Motion 2

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Do Now:

What is motion?
Describe the motion of an object.
 Beable to describe examples of motion and forces in our
everyday life.

 Motion Introduction
 Motion Lab experiment.
Aristotle and Galileo’s Concept of Motion

 384 BC – 322 BC
 Ancient Greece

 One of the first to try to explain the

natural world

 Ideas based on observations that

seemed to be true
Aristotelian Physics

 Aristotle's
physics agrees with
most people's common sense, but
modern scientists discard it. So
what went wrong?
 Here's what Aristotle said:
Aristotelian Physics
 Aristotle’s classification of motion
 Natural motion
 every object in the universe has a proper place determined by a
combination of four elements:
 earth, water, air, and fire
 any object not in its proper place will strive to get there
 examples:
– stones fall
– puffs of smoke rise
Aristotelian Physics

 Natural motion (continued)

 straight up or straight down for all things on earth
 beyond Earth, motion is circular example: Sun and Moon
continually circle Earth
 Violent motion
 producedby external pushes or pulls on objects example:
wind imposes motion on ships
Aristotelian Physics

 Aristotle
said that a heavier object should naturally fall
much faster than a lighter object.
 With modern technology, it is easy to demonstrate that a
feather and a rock fall at exactly the same rate in a vacuum
 Therewas a man who lived 400 years ago who didn't need
our modern technology to figure out that Aristotle was
 Who was he?
 Galileo

 1564 – 1642
 Italy

 Rolled and dropped

objects to discover the true
aspects of motion
Galileo's Physics

 Aristotle had said that heavy objects should fall noticeably

faster than lighter objects.
 Galileo was the first scientist to challenge him on this!
 Galileo'sLaw of Falling: If air resistance is negligible,
then any two objects that are dropped together will fall
together, regardless of their weights and their shapes, and
regardless of the substances of which they are made.
Galileo's Physics

 Galileo correctly identified the influence of the

force of friction on objects.
 When objects move they usually rub against a
surface. They can even rub against the air.
 This rubbing force, which opposes their motion is
called friction.
 To truly observe an object in its natural state of
motion, as Aristotle envisioned, you would have to
get rid of the interfering influence of friction.
Galileo's Physics

 In principle, it is next to impossible to get rid of all friction, but, as

technology has advanced, we can now get pretty close.
 When you drop a feather and a stone in the air, the stone obviously
falls faster. Galileo would say that friction with the air is holding
back the feather. What would Aristotle say?
 When you drop a feather and a stone in a vacuum, they fall together
at the same rate.
 Unfortunately, Galileo could not do this kind of demonstration in a
Galileo's Physics

 However, it is alleged that Galileo did do another kind of

demonstration where the effects of friction with the air could be
 It is said that Galileo dropped a 10 kilogram cannonball and a 1
kilogram stone from the leaning tower of Pisa. Despite the fact that
the cannonball was 10 times heavier, it hit the ground at nearly the
same time as the stone.
 The acceleration of gravity should be the same for both.
Galileo's Physics

 Galileo observed that a ball rolling down a

steep ramp picks up speed quickly.

 A ball rolling down a ramp that is less steep

still picks up speed but at a slower rate.
Galileo's Physics
 Galileo reasoned that if you were to start a ball moving on
a horizontal surface, ideally it should never speed up or
slow down. It would keep on moving forever.

 Of course, there would have to be no friction.

