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My English

By Tristan A. Reyes
February 22, 2013
Barriers in
Misused Lines/Phrases

“I’ll go ahead.”
You can use it for as long as
there’s something you intend
to do after saying it, like:
“I’ll go ahead and
attend the meeting.”

“I’ve got to go.”
“I’m leaving.”
Misused Lines/Phrases

“For a while.”
For a while means

Correct usage:
“My sister and I have not seen
each other for a while.”

“Just a moment please.”

Misused Lines/Phrases

“It was traffic.”

Traffic in its true sense only
refers to the flow of vehicles.
It can be light, moderate or

Say, “Traffic was bad.” or

“Traffic was terrible.”
Misused Lines/Phrases

“I commute.”
Commute means to travel
back and forth regularly.

Say, “I take a cab/bus

going to work.”
Misused Lines/Phrases

“Not unless.”
Not and unless is redundant.
It is considered as a double
negative which is a big
no-no in English grammar.

Just say “unless”

Misused Lines/Phrases

“Let me check
on that Some of us are so fond of
adding the word “one”.
“Let me help you out on
one, okay?” this one.” For us, one means

Just say: “Let me check on that okay?”

or “Let me help you out on this.” – no need to add one.
Misused Lines/Phrases

“I have colds.”
The right way of
saying this is:

“I have a cold.”
Misused Lines/Phrases

“Did you eat already?”

Already = “na”

Not necessary unless in

expressing exasperation like:
“Quit already!”

“Did you eat?”

“Have you already eaten?”
Misused Lines/Phrases

“next next week”

“last last week”
Correct Usage: Say, “two weeks from now” or
“week after next” ; “two weeks ago” or “week before last”
Misused Lines/Phrases

“main branch”
Correct usage:

Misused Lines/Phrases

“Fall in line.”
Correct usage:

“Line up.”
“Form a line.”
“Stand in line.”
"That's why I'm a success, it's because I don't middle in other
people's lives”

"I won't stoop down to my level”

"I don’t eat meat. I’m not a carnival.”

"Sumasakit ang migraine ko.”

"Ang tatay ko ang only living legend na buhay!"

“Why are you looking at the monkeys outside when i am in the


"What do you think of me, just just?"

"Boys & girls, arrange yourselves twos by twos according to tall"

"I'm getting sophisticated, please open the window"

"What do you take me for ---- granted??"

"Please pass the salt, my hands can't arrive"

"I'll stop speaking in English. From now on, I

will just speak in the binocular"
1. Sip the vodka, don’t gulp.
2. There are 10 commandments
not 12.
3. Jesus was consecrated not
4. Jacob wagered his donkey,
he did not bet his ass.
5. We do not refer to Jesus Christ
as the late J.C.
6. The Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost are not referred to
as Daddy, Junior and the Spook.
7. David slew Goliath, he did not
kick the shit out of him.
8. We do not refer to the cross
as the "Big T"
God bless!

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