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How can you ensure that children are eating the right foods?

We know when a child or adult is skinny, is weak, do not feel like

Lots for kids

Serve small portions to young children, if they are hungry they will ask for more
food. Give them new foods into even smaller portions, as one or two
It helps if you have fussy kids to eat
Children often want to eat the same food meal after meal, this behavior is known
as "a food mania
sayuno balanced , ie the compound for milk or fruit juice, and carbohydrate . Approximately 20
% of children and young people only drink a glass of milk, while only 56% accompanied by a
carbohydrate. Half of these children spend less than 10 minutes for breakfast . In short , the
Spanish children eat breakfast bad , which means , according to nutrition experts , an increase in
childhood obesity in most cases.
Breakfast is , nutritionists , one of the most important meals of the day. It involves at least ¼ of
the nutritional needs of children. When children do not eat breakfast do not have the energy and
vitality to face the physical and intellectual effort that will require school activities. Moreover,
unsuitable breakfast that children will feel , at midmorning, the need for a large energy
contribution , found in products high in sugar and fatty acids , such as pastries and many others
that are directly related to growth rates of overweight and obesity in childhood , because of its
high calorie content.
The ideal breakfast
In many cases , lack of time , haste , and arrears dispense some families give their children
breakfast at home. They are forced , by circumstances, to ultimately carried their children to
school early and having breakfast there. That's a good start from when parents know what their
children eat breakfast . In most schools, the menu is controlled by nutritionists , which means you
can rely on the service .
Parents who have more time at home , breakfast is ideal and suitable to be varied foods with
nutrients :
• Dairy : milk, yogurt, and / or cheese

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