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Ma'am Nikki Pauline

What is Cell?

• It is a basic unit of
structure and function of
life. In other words, cells
make up living things and
carry out activities that
keep a living things alive.
Cell Theory
1. All living organisms are made
up of cells.
2. Cell is the basic
/organizational unit of all
3. All cells come from pre-
existing cells.
In the 1660's there was a
man named Robert Hooke.
Robert lived in Britain and
was a scientist. He was the
first person to observe cells.
Robert Hooke
Types of Cells
1. Prokaryotic Cell- cells that do not
have a true nucleus or membrane-
bound organelles.

2. Eukaryotic Cell- cells that contain

a nucleus and organelles, and are
enclosed by a plasma membrane.
• Cell Membrane- The cell membrane
surrounds the cell. It allows some materials
to pass through, but keep others out.
• Cytoplasm- This is a gel like fluid, that
takes up most of the space inside a cell.
• Nucleus- This is the control center of the
• Chromosomes- They are genetic structures
that contain information to make new cells.
• Nuclear Membrane- This surrounds and
protects the nucleus.
• Nucleolus- Structure that is found inside the
• Vacuole- Used to store different substances
• Mitochondria- They help take the food the
cell ate (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and turn it
into energy.
• Endoplasmic Reticulum- Think of ER as
mailman, delivering things throughout the
• Golgi Bodies- This help package products in
the cell.
*Cell Wall- This wall provides
extra support for the cell and
gives it a shape.
*Chloroplasts- These make food for
the plant.
*Chlorophyll- Green pigment found
in chloroplasts.

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