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Overview of Assessment of
learning: Utilization of Assessment
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Assessing Affective Learning
Chapter 3
Portfolio Assessment
Chapter 4
Grading and reporting System
Chapter 5
Assessment of Children with
Special Needs
Chapter 6

Assessment of Learning II
Textbook and Reviewer
Assessment of Student Learning
Dr. Laurentina Paler- Calmorin
Definition of Statistics

 Statistics is the branch of science

that deals with the collection,
presentation, analysis and
interpretation of quantitative data.
Branches of Statistics

 There are two branches of

statistics: descriptive
statistics and inferential
Descriptive Statistics deals with collecting,
describing and analysing a set of data without
drawing conclusions (or inferences) about a large
group of data.

Inferential Statistics is concerned with the analysis of

a subset of data leading to predictions or inferences
about the entire set of data, without dealing with each
individual in the population. It means that, inferences
can be derived from the population, using only a
sample or a part of the population.
Describing Group Performance
 In describing the group performance of the students in a
certain test, the measures of central tendency and
measures of variability are used.
Measures of central tendency are used to determine the
average performance of a group of scores, while measures of
variability indicate the spread of scores in a group. These
two concepts are very important and helpful in
understanding the performance of a group
Measures of Central Tendency
 Provides a very convenient way of describing a set of
scores with a single number that describes the
performance of group.
 It is also defined as a single value that is used to
describe the “center” of the data. It is thought of as a
typical value in a given distribution.
 There are three commonly used measures of central
tendency. These are the mean, median and mode.
Mean – refers to the arithmethic average.

 used when the data are interval or in ratio level of measurement
 used when the frequency distribution is regular, symmetrical, o normal
 measures stability
 easily affected by extreme scores
 may not be an actual score in the distribution
 very easy to compute
 the sum of each score’s distance from the mean is zero.
 used to compute other measures such as standard deviation, coefficient of
variation, skewness, and z-score
Median- refers to the centremost
score when the scores in the
distribution are arranged according to
magnitude (from highest score to
lowest score or from lowest score to
highest score

 used when the data are in ordinal level of measurement

 used when the frequency distribution is irregular or skewed
 used when the middlemost score is desired
 used when there are extreme scores
 not affected by the extreme scores because it is a positional
 may not be an actual observation in the data set
Mode- refers to the score/s that occurs most
frequently in the score distribution.
 used when the data are in the nominal level of measurement
 used when quick answer is needed
 used when the score distribution is normal
 can be used for quantitative as well as qualitative data
 may not be unique
 not affected by extreme values
 may not exist at times
Types of Mode

1.Unimodal - is a score distribution that consists of one

2.Bimodal - is a score distribution that consists of two
3.Trimodal- is a score distribution that consists of three
modes. It is also considered as multimodal – a score
distribution that consists of more than two modes.
Measures of Variation or Dispersion

Measure of variation is a single value that is used to

describe the spread of the scores in a distribution.
The term variation is also known as variability or
dispersion. There are several ways of describing the
variation scores : absolute measures of variation
and relative measures of variation.
Measures of variation or dispersion
Range (R) – is the difference between the highest score and
the lowest score.

Interpretation: If the range is large, the scores are more

dispersed. On the other hand, if the range is small, the scores
are less dispersed or less scattered homogeneous .
• used when the score distribution are normal
• used when the data are in interval or in ratio level of
• used when quick answer are needed
• rough estimation of variation or dispersion
• easily affected by extreme scores
• quick and easy to understand
• only two scores are needed to compute the value of range
• very easy to compute
Inter-quartile range (IQR)- refers to the
distance between the third quartile and the
first quartile
Interpretation: The larger the value of IQR, the
more dispersed the scores are from the median
value; or the smaller the value of IQR, the more the
clustered scores are from the median value.
• used when the data are in ordinal level of measurement
• used when the frequency distribution is irregular or skewed
• reduces the influence of the extreme scores
• Considers only the middle 50% of the scores in the distribution
• not easy to calculate as compared to the range
• the point of dispersion of the scores in the median value
Quartile deviation (QD)- refers to the average
deviation of the third quartile and the first quartile
from the value of the median.

