The Real Beauty - A Meaningful Story (Eng & Chi)

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真正的美丽 - 一个有意义的故事

A long time ago three rich and beautiful 很久很久以前,三位富有的
ladies were sitting on the bank of a river 美女坐在河边享受野餐。过
and enjoying a picnic.
After a while, when they were washing
their hands and feet in the cool and clean 净的河水中洗手洗脚时,他
water of the river, 们看到了自己的倒影。看到
they saw their reflection. 水中自己的倒影,他们开始
Seeing their reflection in the water, they 欣赏自己的美丽。就在这
started to admire their own beauty. 时,其中一人说,
Just then, one of them said,
“Look how beautiful my hands are!”

Listening to her, the second lady 二夫人听她说:“你看!
said, “Look! My hands are even
more beautiful than yours.”
Listening to her, the third lady said, 三夫人听她说:“你两只手
“Both of your hands are fine but my 都很好,我的手更漂亮。”
hands are more beautiful 比你们两个都高。”很
than both of you.” 快,他们之间爆发了一场争
Soon an argument broke out
among them. All three ladies 吵。 三位女士都开始声称
started claiming their hands to be 她们的手比另外两位漂亮。
prettier than the other two.

Just then they saw an old woman 就在这时,他们看到一位老
passing by. She was walking with the
help of a stick and her clothes were dirty.
妇人经过。 她拄着拐杖走
She looked very tired and hungry. 路,衣服很脏。 她看起来
Seeing her, one of the rich ladies 又累又饿。一位富家小姐见
suggested to the others to ask the old 状,提议大家去问老太婆谁
woman about whose hands were the
most beautiful. All of them agreed. Then 的手最美。 他们都同意
one of these rich ladies 了。 然后其中一位富有的
called for the old woman. 女士叫来了老太婆。老太婆
When the old woman came near, all of 走近时,大家都把手伸给老
them showed their hands to her and
asked, “Tell us, who has the most 太婆,问道:“告诉我们,
beautiful hands.” 谁的手最漂亮。”

“Who has the most beautiful hands?

The old woman said, “I am very hungry and 老太婆说:“我又饿又渴。
thirsty. First give me something to eat and 先给我吃的喝的。 只有这样
drink. Only then I will be able to answer
your question because right now I can't
decide anything because of hunger.” 在我因为饥饿无法做出任何决
All the three rich ladies refused to give her 定。”三位富家小姐都不肯给
any food and asked her to go away from 她吃的,要她离那里远一点。
there to some distance away. 在此期间,一位贫穷的妇女正
During this time, a poor woman was
在她的田地里工作。 她看到
working in her field. She saw all this
happening. She quickly went to the old 了这一切的发生。 她连忙走
woman and brought her to the place where 到老太婆身边,把她带到了她
she was working. 干活的地方。

“Old Lady!
Go Away!”

She made the old woman sit 她让老太婆舒服地坐下。
comfortably. Then she opened her 然后她打开饭盒,把剩下
lunchbox and gave the old woman
half of the food she had. She also 的一半给了老太婆。 她
gave her some water to drink. 还给了她一些水喝。等老
When the old woman had finished 太婆吃完饭,好心的妇人
her food, the kind woman washed 给老太婆洗了手脚,又用
the old woman’s hands and feet and
wiped them with her own clothes.
自己的衣服擦了擦。 然
Then she asked the old woman to 后她让老太婆到树荫下休
have a rest for some time under the 息一会儿。
shade of a tree.

The three rich ladies were watching all 三位富家小姐远远的看着这
this from a distance.
After the old woman felt better, she 一切。老太婆心情好些后,
took the kind but poor woman to meet 就带着这个善良但可怜的女
the three rich ladies. 人去见了三位富家小姐。老
Then the old woman said to them, 太婆对他们说:“你们想知
“You wanted to know whose hands
are the most beautiful.” 道谁的手最美。” 她抓住那
She grabbed the hands of that poor 个给她吃的可怜女人的手,
woman who had given her food and 给三位富家小姐看。 老太婆
showed them to the three rich ladies. 说:“看! 这个善良的女人
The old woman said, “Look! This kind
woman has the most beautiful hands. 有一双最漂亮的手。

All the three rich ladies 三位富家小姐齐齐笑
started laughing and
said, “Huh! What do
道:“哼! 老太
you know about beauty, 婆,你懂什么美女!
old woman! See how 看她的手有多粗糙,
rough her hands are 手不是软而是硬。
and her hands are not
soft but hard. How can
these hands be the 美的?”
most beautiful?”

The old woman said, 老妪说:美丽的手属于
“Beautiful hands belong to
those who do good deeds
and serve the needy. The 手的美丽随着善行而增
beauty of hands increases 加——而不是随着公平
with good deeds - not with
the fairness and softness.
Therefore, in my view, the 在我看来,这个善良女
hands of this kind woman 人的手比手漂亮多了你
are much more beautiful
than the hands
of all three of you.”

Comments for Wise Reflection
If we reflect on our lives, we will 反观我们的生活,我们会发
find that oftentimes we evaluate
someone by looking at his or her
face complexion, body or clothes. 个人的脸色、身材或衣着来
But in reality the real beauty of a 评价一个人。 但实际上,一
person does not lie in his face or 个人真正的美不在于他的容
body or clothes but it lies in his 貌、身材或衣着,而在于他
good deeds and his qualities of


If you make someone your friend or get 如果你让某人成为你的朋友或
into a new relationship with someone
then remember that how a person looks
like physically or how he dresses 一个人的身体状况或穿着方式
is not as important as what type of deeds 重要的不是他做了什么样的事,
he does and what his character is like. 他的性格是什么样的。美丽只
Beauty is only skin deep. The outer
beauty is changeable, it will fade with the
是肤浅的。 外在的美是多变
time but the inner beauty, the character 的,它会随着时间的流逝而褪
and his conduct is what truly matters for 色,但真正重要的是内在的美,
this will follow him from life to life. 性格和行为,因为这将伴随他


Real beauty is not about having a beautiful face or body but it is about having a
beautiful heart, a beautiful mind and a beautiful soul.
Beauty has nothing to do with physical looks;
it is how you are as a person and how
you make others feel about themselves.
Therefore, always remember that outer beauty can attract your eyes
but inner beauty captivates your heart.

美丽与外表无关。 这是你作为一个人的方式以及如何你让别人对自己有感觉。因此,永远

Develop Qualities
of the Divine. With Metta,
This is the true, Bro Oh Teik Bin
real Beauty you
will find.

The End 结束 12

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