Play Presentation

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Fraternal twins, Agambir and Aurea, were cursed by an enchantress

because of their hideous deeds towards people and nature. In order to
break the spell, they have to return in time to faraway lands to gather
the magical items from stories once told – a quest that should change
their ways. Will they be saved by the tales of old or will they be
trapped in a twisted journey with no happily ever after?
Agambir :
Aurea :
Mother :
Father :
Enchantress :
Old Woman :
Children :
Maids :
Once upon a time, or shall we say, twice upon a time, another tale is about to
unfold. It is neither your typical bedtime story of a helpless princess waiting to be
saved by a fairy god mother or to be awaken by a prince’s precious kiss, nor a legend of
how something came to be.
In a not-so-faraway land, there were twins who were born with golden spoons in
their mouths – precious like gold but rusty like iron. They were spoiled by their parents
with wealth and power, but they forgot to clothe them with moral gifts and values. And
they grew up, thinking they were ahead of others.
As they get older, they become even worst but not for long until …
Once upon a time
The scene reveals Cinderella having her moment in the garden, holding the other
pair of glass shoe. She suddenly overhears her stepmother telling her daughters that the
prince made an order of finding the princess who wore the glass shoes at the Grand
Ball. She feel hopeless that there could be no way for her to try to fit the shoes on and
even if she could, the prince may not like her since she is not a princess to begin with.
She cried and ran hastily towards her room with her animal friends.
The ladies enter the scene, feeling excited. Then, the twins came in feeling curious
of what is about to happen. Not for long, the soldiers arrived briskly. After they read the
order from the castle, they begin the fitting of the glass shoe, one after another.
So, all the girls in line are done. As Agambir and Aurea got bored, they decided
to walk away, then suddenly Cinderella came. She wanted to try the glass shoe on, but
the soldiers were gone. They helped Cinderella to get in and try the shoe. They tried to
convince the soldiers, but they refused. They argued until they agreed. When Cinderella
wore the shoes on, the soldiers were shocked for she is not even a princess. The prince
saw it and was so amazed. So as gratitude, she gave her old shoe to Aurea and
Agambir. The prince and Cinderella walked away with the white horse going to the
Agambir and Aurea enter the scene, hitting the plants with their feet. As they were
walking Aurea smells something fishy, so she searches it and finds that it was a
beautiful plant with an ugly odor.
Agambir tries to stop Aurea didn’t listen to him. Someone appeared and he was so
angry. She asks why was Aurea hitting the plants she just rolled her eyes and said
“Why? Its none of your business”. Because of what she said the girl got angry. So, the
girl said that “You need to learn a lesson”. They both stared at each other. Agambir
replied to her “And why are going to do that?” The girl said that if they will not follow
what she said they can’t get out of the place.
So, both of them was scared of what the girl said. So, they just followed it. They started
as they’re planting the 3 girls and 2 boys started to dance which made them angry. As they
were planting, they felt thirsty, so they ask the 3 girls and 2 boys, but they didn’t reply and
continue to dance. So, they just ignored their thirst.
After they planted, Pocahontas came. She sang and talked to Aurea and Agambir. She
asked what they have learned. Both of them answered and said that they’ve learned how to
love the nature because it’s so hard to plant so we better love the nature. So, Pocahontas got
happy because of what they’ve said. So as a gift of what they’ve done Pocahontas gave the
feather to them. They thanked Pocahontas and waked away.
The curtains opened revealing Aurea and Agambir in front of a dark and creepy castle
in a stormy night. A thunderstorm clapped, frightening Aurea so they decided to get inside.
They looked around and yelped after seeing Lumiere (the candle) and Cogsworth (the
clock). They offered them to stay over for a while since a storm is coming. They stroll and
stop at the room door left ajar, displaying the beast and Belle talking earnestly.
They caught the children who were peeking in. They explained and the beast forgives
them eventually. Mrs. Pots made them dinner and the beast offered them to stay until
morning. While sleeping soundly, they hear a loud commotion which jolted them to go
outside only to discover the whole town folks, marching into the castle with pitchforks and
Aurea and Agambir hurriedly went downstairs seeing that the townsfolk has got in a they help fight
the people when Agambir yelled at Aurea to check at the beast, and she obeyed her brother. She went to
the top of the castle and that's where she finds the beast and Gaston fighting. She barged in their fight
when she saw the beast already weak. Aurea moved swiftly behind Gaston and kicked him in the back.
Gaston swung his sword with his left energy, Aurea dodged but wasn't quick and the sword made a cut in
her shoulder this angered Aurea, so she yelled at him a how dare you with a deadly voice. Aurea moved
swifter than anything Gaston had expected, Aurea kicked his sword causing Gaston to lose grip and for
Aurea to take hold of the sword. Stunned by her skills on how to fight Gaston ran away he can't fight
anymore the sword was in her hands. Aurea then went to the beast seeing a deep wound in his stomach
and it was just in time that belle came.
Belle cried into the beast fur and said the many things she wanted to say to him before his demise,
Agambir also came and after seeing Aurea's wound, he started to make a fuss about it but then it rained
not just ordinary rain it was raining rainbow meteor shower and then beast body was lifted into the air
turning him into the prince he was.
After the now prince was lowered into the ground gently Aurea's wound was gone and the prince
woke up, he and belle had a good time telling each other the things they want to say then he got up and
turned to Aurea and said thank you for fighting for him and saving him, Aurea said that it was nothing
and that she needed to do it as a thank you the prince gave them the now fully petaled rose saying that
it's magic can help them, after they took the rose from his hands a door appeared the prince said that
must be there lift way home so they said goodbye and so did the twins and they left.
Belle cried into the beast fur and said the many things she wanted to say to him before his demise,
Agambir also came and after seeing Aurea's wound, he started to make a fuss about it but then it rained
not just ordinary rain it was raining rainbow meteor shower and then beast body was lifted into the air
turning him into the prince he was.
After the now prince was lowered into the ground gently Aurea's wound was gone and the prince
woke up, he and belle had a good time telling each other the things they want to say then he got up and
turned to Aurea and said thank you for fighting for him and saving him, Aurea said that it was nothing
and that she needed to do it as a thank you the prince gave them the now fully petaled rose saying that
it's magic can help them, after they took the rose from his hands a door appeared the prince said that
must be there lift way home so they said goodbye and so did the twins and they left.

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