 Today, we can come close to this by observing objects in
outer space or on low friction surfaces such as ice.
Galileo's Physics

 Inthe absence of friction, a ball rolling down the incline

on the left tends to roll up to its initial height on the right.
Galileo's Physics

 Galileo also sought to know what an object's natural

state (or tendency) of motion should be.
 Unlike Aristotle, Galileo came to a different conclusion.
 Galileo said that an object in motion will tend to keep
on moving in a straight line at constant speed unless
there was some unbalanced force (like friction) acting
upon it.
 This is the Law of Inertia
The kinematics Formula that relate displacement,velocity,and
acceleration for uniformly accelerated motion
1.Jose can drive his car 50 mph and cover a certain
distance in 20 minutes less than when he drives at 45
mph.Find the distance.
change 20 min to 1/3 hr
let t = time required at 45 mph
 = time at 50 mph
Write a distance equation; dist = speed * time
45t = 50(t - 1/3))
45t = 50t – 50/3 
45t - 50t = – 50/3
-5t =  – 50/3

multiply both sides by -3

15t = 50
t = 50/15
t = 3 hrs at 45 mph
3 hrs = time required at 50 mph
"Find that distance "
50 * 3 =150 miles
2.Two planes leave at 10 AM from airports that are 2700 miles apart and
fly towards each other at speeds of 200 mph
and 250 mph. At what time will they pass each other?

 distance = 2700
speed of one plane = 200 mph
speed of other =250 mph
they are moving towards each other
 so add up speeds
250+200 = 450 mph
distance = 2700
time = d/v
=6 hours
3.Two steamers leave a port on a river at the same time, traveling in
opposite directions, each traveling 24 km per hour. How long will it take
for them to be 150 km apart?

speed of ships = 24 km/h

opposite direction away from each other
combined speed = 24+24=48 km/h
distance = 150 km
t= 3.125 hr.
A train leaves Baguio City and travels north at 85 kilometers per hour. Another train
leaves at the same time and travels south at 95 kilometers per hour. How long will it
take before they are 324 kilometers apart?
 Step 1. Distance = Speed * Time

Step 2. Let x be the time when the two trains are 325 km apart.

Step 3. Let 85x be the distance traveled by the train going north.

Step 4. Let 95x be the distance traveled by the train doing south.

Step 5. 85x+95x=324 Adding Steps 3 and 4 is the total distance when the trains are 325
km apart.
180x km/h=324km
 X= 324km/180km/h
 X=1.8 hrs or 1hr and 48 minutes, since 0.8hr x60min/1=48 mins.
For free falling objects with uniform
 Earth gravity provides a constant acceleration. Most important case
of constant acceleration.
 Free-fall acceleration is independent of mass.
 Magnitude: |a| = g = 9.8 m/s2
 Direction: always downward, so ag is negative if we define “up” as
a = -g = -9.8 m/s2
 Try to pick origin so that xi = 0
A construction worker accidentally drops a brick
from a high scaffold.
a. What is the velocity of the brick after 
5.0 s?
 b. How far does the brick fall during
this time?
 SOLUTION:   a. Let upward be the positive direction.
 Vf=vi + at where a= -9.8m/s2
 Vf= 0m/s + (-9.8m/s2)(5s)
 A. Vf= -49m/s downward direction
 B.  d= vi(t) + ½
 d= 0m/s (5s) + ½ -9.8m/s2
 d= -122.5 m
 the brick falls 122.5 m. ANSWER:   a. Let upward be the
positive direction.     v f = 49m/s downward
 b. x = –122.5 m      The brick falls 122.5 m.
Exercises1. write your answer on a ½
crosswise pap
 1.A tennis ball is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 23.5 m/
s. It is caught at the same distance above the  ground. a. How high does the ball
rise? b. How long does the ball remain in the air? Hint: The time it takes the
ball to rise equals the time it takes to fall.

 2. Two airplanes depart from an airport traveling in opposite directions. The

second airplane is 250 miles per hour faster than the first. After 2 hours they
are 1100 miles apart. Find the speeds of the airplanes.
3.Manila and Naga are 384 km apart. John leaves Manila for Naga
while Pat leaves Naga for Manila. John drives 32kph faster than
Pat. How fast is Pat driving if they pass each other in 4 hours?

4. A skateboarder starting from rest accelerates down a ramp at 3.1

m/s2 for 5.0 s. What is the final speed of the skateboarder?

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