Interpretation: The larger the value of QD, the more

dispersed the scores are from the median value; or the
smaller the value of QD, the more clustered the
scores are from the median value.
• used when the data are in ordinal level of measurement
• used when the score distribution is irregular or skewed
• reduces the influence of the extreme scores
• considers only the middle 50% of the scores in the distribution
• not easy to calculate as compared to the range
• the point of dispersion of the scores is the median value
Standard deviation (s) – refers to the average
distance that deviates from the mean value.
1. If the value of standard deviation is large, on the average, the
scores in the distribution will be far from the mean.
Therefore, the scores are spread out around the mean value.
The distribution is also known as heterogeneous.
2. If the value of standard deviation is small, on the average, the
scores in the distribution will be close to the mean. Hence,
the scores are less dispersed or the scores in the distribution
are homogeneous.
• used when the data are in interval or in ratio level of
• used when the frequency distribution is regular, symmetrical, or
• the most important measure of variation or dispersion
• the most commonly used measure of variation, particularly in
• shows variation of the individual scores about the mean
Absolute Measures of Variation
There are five types of absolute measures of
variation which are very important in analysing
the variation of scores of the students in certain
assessment procedures. These are the range,
inter-quartile range and quartile deviation, and
variance and standard deviation.
1. Range (R)- is the difference between the
highest score and the lowest score in a
distribution. Range is the simplest and the
crudest measure of variation-simplest because
only the highest score and the lowest score are
needed to be considered; crudest because only
the extreme scores are needed to be utilized,
without considering the other scores.
Range for Ungrouped Data
R- range value
HS- highest score
LS- lowest score
Range for Grouped Data

R- range value
HS- upper boundary of the highest score
LS-lower boundary of the lowest score
2. Inter-quartile Range (IQR) and Quartile
Deviation (QD)
Inter-quartile range is the difference between the
third quartile and the first quartile .
Quartile Deviation indicates the distance we need to
go above and below the median to approximately
include the middle 50% of the scores. It is based on the
range of the middle 50% of the scores, instead of the
range of the entire set.
The formula in computing the value of the
quartile deviation is QD=
1. Teacher Dovic gave an achievement test to measure the performance of 15,
000 students in the high school level. If the average performance of the
students and the degree to which the students differ in their performance
are the questions asked, what branch of statistics is concerned?
A. Descriptive
B. Inferential
C. Correlation
D. Skewness
2. Which of the following measure/s of central tendency is the most
appropriate when the type of data is interval or ratio?
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Mean and mode
3. Which of the following measure/s of central tendency is the most
appropriate when the type of data is ordinal?
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Mean and mode
4. Using the score distribution 89, 88, 86, 86, 84, 83, 83, 80, 75, 75, 75, 70,
86, 83, 84, which of the following best describes the score distribution?
A. Unimodal
B. Bimodal
C. Trimodal
D. Cannot be determined
5. Given the following scores: 15,20,23,17,25,30,30.
Which of the following is the median value of the given
score distribution?

A. 17
B. 23
C. 30
D. 25
6. Which is NOT correct about median?

A. It is a measure of central tendency.

B. It is appropriate when scores are symmetrical.
C. It is equal to the 2nd quartile.
D. It is appropriate when there are extreme
7. What will happen to the mean value if all
scores in the distribution increase by 5?

A. The mean value remains the same.

B. The mean value increases by 5 points.
C. The mean value increases by 1 point.
D. The mean value decreases by 5 points.
8. What is the mean value of the following scores
of 8 students in Mathematics quiz:
A. 86.25
B. 86.50
C. 86.75
D. 87.00
9.The admission officer of a certain school conducted an entrance test to 5 groups
of students. In the data shown below, which of the following is the overall average
of the students who took the test?
Group Number of Takers Average
A 10 90
B 15 85
C 20 92
D 25 95
E 30 88

A. 4.50
B. 90.00
C. 90.30
D. 92.00
10.Mean: Measure of Central
Tendency::_________: Measure of Variability

A. Quartile Deviation
B. Correlation
C. Quartile
D. Mode
11. Using the given data:6,8,10,12,12,14,15,16,20,
which of the following is the value of P ?

B. 14.10
12. Ryan Christopher’s raw score in the test for Mathematics
is 65, which is in the percentile. What does this mean?

A. 94% of Ryan Christopher’s classmates got a score higher than 65.

B. 94% of Ryan Christopher’s classmates got a score lower than 65.
C. Ryan Christopher’s score is less than 65% of his classmates.
D. Ryan Christopher’s is higher than 94% of his classmates.
13. The table below represents the scores of 40 students in a Science class which consists of
60 items. Which of the following is the mode value?
x F
10-14 5
15-19 2
20-24 3
25-29 10
30-34 2
35-39 7
40-44 6
45-49 3
50-54 5

A. 10 B. 24.5 C. 26.83 D. 27.83

14. Which of the following measures of variation is more
easily affected by the extreme scores?

A. Range
B. Inter-quartile range
C. Variance
D. Standard deviation
15. Which statement is CORRECT about standard

A. The smaller the standard deviation, the more dispersed the scores are.
B. The larger the standard deviation, the less dispersed the scores are.
C. It is a measure of central tendency.
D. The larger the standard deviation, the more dispersed the scores are.
16. Given are the two sets of score distribution:
Set A: 10,11,11,11,12,15,17,19,20,24,25,30
Set B: 12,13,15,15,16,18,18,20,24,26,29,30

Which statement best describes both sets of data?

