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Carp Polyculture System: Submitted To

Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul

Traditional And Semi Intensive Assistant professor
Dept. of FIMS
Team Details

 Fariha Islam

Roll: BFH2002024F

 Soyad hosen

Roll: MUH2002025M

 Md Tanvirul Ehsan

Roll: MUH2002026M
Table of Contents

 Polyculture
 How does polyculture works
 Polyculture of carp fishes
 Factor favorable for Carps to culture in polyculture system
 Principles of carp polyculture
 Culture System
 Semi-Intensive
• Method
 Intensive
• Method
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
• Diseases
 Conclusion

Polyculture is a production system where two or

more species of fish with different ecological
habitat and food preferences are cultured together
in such densities that there will be almost no
competition for space and food.

Polyculture is characterized by
 low investment,
 quick return,
 high profit, and rapid growth
How does polyculture works

 Ponds that have been enriched through

chemical fertilization, manuring or feeding
practices contain abundant natural fish food
organisms living at different depths and
locations in the water column.

 The two main aspects of polyculture systems

1. Stocking densities and
2. Species combination
Polyculture of carp Fishes
 Polyculture of carp fishes means the culture of different carp species in a pond at the same
time. In this case, several carp species of different niches are chosen.

 Carp fishes of Bangladesh are divided into two groups –

1. Indigenous carp

2. Exotic carps

 Cultivable Species:

 Upper Layer Species : Catla catla (Indian carp). Labeo bata (Bata), Hyphophthamichthys
molitrix (Silver carp), etc.
 Middle Layer Species: Labeo rohita (Rohu).
 Bottom Layer Species: Cirrhinus Cirrhinnus (Mrigel carp),Labeo calbasu (Kalbasu), etc. Other
Species: Barbonymus gonionotus (Java barb)
Diverse feeding schedule
Factor favorable

for Carps to
Tolerate wide range and fluctuation of Temperature,Ph,Salinity,DO
culture in

Easy to spawn in captivity & high fecundity

Hardy, easy to handle

Low production cost

Principles of carp polyculture

 Main target is to obtain high production from

a unit of water body.
 Fast growing compatible species of different
feeding habit are stocked in different
proportion in the same pond so that all
itsecological niches are occupied.
 The maximum utilization of all
therequirements of life takes place without
doing any harm to each other.
Culture System

Numerous cultural systems are used for

the cultivation of carp species in
Bangladesh like-
A. Extensive or traditional culture system
B. Semi-intensive
C. Intensive
Semi intensive
 Pond preparation‌  Stocking

I. Dewatering. • ‌Stocked with fish fingerlings after 5–7 days.

II. ‌Pond bottom expose to sunlight • ‌Stocking density varied from 10000-15000

for 3-4 days. fingerlings/ha‌

III. ‌Liming at 250 – 300 kg/ha.‌ • Average weight of stocked fish/fingerlings

IV. Base manuring with poultry varied from 0.5 – 350g

drops/cow dung at 1,500 – 2,000

V. ‌Fill the pond with water.
Semi intensive

 Manuring  Feeding:
• ‌The ponds need to manure with Supplementary feed can be applied in all the
poultry drops/cow dung at 50 – 80 three trials with
kg/ha/day in the morning. The • mustard oil cake (50%)
manure was spread over the water • rice bran (50%) or wheat bran (50%) at 1 –
from all sides of the ponds. 2% body weight of fish except plakton
• Inorganic fertilizer (Urea and TSP) feeding silver carp, catla and macrophyte
was applied in small quantity from feeding grass carp
time to time.
 Harvesting and marketing
• Harvests by draining the pond through a net, or by using a harvest pump.
• Yields range from 500 to 5,000 kilograms (head-on) per hectare per year, with 2,000
kilograms per hectare per year.
• Then, fishes are transported to the market alive or with ice-preservation

 Carp culture was established on an extensive level at that time, although

current carp polyculture is based on extensive or modified extensive farming

 In Bangladesh, polyculture is now mostly traditional and extensive, and

dominated by small and medium-sized farms.

 Pond preparation
• Continuous process where ponds are immediately restocked after a crop period of 8-12
• Complete pond drying is done once every two years, followed by application of
agriculture lime at 500 kg/ha.
• Heavily manured using organic products like cowdung or poultry droppings.
• The former is often mixed with an inorganic fertilizer such as
 single super phosphate (SSP).
 Sometimes urea and SSP are mixed with the manure
• One half is applied initially and the rest in equal monthly doses.

 Stocking

• Stocking sizes range 1-5 cm, but average 3 cm.

• Farms devote at least 10 percent of their area to fingerling rearing,
where hatchery-produced fry are grown in large numbers for 8-10
months to 50-100 grams. 
• Farmers culture catla and rohu fingerlings stocked at
8,000-10,000/ha at a ratio of 1 catla:10 rohu.

 Feeding
 Fish production is largely dependent on the natural productivity.
 Carp fingerlings are initially fed
 70 percent rice bran,
 10 percent oil cake,
 10 percent cotton seed cake, and
 10 percent raw rice bran. 
 Very recently, some farmers started using floating extruded feeds with 15-27
percent protein produced by leading manufacturers. 

 Harvesting and marketing

• Ponds are partially harvested by seining six months after stocking, when
about 20 percent of the stock – largely catla – is removed.
• A second partial harvest occurs at nine months, followed by a final harvest
with complete pond draining at the end of the year.
• And then transported to the market as alive or ice-preserved.

 Simultaneously growing a diversity of crops fosters food security.

 Reduces the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides.
 Increases soil fertility, moisture retention, and nutrient content.
 Creates a self-sustainable ecosystem.
 Encourages organic pest management.
 Efficiency utilize natural food
 Maximize production per unit area of pond surface.
 Improve pond condition
 Low capital and maintenance

 The semi-intensive polyculture of fish is quite expensive and risky.

 In this system, the probability of diseases is high.

 This farming system gets obstructed due to a lack of better facilitated artificial

 It is not possible to make the fish big sized in this system.

 Need highly experienced employee.


 Aeromonas hydrophila
 Pond water organic material concentration found

to positive correlated to hydrophila population size.

 Fish bacterial septicaemia is a infectious disease,

happens to major Chinese carp.

 Generally different types of parasites, bacteria,

virus causes the fish diseases.

 Sometimes lack of food, unsuited food, low oxygen

concentration, high temperature variation,

unhealthy environment also cause fish disease.
 The possibilities of increasing fish production per unit area, through polyculture, is

considerable, when compared with monoculture system of fish.

 Different species combination in polyculture system effectively contribute to improve

the pond environment.

 By stocking Silver carp in appropriate density certain algal blooming can be

controlled. Grass carp on the other hand keeps the macrophyte abundance under
control due to its feeding habit .
 All these facts suggest that polyculture is the most suitable proposition for fish

Thank you

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