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What is it?
• A counter analysis showing why a claim (be it set
ups, arguments, or another rebuttal) cannot be
hold true or significant in assessing the debate as
a whole.
• Generally, there are 2 types of rebuttal:
 Offensive
 Defensive
• The most effective rebuttal always show both
sides of the coin
What are the techniques?
• Illogical
Logical fallacy refers to the fact that one or some part of the
explanation does not make intuitive or factual sense.
• Irrelevant
Relevance refer to the degree that an explanation contributes
directly within the spirit of the motion and the stance proposed by
a team. Farfetch or hyperbolic discounting counts as irrelevant.
• True but
True but refers to the phenomena that an explanation is true and
valid internally and externally, however should be given little
weight in the debate assessment as a whole
• Rebutting facts
A fact wins an assessment only when it is directly linked
to the motion and stance
Two contradictory facts, unless shown by either team to
be more likely than the other, will not contribute to the
assessment of the debate
Facts alone, never validates an argument or a rebuttal
• Even-if
Even-if refers to the consequences of an explanation
should it be considered true.
THW lift sanction on North Korea
How do you do it?
“Sanction is utilized as a tool of propaganda to strengthen a regime”

North Korea have been ruled by dictators who most often have established a very strong
system that affect people’s value and beliefs. Strong military presence and deliberate control
over media, education, and welfare system have caused the society to be fragile. As much as
they could have enjoyed a better life, the risk is beyond the people’s imagination. The result of
this is that the people, like it or not, trust their government fully.
Sanction in many way causes direct depriviation to the people. Economic sanction causes
1. Meet Mr. Claim and Mrs. Warrant; the
society’s microeconomy to suffer. Military sanction forces the government to sacrifice welfare
to continue weaponizing the nation. Yet the society will never see it this way. The only thing
birthparents of Mr. and Mrs. Argument.
they know for sure, is that whatver the world does to sanction in efforts of changing the
government ends in their misery.
Government is in a position to utilize this to their benefit. They can create a propaganda
upon their society, stating that the world is their cause of sufferings, and that the only way of
survival is to be strong and support the government against them. Such propaganda makes
engagement and sustainable peace, even when the sanction topples the regime, impossible as
the citizens have felt strong resentment against the world. Inevitably, it becomes harder to
create changes when internal support is lacking in the equation.
This is the reason why we should lift sanction on North Korea. The values of peace and
freedom is jeopardized by itself when we provide an evidence of our contribution to society’s
suffering. We cannot allow the North Korean government to shield themselves further.
C1 : Established a very strong system that affect people’s value and beliefs.
W : Strong military presence and deliberate control over media, education and welfare system

C2 : The result of dictated value and beliefes is people trust the government fully whether they like it
or not.
W : none

C3 : Sanction causes direct depriviation to the people.

W : Economic sanction causes society’s microeconomy to suffer. Military sanction forces the
government to sacrifice welfare to continue weaponizing the nation.
2. Notetaking
C4 : Government can create a propaganda upon their society, stating that the world is their cause of
sufferings, and that the only way of survival is to be strong and support the government against
W : Government is in a position to utilize this to their benefit (HELD ON C1,C2,C3)

C5 : harder to create changes when internal support is lacking in the equation.

W : the citizens have felt strong resentment against the world (HELD ON C2, C3, C4)

The values of peace and freedom is jeopardized by itself when we provide an

evidence of our contribution to society’s suffering – ONLY TRUE HOLDING C1, C2,
3. Use the techniques
4. PoI! Say it!

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