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What do we know about articles???
Indefinite articles:
A or An

 1. When talk about something for the first time:
 I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch.
 2. When we describe something:
 It was a beautiful day.

 3. When we say what someone’s job is:
 He is a dentist. She is a physician. (терапевт)
Definite article

 1. When we talk about smth. For the 2nd time:
The sandwich wasn’t very good, but the apple was nice.
2. When we are thinking of a specific thing:
Tim sat down on the chair nearest the door.
Did Paula get the job she applied for?
3.When it’s clear in the situation which thing or person
we mean: the light/the floor/the ceiling/the door/the
carpet etc.
Can you turn off the light, please?

 4. In the same way we say go to the bank, the post

 The doctor/ the dentist

 Compare a and the
 I have to go to the bank today. Is there a bank near
 I don’t like going to the dentist. My sister is a dentist.

 5. We use the when there is only one of something:
 What is the longest river in the world?
 The earth, the sun, the moon, the equator, the capital, the sky,
the sea, the ground, the country, the environment

 6. Other examples:
 the cinema, the theatre, the radio
 ! But television: I watch television.
 (the television = the television set: Can you turn off the
television, please?)
Names with and without the

 7. We don’t use the with:
 Continents Africa, Europe, South America
 Countries, states France, Japan, Switzerland, Texas
 Islands Sicily, Bermuda, Tasmania
 Cities, towns Cairo, New York, Bangkok
 Mountains Everest, Etna, Kilimanjaro

 8. But we use the in names with Republic, Kingdom, States

 The Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, the United
Kingdom (the UK), The United States of America (The USA)
No article the

 We don’t use the when we are making
 He likes classical music.

Fiona never drinks tea or coffee.

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