
size containers that can be
transferred from ship to train to
truck without unloading
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Organigram of the Merchant Marine Ship

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