A. The range of Set A is 20.
B. The scores in Set A are more dispersed than the scores in Set B.
C. The range of Set B is 19.
D. The scores in Set B are more dispersed than the scores in Set A.
17.Which group of scores is less varied?

A. s = 1.25
B. s = 1.50
C. s = 1.75
D. s = 2.00
18. Ryan Christopher is one standard deviation above the mean of his group
in Science and one-half standard deviation above the mean for his group in
English. What does this mean?

A. Ryan Christopher does not excel in Science nor in English.

B. Ryan Christopher is better in Science than in English.
C. Ryan Christopher excels in both Science and English.
D. Ryan Christopher is better in Science than in English.
(19-20) Study this group of tests which was administered with the
following results:
Subject Mean (x) Standard Deviation (s) Matt’s Score (x)

Mathematics 93 2.5 95

English 96 3 95

PE 96 2.75 98

19. In which group are scores most dispersed?

A. Mathematics
B. English
D. Both PE and English
20. In which group are scores less dispersed?

A. Mathematics
B. English
D. Both PE and English
21. Which of the following statements best describes a positively
skewed score distribution?

A. The mean and median are equal.

B. Most of the scores of the students are high.
C. The mode is high
D. Most of the scores of the students are low.
22. Which is true about normal distribution?

A.The mean and median are equal.

B.Most of the scores of the students are high.
C.The mode is high.
D.Most of the scores of the students are low.
23. Most of the students who took the examination got scores above
the mean. What is the graphical representation of their scores?

A.Normal curve
B.Positively skewed
D.Negatively skewed
24. Which statement best describes a negatively
skewed score distribution?

A.Most examinees got scores above the mean.

B.The value of median and mode are equal.
C.The value of mode corresponds to a low score.
D.The value of median is higher than the value of mode.
25. The graphical representation of a class with
academically poor students is __________.
A. Normally distributed
B. Skewed to the right
C. Skewed to the left
D. leptokurtic
26. Which of the following best describes skewed
score distribution.

A.The scores are normally distributed.

B.The mean and the median are equal.
C.The mode, the mean, and the median are equal.
D.The scores are clustered more at one end or the other end.
27. Which of the following best describes the
distribution if a class is composed of bright students?

A.Negatively skewed
B.Positively skewed
C.Skewed to the right
D.Normally distributed
28. What does a negatively skewed score
distribution mean?

A. The scores are concentrated on the left side of the curve.

B. The scores are widespread.
C. The students must be academically poor.
D. The scores are concentrated on the right side of the curve.
29. What measure of position is appropriate when
the distribution is symmetrical?
B.Mean and Median
30. Teacher Vince wants to measure the performance of his
students. Which is most appropriate when the scores are
concentrated on the left side of the curve.

B.Mean and Median
31. In a normal distribution, about how many
percent of the scores fall between -1s to +1s?

32. Which of the following statements best
describes a normal distribution?

A.There are more high scores than low scores.

B.The mean and median are equal.
C.Most of the scores are low.
D.There are more low scores than high scores.
33. Teacher Benjamin gave a 40-item test to his students, where the mean
performance of the class is 35, with a standard deviation of 2.5. James got a
score of 33. what description rating should teacher Benjamin give to James?

A.Below average
C.Above average
34. Matt obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 99.
this means that

A. They have a zero reference point.

B. They have scales of equal units.
C. They indicate an individual’s relative standing in a group.
D. They indicate specific points in the normal curve.
35. Teacher Benjamin gave a 50-item test to his students. James
got a score that lies on the interval -1s to +1s. What description
rating should teacher Benjamin give to James?

A.Below average
C.Above average
36. Robert obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 97.
This means that

A. He got a score of 97.

B. He answered 97 items correctly.
C. He surpassed in performance 97% of his fellow examinees.
D. He surpassed in performance 3% of his fellow examinees.
37. Cliff’s raw score in the Science class is 63 which is
equal to 95th percentile. What does this mean?

A. 95% of Cliff’s classmates got a score higher than 63.

B. 95% of Cliff’s classmates got a score lower than 63.
C. Cliff’s score is less than 63% of his classmates.
D. Cliff’s score is higher than 95% of his classmates.
38. In a normal distribution, a T-score of 30 is

A.Two SDs below the mean

B.One SD below the mean
C.Two SDs above the mean
D.One SD above the mean
39. What is the stanine equivalent of a T-score

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
40. The computed value of r for Math and Science
is 0.90. what does this imply?
A. Math and Science scores are inversely related.
B. The higher the scores in Math exam, the higher the scores in Science
C. The lower the scores in Science exam, the lower the scores in Math exam.
D. The higher the scores in Science exam, the higher the scores in Math

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